Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 21 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Acting President calls for greater unity since now is the time to work together to overthrow the terrorist military group

At the Cabinet Meeting (11/2023) of the National Unity Government held online on March 21, Acting President Duwa Lashi La included the following in his speech:

“The only way to root out the terrorist military regime, which is the ultimate goal of all of us, is to fight it with the collective strength of the ethnic armed organisations and the people’s defence forces. That is why the National Unity Government is engaging in positive dialogue with the ethnic armed organisations. This is the time for all of us to be more united and work to overthrow the terrorist military group, so I would like to urge everyone to be more united.”

In addition, the Acting President went on to say that  the People’s Defence Force members in the Nay Pyi Taw region are engaged in combined operations with the ethnic armed organisations in the Shan and Karenni States and that victory will surely come through combined operations.

2. The Federal Democracy Charter is open to public consultations and reviews

On March 21, the National Unity Government (NUG) and the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) released an announcement seeking the public’s comments and evaluation on the Federal Democracy Charter. The announcement is stated as follows:

March 31 marks the second anniversary of the declaration of the Federal Democracy Charter. The Federal Democracy Charter, which was jointly discussed and decided by elected MPs, political parties, CDM leaders, forces of the general strike committee, women’s and youth organisations, civil society organisations, and ethnic armed resistance organisations, was adopted on March 31, 2021, by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. After that, it was reviewed and prepared by the NUCC and ratified by the First People’s Assembly, which was convened on January 27–29, 2022. The ratified charter was then announced to the public on March 27, 2022.

The Federal Democracy Charter is divided into two parts: Part I, “Declaration of the Federal Democratic Union,” and Part II, “Interim Constitutional Arrangements.”

The Federal Democracy Charter is a political agreement negotiated among organisations involved in the revolutionary movement for ending military dictatorship and building the Federal Democratic Union, as well as a constitutional document. It is also a foundation for cooperation between the forces that oppose any dictatorship, including the military dictatorship.

The NUCC and the NUG would like to acknowledge and record the efforts of individuals, organisations, and groups who have shared information, lectures, critical discussions, and analyses regarding the Federal Democratic Charter during the past 2 years. During the anniversary of the charter, the NUCC and the NUG invite everyone to continue exchanging information freely, publicly, and in a variety of ways through lectures, discussions, and analyses.

Part I and Part II of the Federal Democratic Charter are available on the NUCC website.

3. NUG’s Human Rights Minister says that the NUG has received almost 60,000 credible reports about the brutal military’s crimes

NUG’s Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said in an interview in March that the NUG has already received almost 60,000 credible reports about the brutal military’s crimes.

“People are reporting to us with resentment and a desire to defend the truth, despite the fact that they have all had their homes burned down. We have received many reports—almost 60,000 valid reports. They are not merely online reports but rather very reliable information. We have already collected them, and we are making an effort to use the human rights channel at the United Nations to take action against the terrorist military internationally.” —Union Minister U Aung Myo Min said.

The terrorist military and its associates killed at least 3,000 people and arrested at least 10,000 others.

4. NUG’s Ministry of Defence sends message of condolence to the fallen comrades of the Black Panther Column

On March 21, the Black Panther Column of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) said that the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government sent message of condolence to the fallen comrades of the Black Panther Column.

In addition to paying tribute to the fallen comrades, the Ministry of Defence (MOD-NUG) is providing support to the bereaved families.

5. The “2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practises: Burma” by the United States state that officials and members of the security forces of the military council remain completely impune for their abuse

The Embassy of the United States in Yangon expressed the 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practises: Burma released by the US Department of State on March 20, stating, “Impunity for abuses by regime officials and security forces was absolute. There was no credible information that the regime took actions to prosecute or punish those responsible for human rights abuses or corruption.”

The Country Report on Human Rights Practises in Myanmar also stated that the National Unity Government, some ethnic armed organizations, civil society organisations, and deposed civilian leaders all continued to work towards restoring democracy and enacting reforms to address military abuses.

6. The Pa O People’s Defence Force – Kham Dom (PPDF-KD) is recruiting new troops

On March 21, the Pa O People’s Defence Force – Kham Dom (PPDF-KD) released the following information regarding recruiting new soldiers:

“The Pa O People’s Defence Force – Kham Dom (PPDF-KD) is a force under the political leadership of the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC). The PPDF-KD has begun recruiting new troops in Region (1): Suwanna Bhumithon Region; and Region (2): Hpa An Region. The recruitment is for drone units and combat units of the PPDF-KD, and those who want to join the PPDF-KD can contact through the Facebook page of the PPDF-KD.”

7. The campaign deadline for Project Raung Ni was extended due to failure to meet its target by the original deadline

The “Project Raung Ni” campaign, is co-organized by Lucky2PDF, the MOD-NUG, and the OFP Fundraising Programme, with the aim to raise funds to support the two well-known UG Operations in Mandalay Division—the Mya Nandar Operation and the Aung Si Taw Operation—as well as the drone missions of the Myaung Revolution Army (MRA), one of the Sagaing District PDF battalions that has successfully engaged the terrorist military. (NDA-Mandalay). The campaign deadline was extended due to failure to meet its target by the original deadline of March 15, 2023.

Contributions to the “Project Raung Ni” campaign can be made starting from 1,000 or 2,000 kyats and everyone who does so will receive a certificate of honour. A list of international agents is available on the organisers’ Facebook page, and arrangements are said to have been made for contributions to be made easily utilising financial systems specific to each country.

8. The Myanmar People’s Spring (TMPS: Pyithu Nyaw Oo) offers a variety of fundraising campaigns, and people can select the ones that interest them and contribute

The Myanmar People’s Spring (TMPS: Pyithu Nyaw Oo) runs several fundraising campaigns, including “One Support One Plant For Nature (Anyar Cherry to the Victory),” “Project Spring-Honey Nway Oo,” “The Fence,” “Elephants in Revolution,” “Project Raung Ni,” “Hand in Hand Together for the Tanintharyi’s Victory,” the “PRF (People’s Revolution Supply Family),” “Treasury Bonds to the Spring Heroes,” “United Bonds” and “Spring Housing projects,” etc.

Specific details about each campaign is provided on the Facebook page of the TMPS, and people are requested to contribute to them according to their areas of interest.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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