Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann says at the ILACC meeting that it is important for the ministers to meet with the relevant township officials to listen to and address the problems

At the meeting (9/2023) of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC), held virtually on March 2, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann remarked the following:

  • It is necessary for the ministers to meet with the relevant township officials to listen and address the problem,
  • The recommendations and reviews should be added in the work reports of the ministries,
  • On the matters that need coordination across ministries, bilateral/multilateral discussions between the pertinent ministries or discussions brought to the central committee are required,
  • As the success of implementing local administration is dependent on how seriously the challenges and issues faced by the ground administration groups can be addressed, relevant policies must be evaluated on the one hand, and solutions must be found through productive discussions and negotiations on the other.

Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, and officials from relevant departments attended the meeting.

2. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe says that youths are the front of the spring revolution and the future’s new federal democratic union will be built together with youths

Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe included this in her video message sent to congratulate the 2nd anniversary of the OCTOPUS youth organisation:

“These young people are the frontlines of our Spring Revolution. The people of Myanmar have never been able to enjoy a genuine democracy. They have always been brutally oppressed and denied human rights by generations of different dictators, including the military regime. With this Spring Revolution, we will build a just and fair federal democratic nation together with OCTOPUS, many youth forces, diverse ethnic groups, and the whole public.”

3. NUG Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung says that employers in Myanmar need to provide their employees with complete labour rights

On March 3, the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government issued a statement on the terrorist junta’s brutal massacre of civilians in Tar Taing Village in Sagaing Township of Sagaing.

The official statement is as follows:

Statement on terrorist junta’s brutal massacre of civilians in

Tar Taing Village in Sagaing Township of Sagaing

  1. No (33) Light Infantry Division of the terrorist junta, stationed in Hti Saung Village in Myinmu Township of Sagaing raided villages in Myinmu and Sagaing Townships on 1 March 2023. They captured leader of Tar Taing Village People’s Defence Force Yebaw Michael (aka) Ko Kyaw Zaw and murdered by dismembering his head, hands and legs and opening his stomach.
    They captured 15 civilian villagers including women as human shield as they left Tar Taing Village on 2 March.
  2. Bodies of five men from the captured civilians were found brutally murdered by the junta forces near Nyaung Yin Village in Myinmu Township on 2 March. They kept 10 remaining civilian detainees as they continued their raid into Nyaung Nyin Village in Myinmu Towship. All of them were found brutally killed by the junta forces near Kyun Paw Bridge at the border of Sagaing and Myinmu on 2 March afternoon.
  3. The terrorist junta forces burnt 60 out of 78 houses in Tar Taing Village on 2 February 2023.
  4. Since these inhumane yet intentional terrorist acts violate international crimes including massacres, war crimes and crimes against humanity, the Ministry of Human Rights already communicated the case with international judiciary mechanisms. The ministry will further attempt to advance the case to prosecute perpetrators at all levels and deliver justice.

Ministry of Human Rights

National Unity Government

On March 1, the terrorist military council troops brutally killed the leader of a local people’s defence force and abducted 15 civilians from Tar Taing village in Saganig Township and brutally killed them on the way.

4. The Freedom Rangers-Tamu (FRT) organisation would be dissolved and reformed as the Bamar Students’ Organisation (BSO) under the guidance of the NUG Ministry of Defence

The Freedom Rangers-Tamu (FRT) announced on March 3 that it would dissolve and be replaced by the Bamar Students’ Organisation (BSO), under the guidance of the NUG Ministry of Defence (MOD-NUG).

According to the announcement, due to the need, some members of the FRT will serve under the BSO under the guidance of the MOD-NUG, while others will serve under the Tamu Township People’s Defence Group (Tamu PaKaHpa) under the command of the MOD-NUG.

At present, there are 303 battalions of the People’s Defence Force established under the MOD, and there are about 260 township people’s defence groups (PaKaHpas) that are under the command of the MOD.

5. To provide support for the UG operations in Mandalay Division and drone operations in Sagaing Division, the “Project Raung Ni” revolutionary fundraising campaign has begun

The OFP Fundraising Program announced on March 3 that, to provide support for the UG operations in Mandalay Division and drone operations in Sagaing Division, the “Project Raung Ni” revolutionary fundraising campaign has begun.

According to the announcement of the OFP, the funds raised from Project Raung Ni will be used to support the two prominent UG operations in Mandalay Division—the Mya Nandar Operation and the Aung Si Taw Operation—, the drone missions of the Myaung Revolution Army (MRA), which is among the Sagaing District PDF battalions and has carried out effective missions against the terrorist military, and the UG missions of the Nation’s Defense Army (NDA-Mandalay). It is said that the campaign will run from March 1st to March 15th, with all funds raised going directly to the aforementioned organisations.

The project Raung Ni is co-organised by the Lucky2PDF, which is one of the OFP fundraiser groups, the MOD-NUG, and the OFP Fundraising Program, and is supported by other OFP fundraiser groups around the world.

The OFP said that those who participated in the project Raung Ni are provided the certificates of honour by email from the fundraisers.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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