Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Feb 20

1. The Union Prime Minister says the people’s heroes have already been given appropriate weapons and are ready to fight

The Union Prime Minister said that the people’s heroes have already been given appropriate weapons and are ready to fight. The Prime Minister said the following on the 3rd day of the online meeting between the National Unity Government and the public around the world, held on February 19.

“What I want to emphasize is that we all know that our revolution starts at zero. We had to start with hammer guns, and the people’s heroes, who grew from a small group of teenagers to tens of thousands, are now armed and ready to fight as PDF heroes.

In addition, the prime minister added that the National Unity Government has been working to eradicate the terrorist army, support CDMs, connect with strike forces, and collaborate with allies. Currently, 303 People’s Defense Battalions and 260 township People’s Defense Forces have been established.

2. The U.S. Senator and the NUG Foreign Minister attended the 75th Chin National Day celebration in the United States

The U.S. Senator and the NUG Foreign Minister attended the 75th Chin National Day celebration in the United States. It is reported that the 75th Chin National Day celebration was held in Indianapolis, USA, on February 19.

Mr. Todd Young, a member of the U.S. Senate from Indiana, attended the ceremony along with the National Unity Government’s Foreign Minister, Daw Zin Mar Aung, and Deputy Minister U Moe Zaw Oo. After that, they had a friendly meeting with Chin ethnic brothers and sisters in the United States.

3. One out of every three people in Myanmar is in a state of starvation

At the 75th Chin National Day ceremony, held on February 19 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, International Cooperation Minister Dr. Sa Sa added that one out of every three people in Myanmar is starving, and the entire country is in serious trouble.

“At least 1.6 million people are refugees and suffer from poverty due to brutal and inhumane attacks by military rulers. In 2020, less than one million people in Myanmar required humanitarian assistance. However, over 17 million people faced starvation and required a lot of humanitarian aid in 2023. Approximately half of Myanmar’s population lives in extreme poverty, with one in every three people in Myanmar facing starvation, and the whole country is in serious trouble,” Dr. Sa Sa said. Moreover, the minister added that the terrorist military dictators are not only using weapons, but also hunger, disease and troubles as weapons to attack the people of Myanmar.

4. Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng questioned whether PDF comrades had committed terrorist killings like the military council

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng questioned on February 19 whether PDF comrades had committed terrorist killings like the military council.

“I want to question the general public (those who pretend to be honest), who said that PDFs are the same as the military council. Do you think these are the special authorities of the military council, such as bombarding the entire village and arresting civilians, bombing villages without fighting, and killing without reason? Did PDFs commit these acts?,” Dr. Tu Hkawng said. Currently, the terrorist military group has killed over 3,000 people and arrested over 10,000 civilians.

5. Minister of Electricity and Energy says the Ministry can support over 700 lakhs for more than 8,000 CDM staff

On the 3rd day of the online meeting between the National Unity Government and the public around the world, held on February 19, Union Minister of Electricity and Energy U Soe Thura Tun said that the Ministry could support over 700 lakhs for more than 8,552 CDM staff.

“There are 8,552 CDM staff in our Ministry of Electric and Energy. Support was given to those who have difficulty in living, those in poor health, those with covid-19 disease, pregnant and deceased employees, and those fleeing under Section (505),” the Minister said. After the military seized power on February 1, 2021, hundreds of thousands of departmental staff participated in the CDM movement.

6. The Diamond Jubilee Chin National Day was also celebrated in South Korea

It is reported that the 75th Diamond Jubilee Chin National Day was celebrated in Seoul, South Korea, on February 19.   U Yan Naing Htun, the NUG representative to the Republic of Korea​​, attended the ceremony and delivered a congratulatory speech. Officials from Myanmar ethnic organizations in South Korea, as well as invited guests, attended the ceremony. It is reported that the ceremony began with a prayer, an explanation of the history of Chin State Day, and memorable speeches from invited guests.

7. The People’s Liberation Army is recruiting people with a strong desire to fight against the military dictatorship

The People’s Independence Army (PIO/PIA) reported on February 19 that they are recruiting people with a strong desire to fight against the military dictatorship.

“For training batch (4), the People’s Independence Army (PIO/PIA) has been recruiting trainees who have a strong desire to fight against the military dictatorship,” it stated. In addition, the People’s Independence Army’s batch (3) training activities have been published, and it is known that military exercises are being conducted vigorously.

8. Defense forces launched a drone attack on junta troops that raided Shwebo township

On February 19, the Shwebo District No. 23 Battalion reported that three soldiers died in a drone attack on Taunghla mountain, east of Magyithonepin village in Shwebo township, Sagaing region.

On February 19, at 12:00 p.m., three people were killed in a drone attack on junta troops patrolling on Taunghla mountain, east of Magyithonepin village in Shwebo township, according to the Shwebo District No. 23 Battalion.

It has been reported that the drone operation was carried out by Shwebo District No. 23 Battalion, Singu PDF, Nat Taung Dragon, Brother Guerrilla Force, Local PDFs, PRF (Wetlet Township Revolutionary Front) and Madaya PDF.

9. Nearly 20 junta forces may have casualties in the battle of Thalebar village, Ayadaw townshipThe Karenni Army and its allies attacked the military council’s KaLaYa – 54 unit

The Karenni People Page reported on February 19 that the military council’s KaLaYa – 54 unit, which was transporting food and ammunition to the Karenni region, was attacked by the Karenni Army and its allies between the Hua Markaw and Hui Khon Maung.

“On February 19, between 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., a joint force led by the Karenni Army and Karenni Commando Force attacked the military council’s KaLaYa – 54 unit between Hua Markaw and Hui Khon Maung, which brought food and ammunition to the border BP.12.,” it stated.

According to the report, five soldiers, including one company commander from the military council side, were captured during the clash, along with ten MA weapons, bullets, and ammunition. Then, six corpses from the military council side were discovered while clearing the area of the incident.

10. Ye Monster Force attacked the bridge’s checkpoint in Ye city

On the morning of February 19, the leader of the Ye Monster Force confirmed that they attacked the Military Council’s Ye bridge checkpoint in Ye township, Mon state, killing many soldiers. “Many people died on the junta side. We did not get any weapons. However, we captured the camp,” the Ye Monster Force said. 

Around 7:00 a.m., the Ye Monster Force attacked the Ye-bridge checkpoint near the exit of Ye City and exchanged fire. Ye is also a city under martial law, and the junta troops have little control over it.

11. Mogok PDF opened fire on a man, a disguised sub-inspector, near the Mogok market

On February 19, Mogok township’s PDF reported that they opened fire on a man, a disguised sub-inspector, near the Mogok market.

At 11:05 a.m., Mogok township’s PDF shot a man, a disguised sub-inspector, near the market in Mogok township. The police officer was shot three times with a gun on the motorcycle, and it is unidentified whether he was injured or killed.

“We fired three shots. The extent of the injury was unknown because it was shot from the motorcycle. He’s definitely a cop. Because we’ve seen him at the checkpoint, and he is constantly inhumanely beating the public,” said township PDFs.

  1. The Union Prime Minister says the people’s heroes have already been given appropriate weapons and are ready to fight
  2. The U.S. Senator and the NUG Foreign Minister attended the 75th Chin National Day celebration in the United States
  3. One out of every three people in Myanmar is in a state of starvation
  4. Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng questioned whether PDF comrades had committed terrorist killings like the military council
  5. Minister of Electricity and Energy says the Ministry can support over 700 lakhs for more than 8,000 CDM staff
  6. The Diamond Jubilee Chin National Day was also celebrated in South Korea
  7. The People’s Liberation Army is recruiting people with a strong desire to fight against the military dictatorship
  8. Defense forces launched a drone attack on junta troops that raided Shwebo township
  9. The Karenni Army and its allies attacked the military council’s KaLaYa – 54 unit
  10. Ye Monster Force attacked the bridge’s checkpoint in Ye city
  11. Mogok PDF opened fire on a man, a disguised sub-inspector, near the Mogok market

Credit to #RadioNUG


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