Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Feb 16

1. The Acting President says the government needs to provide specific political outcomes to the public

Acting President Duwa Lashi La told the government that it is necessary to provide specific political outcomes to the public. On February 14, the Acting President said at the cabinet meeting as follows:

“As we enter the third-year period of the Spring Revolution, I would like to say that it is necessary to achieve specific political outcomes. We cannot proceed with general observations. We need to give political results that can be accurately grasped and shown to the general public.”

The National Unity Government declared the start of the People’s Resistance War on September 7, 2021. The NUG is currently developing and implementing a one-year strategic plan, and the military operation has been announced to be accelerated. 

2. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung meets again with Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State

It has been reported that Daw Zin Mar Aung, NUG Foreign Minister, met with Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State. On February 15, Wendy Sherman wrote on Twitter that she met with Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and discussed the US’s support for Myanmar’s democracy movement, including the National Unity Government, ethnic organizations, and civil society.

According to an official press release from the US State Department, the US Deputy Secretary of State welcomed the opening of NUG’s liaison office in Washington and emphasized the US commitment to deepen engagement with pro-democracy groups and diverse ethnic groups in Myanmar. Moreover, US Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman, emphasized the US’s efforts to increase accountability for the military council’s atrocities and put more pressure on the junta to bring a justice and peaceful end to Myanmar’s crisis. She promised to collaborate with allies, partners, and the international community, including ASEAN.

3. The NUG Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee meets with Township Public Administration Groups from Magway, Mandalay, and Yangon regions

On February 15, the NUG Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee held a meeting (1/2023) with Township Public Administration Groups from Magway, Mandalay, and Yangon regions. Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, a member of the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee, gave opening remarks at the meeting.

Following an explanation of the department’s structure, operations, policies, and statements by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, the township public administration members discussed what they wanted to know about the policies, guidelines, operations, and difficulties on the ground.

The meeting was led by Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye and attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Union Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, department officials, and members of township public administration from Yangon, Mandalay, and Magway regions.

4. An informal meeting between NUG Alliance Relations Committee and Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC)

It has been reported that an informal meeting was held on February 14 between the NUG Alliance Relations Committee and the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC). The meeting began with greetings from an official from the Alliance Relations Committee and an official from the Karenni State Consultative Council, followed by a discussion of current political and military issues by sector. Then, the proceeding processes are set based on the discussion. The meeting was attended by a group led by Aung San Myint, a chairman of the Karenni Consultative Council (KSCC) and vice chairman Abel Tweed.

5. The Myanmar military will not participate in Thailand’s Cobra Gold 2023 military exercise due to a lack of seats, Thailand’s military chief says

The Myanmar military will not participate in Thailand’s Cobra Gold 2023 military exercise due to a lack of seats, according to Thailand’s military chief.
The Cobra Gold 2023 military exercise will be held in Thailand from February 27 to March 10. General Thitichai Tantung, Thailand’s Armed Forces chief of staff, stated that Myanmar was not invited due to a lack of seats. The seven military exercises will include Thailand, the United States, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea and Malaysia.

6. Japan and Korea jointly held a dialogue on Myanmar’s issues

On February 15, Japan and Korea held a joint discussion on Myanmar issues led by the New Era Asia Peace Academy. In the meeting, Mr. Eun Hong Park, the advisor of the NUG Republic of Korea’s representative office who arrived in Japan, Saw Ba Hla Thein, the NUG representative for Japan, and U Yan Naing Tun, the NUG representative for the Republic of Korea, gave opening remarks and discussed what the two countries should do regarding Myanmar issues. In the discussion, Korean members of parliament from the Union of Korean Myanmar Democracy Supporters and people working on Myanmar issues from the two countries, students and journalists had a discussion either directly or online.

7. Defense Forces attacked military council troops in Innlelgyi village, Kanbalu township

At least 10 people were killed when defense forces launched a mine attack on junta troops that entered the Innlelgyi village of Kanbalu township, Sagaing region. On February 15, Kanbalu Kite Force stated the battle news as follows: 

“At 04:03 p.m. on February 15, the Kanbalu Kite Force (MDF) launched a mine attack on 150-strong junta troops entering Innlelgyi village in Kanbalu township in Seto field, injuring at least ten soldiers and killing six.”

After that, the People’s Security Force launched another mine attack, killing five people.

8. People’s Defense Force Kassue (Taung Nyo) successfully held the training completion ceremony

The column refresher training completion ceremony for the Southern Military Region, Military Region Sub-Division No. 3, People’s Defense Force Kassue (Taung Nyo) was held successfully. The training completion ceremony of the Taung Nyo’s column was held on February 15. The ceremony was attended by the platoon commander, deputy platoon commander, and officials from the Karen National Union KNU/KNLA. 

At the ceremony, soldiers from the Taung Nyo column saluted the People’s Defense Force flag, and officials read the message sent by the NUG Defense Minister. The soldiers, who had completed the training, saluted in column form, and the ceremony was held successfully.

  1. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung meets again with Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State
  2. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung meets again with Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State
  3. The NUG Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee meets with Township Public Administration Groups from Magway, Mandalay, and Yangon regions
  4. An informal meeting between NUG Alliance Relations Committee and Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC)
  5. The Myanmar military will not participate in Thailand’s Cobra Gold 2023 military exercise due to a lack of seats, Thailand’s military chief says
  6. Japan and Korea jointly held a dialogue on Myanmar’s issues
  7. Defense Forces attacked military council troops in Innlelgyi village, Kanbalu township
  8. People’s Defense Force Kassue (Taung Nyo) successfully held the training completion ceremony

Credit to #RadioNUG


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