Summary of News

1. With more than 6,500 confirmed orders for Spring Bliss affordable apartments, the number of apartment units will increase to 10,000

n February 10, Union Minister of Planning and Finance U Tin Tun Naing stated the following about the Spring Bliss affordable apartment housing project: 

“We have received more than 6,500 confirmed orders for the Spring Bliss affordable apartment housing project, which will go on sale on February 11. This goes far beyond the initial target. It clearly shows the determination of the revolutionary people to march until the spring goal is reached, so the total number of apartments will be increased to 10,000. This is the last increase in Spring Bliss housing. The lists of orders for which agents have already received money will be registered in batches, so confirmation emails may be sent depending on the date registered.”

The Spring Bliss affordable apartment housing project will be built on military-owned lands in the three townships of South Dagon, Mingalardon, and Hlaingthaya.

2. NUG’s Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung urges people to participate in the revolution to the extent they can by reminding themselves of the cost Thantlang has borne for the revolution

On February 11, Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung urged the people to participate in the revolution as much as they could, as follows:

“The cost Thantlang has borne for the revolution is very huge. If you’ve developed negative thoughts about the revolution because you don’t want to lose ground with your job or family, consider Thantlang’s sacrifice for the revolution as a reminder to keep participating in the revolution to the best of your ability.”

The terrorist military set fire to homes at least 15 times in Thantlang, a town in Chin State with around 2,000 homes.

3. The people’s defence forces attacked a camp of the paramilitary “Pyu Saw Htee” group stationed at In Koke Kar village, Taze Township, Sagaing Division, last night, killing a total of 15 junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee members

On February 11, the Taze Township people’s defence force (Taze PaKaHpa) claimed that it and allies attacked and seized a camp of the paramilitary “Pyu Saw Htee” group stationed at In Koke Kar village, Taze Township, Sagaing Division, as follows:

“On February 10, at around 12:00 a.m., PDF battalions in Taze, local defence forces (LDFs), artillery teams, and the Taze Township people’s defence force (Taze PaKaHpa) joined forces to attack and seize the camp of military council troops and the Pyu Saw Htee group firmly stationed at In Koke Kar village, Taze Township, Sagaing Division. The battle lasted for nearly an hour, and in the battle, six military council troops and nine members of Pyu Saw Htee were killed, while many others were injured. On the side of defence forces, one PDF comrade and one PaKaHpa comrade were killed.”

According to the Taze PaKaHpa, it was the second time in two months of 2023 that the Pyu Saw Htee camps were able to be captured.

4. UNICEF reports that, in Myanmar, more than one third of the casualties from landmines and explosive devices are children.

In February, UNICEF Myanmar released the following statement: 

“In Myanmar, more than one third of the casualties from landmines and explosive devices are children. Children should never be the victims of landmines and explosive devices – in Myanmar or elsewhere. Stop the use of landmines now.”

After the military seized power, they planted landmines in villages where civilians lived, and civilians often stepped on and were killed by landmines.

5. The workers at the garment factory run by Myanmar Sincerece Co., Ltd. in the Hlaing Thayar Township’s Shwe Than Lwin Industrial Zone are being mistreated

The Federation of General Workers Myanmar (FGWM) reported on February 11 that workers are being mistreated at the garment factory run by Myanmar Sincerece Co., Ltd. in the Hlaing Thayar Township’s Shwe Than Lwin Industrial Zone, as follows:

“The garment factory run by Myanmar Sincerece Co., Ltd., Plot No. 70, Seik Kan Thar St., Shwe Than Lwin Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thayar Township, Yangon, operates with 850 workers in 12 machine lines, and the main sewing brand is AMERICAN HOLIC. Workers are being pressured and punished at work by their supervisors, who demand that they perform push-ups and threaten to fire them if they can’t produce the required amount of cloth. Daw Aye Thida San, the manager, screamed at the workers and threatened them that they would be punished with push-ups or fired if they didn’t produce the required amount of cloth for their skill level. In addition, the Federation of General Workers of Myanmar (FGWM) has discovered that the workers are forced to dine every day while sitting on the ground because the dining hall is devoid of chairs.”

The workers are afraid to go to work in the morning because they are concerned about their supervisor yelling at them and hurling clothing at them, said the FGWM.

6. As of January 31, 2023, the Myanmar military and its affiliated groups have burned down 55,484 civilian houses across the country

Data for Myanmar released a report on February 10 on the military’s arson attacks across the country, as follows:

“As of 31 January 2023, Myanmar’s military and its affiliated groups burned down approximately 55,484 civilian houses across the country. Among them, 43,292 houses were in Sagaing Region, 8,863 in Magway Region, 1,484 in Chin State and 1,845 in other states and regions.”

In Sagaing Division, Magway Division, and Chin State, the terrorist military attacked civilian homes and massacred unarmed civilians for no reason.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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