Summary of News

1. The Chairman of the CRPH says that the fascist military council is trying to bring back the 2008 Constitution, which is already void

U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CPRH), said the following about the fascist military council at the public panel discussion to mark the second anniversary of the People’s Spring Revolution held on January 29:

“As the fascist military council struggles on the battlefield, in the economy, and in international relations, we shall witness how they attempt to perpetuate their power through various acts of atrocities, various fraudulent deceptions, and other means. Moreover, they are attempting to bring back the 2008 Constitution, which is already void, and to create a sham election, through which they plan to keep the country as a war slave.”

The 2008 Constitution has already been abolished by the existing Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

2. Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung says that the National Unity Government (NGU) is solely trying to stabilise the country, which has been in turmoil as a result of the military coup

Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said the following at the public panel discussion to mark the second anniversary of the People’s Spring Revolution held on January 29: “We, the NUG, will solely re-establish stability in the country, which had become unstable as a result of the military coup.”

Furthermore, the Union Minister also said that the National Unity Government is discussing differences with the revolutionary forces, including the ethnic resistance organisations, at the National Unity Consultative Council and that the common goal of all is to overthrow the military council.

3. NUG’s Defence Minister says that he does not want Myanmar’s future generations to live on their knees under the military dictatorship system

Defence Minister U Yee Mon said at the public panel discussion to mark the second anniversary of the People’s Spring Revolution held on January 29 that he does not want Myanmar’s future generations to live on their knees under the rule of the military dictatorship, as follows:

“I don’t want our children, our younger brothers, our younger sisters, and our future generations to live on their knees under the military dictatorship system. I made a decision that I would do whatever I could to fight against the military dictatorship.”

At present, the Ministry of Defence is in the process of offering military refreshment trainings and equipping the People’s Defence Force units with weapons.

4. NUG’s Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun calls for opposition to the illegal election and actions of the military council that will mislead the public

Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun, Deputy Minister of Education, said regarding the silent strike on January 29 as follows:

“The time to prove with silence is at hand. We will oppose the illegal election of the illegal terrorist military junta and the actions that will mislead the public. Let’s fight together with one voice.”

A nationwide silent strike that will be held on February 1, 2023, is being called for public participation.

5. Some revolutionary forces able to produce small DIY fixed-wing UAVs costing around US$2,000 each

The People’s Voice (PV), a revolutionary fundraising team, said on January 29 that small DIY fixed-wing UAVs costing around US$2,000 each have been able to be produced, as follows:

“Today, I invited the CRPH-OFP officials as well as fundraiser teams as far as I could reach and introduced them to a drone production team. Each [small fixed-wing UAV] costs only US$2,000 because production costs are kept to a minimum. Due to the expanding military situation, the number of vehicles currently in use is not enough, so we are planning to add five more. We received three vehicles’ worth of funding at today’s meeting: one from a fundraising team, one from a group of donors in the United States, and one from our PV members.”

The PV team also said that a 1,000-kyat campaign will be organised to raise funds needed for the other two vehicles as well as other necessary accessories.

6. A large cache of military weapons, worth about 400 million MMK, ordered by Monywa Thanmani Force, were seized by the junta in Bagan, Nyaung-U Township

Bo Thanmani, the Thanmani Force leader, said that weapons ordered by the force worth 400 million MKK were seized in Bagan, saying, “Our biggest loss during the revolution!” as follows:

“I’ll never forget January 27. Everything went as planned, but just moments before our weapons were in our hands, they were seized by the military junta in Bagan. It is worth approximately 400,000 MMK at current prices.”

The junta announced that two people were arrested along with weapons and ammunition concealed below the floor of a light truck when they stopped and searched it near Ananda Temple along the NyaungU-Bagan-Chauk road in Nyaung-U Township, Mandalay Division, on the morning of January 27, after receiving information.

According to Bo Thanmani, the weapons and ammunition being seized include two 60mm Commando Motors, two 40mm artilleries, two M4A4 carbines, three AK-47 rifles, 5600 rounds of 5.56mm ammo, 7500 rounds of 7.6mm ammo, 30 boxes of 9mm ammo, 25 boxes of 45mm ammo, 30 rounds of 60mm artillery shells, 45 rounds of 40mm artillery shells, and other accessory equipment.

7. UNICEF Myanmar says that over 5 million children in Myanmar are in need of assistance

UNICEF Myanmar said on January 30 that over 5 million children in Myanmar are in need of assistance.

“Two years into the crisis in Myanmar, the need for humanitarian support is more urgent than ever. Over 5 million children need assistance.” — UNICEF Myanmar After the military seizure of power on February 1, 2021, the people of the ethnic areas have been displaced, and their children have been away from education

#Credit : Radio NUG


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