Summary of News

1. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that the Mogok gem mining rights of the NUG-MoPFI’s Early Partnership Program are the rights that are granted in advance

Dr. Tu Hkawng, Union Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, said on January 27 that the Mogok gem mining rights of the NUG-MoPFI Early Partnership Program are the rights that are granted in advance to be able to be carried out in an orderly manner when there is peace.

“If the country has a good economy, it will no longer be necessary to exploit and use natural resources. There are certain types of permissions granted to people who become dependent on resources at a time when people don’t have much choice, with limits. This program, the Early Partnership Program, is to grant mining rights in advance to be able to exploit natural resources in the future when there is peace, in an orderly manner.”  — Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said.

NUG has recently invited investors to invest in a block of more than 55 acres called Baw Lone Gyi Block No. 1 among the Mogok gem mining rights. The site is prospected to yield US$10,000,000 of profit over a 10-year period for an investment of US$235,200. The investor will have 49% of the shares in the 10-year mining rights of the site, while the government, on behalf of the people, will have 51% of the shares.

2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun presented at the UN Special Meeting that the people of Myanmar are facing food insecurity, living in fear, and internal displacement

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, said the following about the difficulties faced by the people of Myanmar during his statement at the UN ECOSOC Special Meeting on “Social and economic measures to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity” held on January 24:

“The fascist military’s ultimate desire to retain power illegitimately has only led towards massive destruction of the people in the face of numerous humanitarian crises, including food insecurity, living with fear, internal displacement and destination of transnational organized crimes, to name a few.”

According to UN OCHA Myanmar, until the end of 2022, more than 1.5 million people remain displaced across the country, living in difficult conditions and in desperate need of social relief assistance.

3. The CRPH Security and Defence Committee held a meeting with the Adjutant General and Military Law Division under the NUG Ministry of Defence in relation to war crimes

The Security and Defence Committee under the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) had a meeting with the Adjutant General and Military Law Division under the Ministry of Defence, the National Unity Government, in relation to war crimes on January 25 via video conferencing.

At the meeting, U Nay Myo, Secretary of the Security and Defence Committee, said, “The year 2023 is an important year for our country, and as the parliamentary sector, the committee will coordinate with the Ministry of Defence in accordance with the necessary security and defence legal procedures.”

Later, officials from the Military Law Division explained the division’s structure, purpose, and operations.

Then, the committee members asked about the statuses the people’s courts established by the Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government in three Ka-regions, processing for the crimes committed over the years necessary for the Transitional Justice, and whether the military laws defer from those of other EROs or not, and the officials from the Military Law Division provided a thorough and clear clarification, and the two sides discussed a plan for the way forward.

4. Spring University Myanmar’s School of Economics offers more vocational business management courses

Spring University Myanmar (SUM)’s School of Economics has opened the new online vocational business management certificate courses in International Finance, Economic Statistics, Data for Development, Global Economies Relations, and Introductory Public Administration (CIPA).

The course details, including start dates, duration and course fees, are described on the SUM page.

5. About 800 people protested in Khin-U on Thursday to express their desire to reject the illegal sham election of the coup d’état military council

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, about 800 people protested in Khin-U on January 26 to express their desire to reject the illegal sham election of the coup d’état military council.

In a village in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division, public administration groups, public defence groups, educational organizations, and all relevant local people organised and campaigned to completely reject the illegal sham election of the coup d’état military council, and about 800 people participated in the public strike protest.

The public strike protest started with slogans such as “Accept NUG,” “Let’s build a federal democratic union,” and “Reject the illegal fake election.” It is reported that the public strike is on its 8th day.

6. The 75th anniversary of Chin National Day will be celebrated in Frankfurt, Germany

The Chin Community (Germany) said that the 75th anniversary of Chin National Day will be celebrated in Frankfurt, Germany, on February 19 at 12:00 p.m., and Chin ethnic in Germany are invited.

Chin State revolutionary organisations have cooperated with other ethnic organisations in the revolution against the military dictatorship.

7. The fundraising campaign “Revolutionize together not to be military slavery” is started

The CRPH-OFP Fundraiser team announced the launch of the fundraising campaign “Revolutionize together not to be military slavery,” organised jointly by one of its OFP fundraisers, SR-21 Myanmar, the People’s Education Network, formed by PDFs and CDM teachers in upland regions, and the Justice Commando Troop, which is offering commando trainings for urban resistance.

The purpose of the fundraising campaign is to help the self-supporting school that was established by the CDM teachers who came to the liberated area from all over in the middle of the difficulties to continue to stand and to support the Justice Commando Troop and the people’s revolutionary forces in the upland region.

The campaign period is one month, and a raffle ticket is sold for 15,000 MMK or 10 USD.

8. Depayin Township People’s Defence Force (PaKaHpa) and Bo Lin Yone’s force joined forces to attack a military column that was advancing in Depayin Township, killing three junta soldiers

Bo Lin Yone Local Guerrilla Force reported military news on January 27 as follows:

“In Depayin Township, Sagaing Division, at about 7:00 a.m. on January 26, the PaKaHpa alliance forces in Depayin Township and Bo Lin Yone Guerrilla Force joined forces to attack a military column coming out of Ya Ma Kan Village.”

Three junta soldiers were reportedly killed and many other wounded in the attack.

9. Local defence forces launched a mine attack on junta police and soldiers patrolling on the Semekhon-Nabuaing Road, killing six

The 27 Revolution Force reported military news on January 27 as follows:

“We attacked military council police and soldiers who came out to patrol on the Semekhon-Nabuaing Road in Mandalay Division near Semekhon Town with a 7-cluster mine, killing four policemen and two soldiers.”

The bodies of those junta soldiers and police were reportedly taken away in a hearse.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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