Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Jan 18

1. Acting President said that there are a large number of people who are facing the disaster of war and there are also a large number of groups of people who are drinking and having fun every day

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that there are a large number of people who are facing the disaster of war and there are also a large number of groups of people who are drinking and having fun every day.

On January 17, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that in the cabinet meeting (3/2023) of the National Unity Government.

“If you look at the current situation in the country as a whole, there are many people who are facing the disaster of war and there are also many groups of people who are drinking and having fun every day. This is not me showing empathy to the people who are in trouble and blaming the other side. I am pointing to a fact that there is a gap between classes as the conflict drags on,” he said.

Moreover, the Acting President said that there are some people related to the terrorist military group who have become richer than the original situation, taking advantage of the military and political crisis.

2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that the dictatorship will come to an end because the entire ethnic population of Myanmar is fighting and asserting itself against the terrorist military council

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that the dictatorship will come to an end because the entire ethnic population of Myanmar is fighting and asserting itself against the terrorist military council.

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the completion ceremony of the refresher course of the Dawna Column of the People’s Defense Army of No. (3) Sub-division of Southern Regional Command, which was held on January 17.

“As the National Unity Government, we are developing and implementing a one-year strategic plan, and it has been successful as it should be, and the dictators are about to come to an end because the entire ethnic people of Myanmar are fighting asserting against the terrorist military council,” said the Union Prime Minister.

At the ceremony, the Union Prime Minister handed over weapons to the officers of the Dawna Column, and offered the comrades with oath water one by one.

“We, the NUG, are working and cooperating with the ethnic alliance revolutionary groups in unity and because of the tenacity of all those who are participating in the revolution, we will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of the revolutionary victory,” the Union Prime Minister added.

The completion ceremony was attended by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung, Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, Colonel Saw Phoenix from Southern Regional Command, Deputy Chief Bo Saw Shar from No. (3) Sub-Regional Command of Southern Regional Command and other relevant officials.

3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that if the one-year strategic plans are implemented comprehensively, the results will be better than expected

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that if the one-year strategic plans are implemented comprehensively, the results will be better than expected.

On January 17, the Minister spoke during the meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the Regional Hluttaw Representative Committees.

“Regional Hluttaw Committee members are people’s representatives and they know the activities and follow the National Unity Government’s one-year strategic plan. At the peak of the revolutionary war, they are to participate in the battle to end the revolution. According to the one-year strategic plan, the ministry is also carrying out plans and if everyone works together comprehensively, we will get a better result than expected. In order to benefit from the dialogue, it is necessary to effectively implement the needs until they can be implemented on the ground,” said the minister.

After the officials from various ministries explained the operations during this month, the participating members of Hluttaw Representative Committees discussed and asked what they wanted to know.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries and members of Regional Hluttaw Representative Committees.

4. The Ministry of Health presented the status of One Year Plan implementation at the cabinet meeting

The Ministry of Health presented the status of One Year Plan implementation at the cabinet meeting.

On January 17, it was presented in the cabinet meeting (3/2023) of the National Unity Government.

At the meeting, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, the Union Minister of the Ministry of Health, presented the status of the One Year Plan of the Ministry of Health. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Moe Zaw Oo shared and presented the discussions at the weekly Ministerial Meeting to the members of the government.

The cabinet meeting (3/2023) of the National Unity Government was attended by Acting President Duwa Lashi La, Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

5. The second film by the director Ko Pauk will be shown in the Netherlands

It is reported that the second film of director Ko Pauk will be shown in the Netherlands.

In January, the film screening committee informed.

“One of the countries that will be shown starting February 4 is the Netherlands. You can start buying tickets to see the second film of director Ko Pauk, “Rays of hope” in the Netherlands at 15 euros,” it stated.

This documentary film of “2 hours” about the life of a protester from the situation before the coup to after the coup, the life of a fugitive who had to run away and hide, then the life of a revolutionary, and so on, by the director Ko Pauk will be screened on Saturday, February 4 at the cinema LAB111, where the film “Road not Taken” was shown, in Amsterdam at 12:00 noon.

6. The military will be escalated, according to Myaung Township People’s Defense Force T.G.R., in order to achieve revolution victory in 2023

The Myaung Township People’s Defense Force T.G.R. has stated that in order to achieve revolution victory, the military will be escalated in 2023.

On January 17, Myaung Township People’s Defense Force T.G.R reported.

Myaung Township T.G.R People’s Defense Force has been working tirelessly throughout the revolution, and the year 2023 has arrived. Have people started to complain about being tired? We are also tired but dare not give up. In order to succeed in this revolution, we will accelerate the pace of war more and more in 2023,” it said.

The Myaung Township People’s Defense Force T.G.R is a revolutionary force fighting against the junta’s forces.

7. Police station in Thakyettaw Village, Launglon Township burned as soldiers and police in the station fled

Police station in Thakyettaw Village, Launglon Township was set on fire as soldiers and police in the station fled.

On January 16, around 11:00 p.m., it was confirmed that the Launglon People’s Defense Force (LLPDF) set fire to the police station.

It is reported that the PDF forces have cleared the area around the police station in Thakyettaw, Launglon Township, and set fire to the police station.

On January 13, soldiers and police stationed at the police station abandoned the station and fled.

8. As LIB-12 reached the Ohnpauk Village of Shwebo Township, the Who am i-Army and joint forces attacked with long-range firing

As LIB-12 reached Ohnpauk Village, Shwebo Township, the Who am i-Army and joint forces attacked with long-range firing.

On January 17, the military news was confirmed by the Who am i-Army.

“On January 13, when about 40 people from LIB-12 in Kyauk Myaung arrived at Ohnpauk Village in Shwebo Township, our Who am i-Army and joint forces attacked with long-range firing,” it stated.

Joint forces of the Who am i-Army, Mother love, Ghost Rider Special Task Force (Burma), Nay La Setkya- Shwebo PDF and Daung Ni Defense Force conducted the attack at 7:00 pm yesterday, January 16.

As a result of the long-range firing, 5 members of the military council were seriously injured and were transported by tricycle to the LIB-12 in Kyauk Myaung. The subsequent deaths are still under investigation.

Because battles can take place at any time due to a large number of junta troops deployed in Shwe Bo Township’s Teipin Village, Maungtet Village, Ohnpauk Village, Taon Village, and Tayadaw Village since January 12, the Who am i-Army has appealed to the public not to use the Shwebo-Kyauk Myaung road unless it is an emergency.

9. Drone bombardment on Pyu Saw Htee and junta troops in Zeetaw Village, Yesagyo Township

A drone bombed Pyu Saw Htee and junta troops in Zeetaw Village, Yesagyo Township, Magway Division.

On January 17, the military news was reported by CDSOM Western Combat 001 Squadron.

“On January 16, Zeetaw Village in Yesagyo Township, where the junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee are stationed, Civilian’s Defense and Security Organization Myaung- CDSOM’s Western Combat 001 Squadron, together with alliance forces, hung hand-made Energa and bombed 21 times on the Pyu’s camps, places where Pyu Saw Htee members and junta soldiers are gathering, outposts and place next to trenches.”

It is reported that the investigation and verification of the casualties of junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members is still ongoing.

The drone mission was carried out by joint forces of Sagaing District Battalion (4) MSPDF (Myaung Special People’s Defense Force), Anyar Tharr Guerrilla Force, SSTS Force, Super Fight PDF, Sub-Division (3) PHOENIX Special Task Force – Yesagyo of Pakokku Battalion (10), and Sub-Division (1) Eagle Guerrilla Force of Pakokku Battalion (10).

10. In Nattalin Township, Bago Division, a university student was shot and killed by the junta soldiers for not stopping his motorcycle

In Nattalin Township, Bago Division, a university student was shot dead by the junta soldiers for not stopping his motorcycle.

AAPP describes the current situation after the military coup on January 17.

“On January 14, at around 4:00 p.m., Ko Win Zaw Tun, a university student who lives in Thayetkone Village, Hlapachin Village Group, Nattalin Township, Bago Dvision was on his way from Thayetkone Village to Nattalin town with his motorcycle. When he passed the checkpoint of the terrorist military junta at the top of Kyoetlaypin Village, Konethar Village Group, Tarpon Town without stopping, Kyaw Min Thu, a junta soldier at the checkpoint, shot Ko Win Zaw Tun four times and killed him,” it stated.

Since February 1, 2021, 2,747 people have died during the People’s Spring Revolution including democracy activists who opposed the arbitrary military coup.

11. Gangaw People’s Administration has announced that fake five thousand kyat and ten thousand kyat banknotes are spreading in some areas of Gangaw

Gangaw People’s Administration has announced that fake five thousand kyat and ten thousand kyat banknotes are spreading in some areas of Gangaw Township in Magway Division.

On January 17, Gangaw Township People’s Administration issued a warning statement (1/2023).

“Recently, it has been verified that fake five thousand kyat and ten thousand kyat worth banknotes are circulating in some places in Gangaw Township. We urge the public to carefully distinguish between fake and real banknotes when buying and selling goods and making payments,” it stated.

If you find fake currency notes, it has been announced to inform the Township People’s Administration Organization as soon as possible through the Ward/Village Administration Organizations.

The Public Administration of Gangaw Township also said that if it is detected that counterfeit banknotes are being distributed, used, etc., in Gangaw Township, they will take action according to the law.

  1. Acting President said that there are a large number of people who are facing the disaster of war and there are also a large number of groups of people who are drinking and having fun every day
  2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that the dictatorship will come to an end because the entire ethnic population of Myanmar is fighting and asserting itself against the terrorist military council
  3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that if the one-year strategic plans are implemented comprehensively, the results will be better than expected
  4. The Ministry of Health presented the status of One Year Plan implementation at the cabinet meeting
  5. The Ministry of Health presented the status of One Year Plan implementation at the cabinet meeting
  6. The military will be escalated, according to Myaung Township People’s Defense Force T.G.R., in order to achieve revolution victory in 2023
  7. Police station in Thakyettaw Village, Launglon Township burned as soldiers and police in the station fled
  8. As LIB-12 reached the Ohnpauk Village of Shwebo Township, the Who am i-Army and joint forces attacked with long-range firing
  9. Drone bombardment on Pyu Saw Htee and junta troops in Zeetaw Village, Yesagyo Township
  10. In Nattalin Township, Bago Division, a university student was shot and killed by the junta soldiers for not stopping his motorcycle
  11. Gangaw People’s Administration has announced that fake five thousand kyat and ten thousand kyat banknotes are spreading in some areas of Gangaw

Credit to #RadioNUG


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