Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Jan 17

1. Minister of Home Affairs says to refuse terrorist junta’s illegitimate sham election

U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of Home Affairs, said to refuse the terrorist junta’s illegitimate sham election. The Union Minister said at the meeting with Home Affairs and Immigration’s Ministry and township Public Administration Groups on January 16. 

“The terrorist military council’s illegal sham election must be rejected, and strong pressure must be applied on the ground; supporters of the terrorist junta who collected voter lists in Myaung township have also been arrested. In addition, working activities are carried out in accordance with policy or current critical issues. As 2023 is an important year, all groups need to work hard together, and the department will also cooperate on it,” the Minister said.

Following that, the Home Affairs and Immigration Ministry’s Public Administration Department clarified the department’s activities, and members of the attended Public Administration Groups discussed the difficulties encountered on the ground and what they wanted to know. Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt led the meeting, which was attended by the Public Administration Department, Fire Department, Department of Immigration, officials from the Department of Special Investigation, and members of township Public Administration Groups from Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Tanintharyi, and Ayeyarwady regions.

2. The Deputy Minister says all those who received honors from the terrorist army were included in the blood debt of the Spring Revolution

The Deputy Minister said that all those who received honors from the terrorist army were included in the blood debt of the spring revolution. The Deputy Minister stated his review regarding the terrorist army in January. 

“The army unjustly arrested Dr. Hkalam Samson from KBC and suppressed the Kachin people. Now, they are honoring Cardinal Charles Bo and destroying a historic Catholic village. All those who received honors from the evil army were included in the blood debt of the spring revolution,” the Minister said.

The junta forces stationed in Chanthar village of Ye-U township, Shwebo district, Sagaing region, burned down the church, the monastery, and the historic nunnery on January 15 in the morning.

3. NUGPay’s marketplace has a turnover of 7000 million DMMK

The NUGPay market has reached a turnover of 7000 million DMMK, according to the report. NUGPay released the news on January 16. “With special thanks to those who surrounded NUGPay with the will of revolutionary success, we are pleased to inform you that the DMMK turnover in the market has reached 7000 million,” it stated. NUGPay currently has tens of thousands of users and is the only Pay that is not tied to the military’s financial system. NUGPay will always be with the people as a vehicle of the people’s revolution that expresses the courage, diligence, industriousness, endurance, freedom and desire for democracy of the people of Myanmar,” NUGPay said.

4. National Unity Government’s Spring Lottery Program distributed a 45-lakh allocation to health CDM workers for December

The NUG government’s Spring Lottery program has allocated a subsidy quota of 45 lakhs to health CDM workers for December. In January, CDM Medical Network released the news.

“The NUG government’s Spring Lottery program distributed grants to various departments in December 2022, and 90 health CDM employees received a subsidy quota of 45 lakhs,” CDM Medical Network said.

“Among a total of over 30,000 health CDM employees, priority support was given to those who were struggling to make ends meet,” it stated. It is reported that the remaining health CDM employees will also be distributed on a rotating basis based on monthly allowance quotas.

5. 27 non-CDM employees from the Education, Health, and Agriculture Departments join CDM

According to the report, 27 non-CDM employees from the Education, Health, and Agriculture departments working in Ayadaw and Banmauk townships have joined CDM. On January 17, the Ministry of Home Affairs released the news.

“As the township’s public administration bodies, which are implementing NUG interim local public administration, issued notifications to non-CDMers to join CDM. From September 18, 2022, to January 12, 2023, 27 non-CDM employees from the Education, Health, and Agriculture departments working in Ayadaw and Banmauk townships joined CDM,” it stated. The junta troops, which no longer have full control of the Sagaing area, are raiding villages and targeting civilians.

6. A total of 2743 people have been killed since the terrorist military coup

A total of 2743 people have been killed since the terrorist military coup, according to the report. On January 16, the AAPP released a list of people who died during the spring revolution. 

“A total of 2,743 people have been killed during the spring revolution of democracy activists and people, who opposed the arbitrary military coup on February 1, 2021,” AAPP said. Furthermore, on January 12, around 2:00 p.m., two terrorist army fighter jets attacked Laywar village in Hpapun township, Karen state, and exploded on the village’s Christian church, killing five locals, including two pastors, and injuring seven others.  

7. The Midland Guerrilla Force ceased production due to the high cost of 60mm ammunition

The Midland Guerrilla Force has announced that production of 60mm ammunition has been suspended due to financial constraints. On January 16, the Midland Guerrilla Force released the news. “The 60mm ammunition, which our MRG force successfully produced in September 2022, has been a reliable weapon in ground battles since October until now. At present, we have to suspend production as we cannot afford the financial costs,” MRG said. Currently, the Midland Guerrilla Force- MRG is still fighting on the ground.

8. The Paungde PDF launches a mine attack on the junta forces, killing four and injuring three

Paungde PDF launched a mine attack on terrorist junta troops in Paungde city, Pyay district, Bago region. Paungde PDF (PPDF) confirmed the military news on January 16. “The Eagle column, led by the Deputy company commander Captain Eagle from PDF battalion 3601, attacked the military council’s column near Yokesaing village, Paungde township, Pyay district, Bago region on January 16th at 8:55 a.m. Four military council members were killed and three were seriously injured in the attack,” Paungde PDF said. All PDF comrades were able to successfully retreat without harm.

9. The terrorist army burns the Nyaungkone village in Kanbalu township twice, killing one guide and a villager

The terrorist army burned down the Nyaungkone village in Kanbalu township, Bago Region, twice, killing one guide and a villager. On January 16, the Kyunhla-Kanbalu activists’ group in Kanbalu District announced the incident.

“The military council’s 368th Infantry battalion and about 100 Pyu Saw Htee forces attacked Nyaungkone village in Kanbalu township shortly after 1:00 p.m. on January 14 and burned it down again at 3:50 p.m.,” it stated.

Furthermore, U Than Lwin, 55, a guide taken from Paluthar village, and U Nywar Tin, 77, trapped in Nyaungkone village, were brutally tortured and burned to death. Among the three women trapped in Nyaungkone village, a 58-year-old woman was injured with a cut neck (not seriously), and two other women, 42 and 25, were (seriously) injured with stab wounds to the abdomen.

10. Seven Allied Groups launch a drone attack on junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members

In Ywartharyar village, Singu township, Mandalay, the junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee were attacked by drones for three consecutive days by seven allied groups.  On January 16, the SKY HERO – Madaya announced the military news.

“As junta troops and the Pyu Saw Htee group looted, rioted, stole, and burned in the township, seven allied groups and joint forces attacked with three drones and 12 bombs for three consecutive days in Ywartharyar village, Singu township, Mandalay,” the SKY HERO – Madaya said.

The Sky Revolutionary Forces (Pyin Oo Lwin District – PDF), Singu township PDF, ADRF Revolutionary Force-Madaya, Peacock Warrior Force-Madaya, and Adventure-ASD, as well as seven allied forces, successfully conducted the operation. 

  1. Minister of Home Affairs says to refuse terrorist junta’s illegitimate sham election
  2. The Deputy Minister says all those who received honors from the terrorist army were included in the blood debt of the Spring Revolution
  3. NUGPay’s marketplace has a turnover of 7000 million DMMK
  4. National Unity Government’s Spring Lottery Program distributed a 45-lakh allocation to health CDM workers for December
  5. 27 non-CDM employees from the Education, Health, and Agriculture Departments join CDM
  6. A total of 2743 people have been killed since the terrorist military coup
  7. The Midland Guerrilla Force ceased production due to the high cost of 60mm ammunition
  8. The Paungde PDF launches a mine attack on the junta forces, killing four and injuring three
  9. The terrorist army burns the Nyaungkone village in Kanbalu township twice, killing one guide and a villager
  10. Seven Allied Groups launch a drone attack on junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members

Credit to #RadioNUG


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