Summary of News

1. Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing says that all of the Early Partnership Program of the National Unity Government is guaranteed by the success of the Spring Revolution

January 15, 2023

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing told Radio NUG that all of the Early Partnership Program of the National Unity Government is guaranteed by the success of the Spring Revolution at the press conference on the future work to be carried out by the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment on January 15, as follows:

“We sold Treasury Bonds. Next, we sold the properties that were illegally occupied by the terrorist military leader, and then we sold plots of land and housing projects on the land owned by the military. All of these are guaranteed by means of the revolution. Individual people invest in the success of this revolution. Those are all guaranteed only by the success of the revolution.”

The Union Minister U Tin Tun Aung also said that domestic and foreign investors will be invited for the Mogok gem mining rights as the first project of the NUG-MoPFI Early Partnership Program, and that affordable housing and high-end condominium investment projects will be introduced and sold in the last week of January.

Union Minister of Electricity and Energy U Soe Thura Tun also clarified:

“The government has 51 percent of the rights in the Mogok gem mining partnership program. The entrepreneur who is granted permission will be allowed to operate with a 49 percent share. In doing so, we make sure that the mining block will be beneficial to the entrepreneur and the investment amount will be reasonable. The blocks are also arranged systematically.”

Moreover, Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing said that the Spring Development Bank, the first bank to be founded by the National Unity Government, will sell ICO tokens to the general public, as follows:

“Regarding the Spring Development Bank, we will operate it with modern technology rather than the usual conventional banking system. In this regard, the bank will start selling initial coin offerings (ICO) tokens to the public, which are based on blockchain technology. At the same time, the bank will accept deposits from the public.”

The Union Minister said that the activities of the Spring Development Bank are intended to start by the end of February and that the public will be informed about the bank soon.

2. NUG’s Human Rights Minister says that the terrorist military council is becoming more and more isolated in international affairs

January 15, 2023

At the opening ceremony of the fundraising event “Hand In Hand Together For Tanintharyi Victory,” held on January 15, Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min remarked:

“During this period, the NUG government is working to fight the entrenched military dictatorship by setting a one-year strategic plan to conquer it within a year. In our analysis of the past year, we all know that the terrorist military group tried to seize power but failed. Now, in international affairs, the terrorist military council is becoming more and more isolated, and the international sanctions are increasing step by step.”

Moreover, in the NUG one-year strategic plan, five sectors and five formats of combat were said to have been identified and are being implemented in order to win the military council politically, to remove the businesses that support the military council, for the military council not to be internationally recognized, etc.

3. The NUG’s Deputy Minister of Defence urges the resolution of frictions between revolutionary comrades as friendly conflicts

January 15, 2023

At the opening ceremony of the fundraising event “Hand In Hand Together For Tanintharyi Victory,” held on January 15, Deputy Minister of Defence U Naing Kaung Ywut said:

“There may be frictions [between revolutionary comrades and groups] during this period. We will be successful if we understand and resolve these frictions as conflicts between friends in the courts that have already been established.”

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister stated that the NUG Ministry of Defence will continue to carry out armaments and will support the production of weapons by the people’s defence forces. 

4. The certificate with the Unique Identification Number supplied by the NUG when the tax payment is finished will become a proof of future tax exemption

January 15, 2023

On January 15, the Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government announced that the certificate with the Unique Identification Number supplied by the NUG when the tax payment is finished will become a proof of future tax exemption. The Internal Revenue Department said:

“During the revolution, the security of the taxpayers is most important. The Internal Revenue Department has carefully taken steps to ensure the safety of tax payments for all entrepreneurs and taxpayers. Only the Unique Identification Number, which will be received at the time of tax payment, will be set as the record of the taxpayer. Keep the received certificate with the Unique Identification number for future tax exemptions.”

In addition, the Internal Revenue Department stated that taxpayers will not be required to provide their personal information or information related to their businesses when paying taxes.

5. The 103rd Ward/Village Tract People’s Administration Group and the 104th Ward/Village Tract People’s Defence Group were formed in Khin-U Township

January 15, 2023

The Khin-U Township People’s Administration Group announced on January 15 that the 103rd Ward/Village Tract People’s Administration Group and the 104th Ward/Village Tract People’s Defence Group were formed in Khin-U Township, as follows:

“In Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division, the 103rd Ward/Village Tract People’s Administration Group and the 104th Ward/Village Tract People’s Defence Group were formed in accordance with the desire of the people.”

The Township People’s Administration Groups and the Township People’s Defence Force are forming administrative and defence groups in the villages in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division, in accordance with the policies and guidelines established by the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) of the National Unity Government (NUG), in order to carry out defence, administration, public services, and law enforcement activities properly. 

6. The terrorist military troops burned and destroyed 5 villages and killed an elderly man within 4 days in a row beginning on January 10 in Pale Township

January 15, 2023

According to Pale local news sources, terrorist military troops burned and destroyed five villages and killed an elderly man in Pale Township over four days beginning on January 10. 

“In our Pale Township, the military council troops burned down five villages in the past four days: Thayet Kan, Nyaung Yin Kone, Thapyay Aye, Ywa Thit (South), and Thayet Hla villages, and killed and burned a 67-year-old man,” locals said.

According to locals, the military council troops and members of the paramilitary “Pyu Saw Htee” group also took already-harvested crops from villages and burned and destroyed cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and other property in the nearby forest, where villagers fleeing the violence found refuge.

7. The terrorist military junta troops fired at least 38 heavy weapons into the villages in the administrative area of the KNU-administered Mone Township

January 15, 2023

The Karen National Union (KNU) Central released a statement on January 14 stating that the terrorist military council forces fired at least 38 heavy weapons into villages in the administrative area of the KNU-administered Mone Township between January 11 and 13, as follows:

“From January 11 to January 13, the coup military forces dropped at least 4 drone-delivered bombs in addition to firing at least 38 heavy weapons against villages in Mone Township in the KNU’s administrative region.”

The Light Infantry Battalion 351 (LIB-351) and Infantry Battalion 60 (IB-60) of the terrorist coup military fired several times with heavy weapons into the villages of Naung Kone, Tamar Khaw, Taung Su (east and west), Thapyay Kone, and Myat Ye (Bamar).

As a result of the attack, at least 4 houses and 2 barns were destroyed, and the locals were scared and fled for their lives.

On the morning of January 11, a local resident was shot and killed when the military council of the coup d’état attacked Myat Ye (Bamar) Village.

8. The revolutionary fundraising raffle, “We Must Win,” organised by the NYCBC, has launched

January 15, 2023

On January 15, the New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC) announced the launch of its revolutionary raffle, “We Must Win,” as follows:

“The ‘We Must Win’ raffles, organised by the NYCBC with the aim of ending the military dictatorship in 2023, have started to be sold. There are only 500 tickets available in all, and as of right now, 200 have been sold. A raffle ticket is sold for 20 USD, and the first prize will be 2,500 USD. Because only 500 tickets are sold, the chances of winning the raffle are higher, and on the other side, we will be able to support the people who are suffering because of the military dictatorship.”

Those interested in purchasing raffle tickets can do so by contacting the NYCBC’s Facebook page.

At the Spring Tea Talk event on January 8, up to 52 types of food will be available, and ethnic foods will also be included.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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