Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Dec 28

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the defensive revolution led by the NUG government as a political front has been successful to a certain extent

On December 27, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the defensive revolution led by the NUG government as a political front has been successful to a certain extent.

On December 27, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said the following at the 80th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government:

“I believe that the defensive revolution led by the NUG government as a political front has been successful to a certain extent. The military dominance of the mountainous regions and the defensive of the mainland/upland regions are seen as unimaginably resilient. It is joyful and delightful. However, we must not forget that this defensive has cost many sacrifices. Although the destroyed wealth can be recovered, each and every single penny funded by the people is very valuable.”  

The National Unity Government has announced the people’s defensive revolution to wage nationwide on September 7, 2021.

At present, public services are being implemented in controlled territories in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Karenni State and Karen State.

2. The interim report of the Auditor General of the National Unity Government has been sent to the Acting President and Union Prime Minister

It is reported that the interim report of the Auditor General of the National Unity Government has been sent to the Acting President and Union Prime Minister.

At the cabinet meeting on December 27, Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than said the following:

“One thing I want to say is about the interim report that the Auditor General sent to the Acting President and me. Although our National Unity Government is a revolutionary government, since its inception, the Auditor General has been established and is responsible for financial matters. All the ministers know that they have been managed with responsibility and accountability. Now the Office of the Auditor General has been helping with technological support without any mistake to manage the finances of all ministries, including the offices of Acting President, Union Prime Minister and the Auditor General.”

The National Unity Government is currently spending nearly 95 percent of the budget on the Ministry of Defense, and it has announced that 10 million kyats have been allocated to each ministry as the budget of the ministries.

3. The final sentence for the remaining five charges against State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could be made on December 30

According to reports, a final sentence for the remaining five charges against State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could be made on December 30.

According to the community near the court, the news was reported in the last week of December.

On December 26, the lawyers filed their final appeals against the cases unjustly charged against State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Therefore, it is said that the court may issue a final sentence on December 30.

The 77-year-old State Counselor, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been detained since the military coup on February 1, 2021, has been kept in solitary confinement at Nay Pyi Taw Prison by the military council.

4. Union Minister of Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, discussed the Spring Revolution’s “One Year Plan—Phase One Action Plan” at the cabinet meeting

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing, Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, discussed the Spring Revolution’s “One Year Plan—Phase One Action Plan” at the cabinet meeting.

It is reported that Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing, Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, discussed the Spring Revolution’s “One Year Plan—Phase One Action Plan” at the cabinet meeting on December 27.

After that, the Union Prime Minister clarified and discussed what had been discussed, and the Acting President gave a speech.

The 80th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government was attended by Acting President Duwa Lashi La, Union Ministers, including Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than and Deputy Ministers.

5.  Ministry of Human Rights released a statement about the incident of the junta troops killing 10 civilians and burning down 7 houses in Sin Inn Gyi Village of Ponnagyun Township, Rakhine State

Ministry of Human Rights released a statement about the incident of the junta troops killing 10 civilians and burning down 7 residential houses in Sin Inn Gyi Village of Ponnagyun Township, Rakhine State.

In December, the NUG Human Rights Ministry reported.

It said that Light Infantry Battalion-550, based in Ponnagyun, and Light Infantry Battalion-344, based in Par Da Leik, Sittwe, raided the Sin Inn Gyi Village of Ponnagyun Township, Rakhine State on November 10, 2022, and killed 10 civilians and destroyed 7 residential houses.

It is said that the terrorist military column entered the houses in the villages and opened fire with guns, hitting the civilians and some were found with knife wounds.

6. The 2nd time of the oath water drinking ceremony of the Inle People’s Defense Force (I.P.D.F) of Southern Shan State was held

The 2nd time of the oath water drinking ceremony of the Inle People’s Defense Force (I.P.D.F) of Southern Shan State was held on December 27.

On December 27, the Inle People’s Defense Force (I.P.D.F) of Southern Shan State informed that, “As frontline comrades of the 1009 Infantry (I.P.D.F) arrived back and all our comrades were present, we briefly held the ceremony of swearing an oath by drinking oath water for the second time.”

The Inle People Defense Force informed via their Facebook Page that the second time was more magnificent with people donations than the first time.

7. The Western Brigade 7’s Battalion-710 was renamed Pakokku District Battalion-14

On December 27, Battalion-710 of the Western Brigade 7, officially announced that, “The Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government has reassigned Battalion-710 of the Western Brigade 7 to Pakokku District Battalion-14.”

Therefore, they said that all activities, including the military operations of Battalion-710 of the Western Brigade 7 will be announced under the name “Pakokku District Battalion-14” starting today.

8. In December alone, the terrorist army has destroyed more than 2900 houses through arson attacks in Depayin Township, setting a new record

In December alone, the terrorist army has destroyed more than 2900 houses through arson attacks in Depayin Township, setting a new record.

On December 27, Depayin Township People’s Administration confirmed that, “On December 26, 2012, in De Pay Yin Township, about 400 houses were destroyed by arson attacks in Pha Ya Htwat Village and 300 houses were also burned down in Kyi Village by the junta troops. In December 2022, a total of more than 2,900 houses were burned down within a month in 22 villages in Depayin Township by the junta troops.”

At present, more than 4,200 houses have been burned down in Depayin Township, making it the township with the most damage in Sagaing Division since the military coup.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the defensive revolution led by the NUG government as a political front has been successful to a certain extent
  2. The interim report of the Auditor General of the National Unity Government has been sent to the Acting President and Union Prime Minister
  3. The final sentence for the remaining five charges against State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could be made on December 30
  4. Union Minister of Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, discussed the Spring Revolution’s “One Year Plan—Phase One Action Plan” at the cabinet meeting
  5. Ministry of Human Rights released a statement about the incident of the junta troops killing 10 civilians and burning down 7 houses in Sin Inn Gyi Village of Ponnagyun Township, Rakhine State
  6. The 2nd time of the oath water drinking ceremony of the Inle People’s Defense Force (I.P.D.F) of Southern Shan State was held
  7. The Western Brigade 7’s Battalion-710 was renamed Pakokku District Battalion-14
  8. In December alone, the terrorist army has destroyed more than 2900 houses through arson attacks in Depayin Township, setting a new record

Credit to #RadioNUG


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