Summary of News

1. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung says that she is pleased with Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as he will be able to continue to represent the voice of the people of Myanmar

Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister of Foreign Affairs, posted a message on social media expressing her pride in Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun for being able to continue on representing for the people of Myanmar. The message is as follows:

“Today, the U.N. General Assembly unanimously agreed to the report submitted by the U.N. Credentials Committee on the continuation of the status quo of Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar to the United Nations. CONGRATULATION! to the People’s Ambassador for being able to continue to represent the voice of the people of Myanmar.”

Since the U.N. General Assembly unanimously approved the report submitted by the U.N. Credentials Committee on deferring the consideration of the representative of Myanmar for another year, the incumbent ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun will continue to serve in the seat.

2. NUG Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe warns not to harm unity as it is crucial in the Spring Revolution

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister for Education and Health, stated the following at the donation ceremony of proceeds from a fundraising drive for children’s education and a lucky draw event:

“The most crucial aspect of today’s revolution is unity; everyone must be united and participate. It is critical not to jeopardize everyone’s unity. In order not to affect unity, the right to self-determination is important in every region and everywhere.”

Furthermore, the Union Minster said that Myanmar is moving toward establishing a federal government and creating a country free of war.

3. The NUG Human Rights Minister says that migrants from Myanmar are spring revolutionaries

On December 18, International Migrants Day, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights, made the following remarks:

“DECEMBER 18, International Migrants Day 2022!!! Migrants of Myanmar descent are spring revolutionaries.”

There are people who migrated after the military coup and are assisting the revolution with manpower and financial means.

4. NUG Minister of Labour Nai Suwunna has requested concrete assistance in overthrowing the terrorist military council and establishing a federal democratic union

The Union Minister made the following request in his statement for International Migrants Day, which comes on December 18:

“I would like to strongly request governments of countries in touch with Myanmar and international organizations such as International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Labour Organization (ILO) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (NHCR), taking into account the troubles and challenges faced by Myanmar migrants and migrant workers, to take the necessary measures engaging with NUG, and to provide concrete supports for overthrowing the terrorist military council and building a federal democratic union, which is the only solution to all the crises and challenges faced by Myanmar domestic and overseas migrant workers.”

Since the coup d’état in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, due to the oppressive violence of the military council, the number of internationally displaced people (IDPs) has reached more than one million for the first time, and more than 70,000 have fled to neighbouring countries, according to the United Nations.

5. Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration meets with district administration bodies

The meeting (5/2022) was held between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government and the local administration bodies on December 17.

Dr. Hlaing Myint Han, Joint Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave a speech at the meeting. Next, an official from the Department of People’s Administration clarified the department’s work policy and the work carried out. Then, the local administration bodies explained and discussed the difficulties and challenges they have encountered on the ground.

Officials from the Department of People’s Administration under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration as well as representatives from district administrative bodies attended the meeting.

6. The junta troops torched civilian houses in Chaung Sone Village in Ye-U Township this morning

According to the revolutionary groups, the junta troops set fire to civilian houses in Chaung Sone Village in Ye-U Township, Sagaing Division, on the morning of December 18.

“The military council troops that spent last night in Chaung Sone Village in the northwest part of Ye-U Township burned down civilian houses early this morning,” local revolutionary groups said.

Recently, the revolutionary groups have warned residents of nearby villages closest to Chaung Sone Village to take special care and evacuate.

7. A skirmish took place between the defence forces and the junta column heading towards Taung Yar Gyi Taw Village

On December 18, the Kawlin Revolution (KR) team, a revolutionary group in Kawlin Township reporting revolutionary news, reported that a skirmish took place between the junta column heading towards Taung Yar Gyi Taw Village and the local defence forces.

It states, “A skirmish took place between the military council troops that spent last night in Si Sone Village and headed towards Taung Yar Gyi Taw Village and the allied force of Battalion 2 of the Kawlin People’s Defence Force (KLPDF) and Kawlin PaKaPha.”

Kawlin Township villages have been targeted by terrorist military raids.

8. A public strike was staged in the Monywa market, holding a banner that read, “Let’s Fight the Illegal Junta’s Sham Election with the Power of the People”

The Ayadaw Township Public Strike Committee announced on December 18 that a public strike was staged in the Monywa market, holding a banner that read, ” Let’s Fight the Illegal Junta’s Sham Election with the Power of the People.”

It states, “The Ayadaw Township Public Strike Committee, with the collaboration of the local public, conducted a non-violent public movement in Monywa market by holding banners such as ‘Demolish the Fascist System and Build the People’s System,’ ‘Let’s Fight the Illegal Junta’s Sham Election with the Power of the People.’”

The Ayadaw Township Public Strike Committee is a group that is active in conducting public strike activities on a daily basis.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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