Summary of News

1. Myanmar nationals in London call for an immediate end to Myanmar military’s violence against women

On November 27, the Winter Gala Dinner to raise funds for the Myanmar Revolution was held in London, United Kingdom, and attendees joined the International White Ribbon Campaign to End Violence Against Women and Girls and called for an immediate end to violence against women by Myanmar’s terrorist military.

NUG representatives U Maung Maung Aung and Dr. Thet Ko Ko attended the fundraiser and offered greetings. The Minister for Technology and the Digital Economy as well as the Minister of London, UK MP Mr. Paul Scully, was also present at the event and pledged to do everything in his power to help Myanmar.

The National Unity Government is celebrating the 16-day white ribbon campaign to end violence against women and girls in cooperation with international organizations across the country. In addition, a discussion regarding the activities will be held on November 29 (Tuesday) at 5:00 p.m., and Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Union Minister of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, and U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights will also attend and participate in the discussion on November 29 (Tuesday) at 5:00 p.m.

The theme for this year’s campaign to end violence against women and girls is “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls!”.

2. NUG Union Minister says that women’s and children’s roles will play a crucial part when the nation is rid of dictators

The 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls is being celebrated around the world from November 25 to December 10. All the groups of the military resistance forces are also taking part in this activism, together with the National Unity Government.

Various ministries are encouraging everyone to participate in this action to the greatest extent possible, and U Soe Thura Tun, Union Minister of Electricity and Energy, has also given a message in support of it. The Union Minister stated in his message that when the country is free of dictators, the role of women and children will be critical, as follows:

“There is also a saying that ‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World.’ Children who are born from mothers become our nation, and they will cultivate both the global and national futures. Women and children suffer during this time, particularly when the military regime is in power; in other words, violence against them is becoming more and more common. With awareness and caution, we must protect them and prevent such incidents from occurring. Our regional young PDFs members and defense groups must take seriously the safety of women and children and use all available means to protect them from violence. In areas of our country where that can be said to become relatively safe, there is also a judicial system. We would like to convey a message today that we take this issue seriously and will do our best to protect it. Our country’s future cannot be without them. The role of women and children will play an increasingly important role when the country is gaining freedom as a result of our selfless sacrifices. So, in honor of our 16 days of activism, I welcome you to our theme UNITE! Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls!

(((((    U Soe Thura Tun, Union Minister   )))))

The 16 Days of White Ribbon Activism aims to end violence against women and girls worldwide. In Myanmar, since the military coup, everyone has been working to stop the raping and killing of women by the military group.

3. Terrorist military detained approximately 40 civilians and extorted money from them

According to local residents, the terrorist military detained approximately 40 civilians in Pala, Myeik Township, Tanintharyi Division, and extorted up to 100,000 kyats from each of them. There are women among those detained 40 civilians, and the junta demands 5 million or 10 million kyats to release the detainees.

“There are now three or four people who have paid and been released. Until the evening, the military was still being pursued,” said a local on the evening of November 27.

With about 80 soldiers, military council troops have been invading Kade Village in Palaw Township since last November 25. They retreated when the local people’s defense forces fight back and stationed themselves in Pala Town. After that, they teamed up with the roughly 50 soldiers who were already at the Pala Police Station to make arrests and use various methods to extort money from the locals.

At the moment, more than 500 families from Pala Town and Kade Village have fled to the nearby jungles in fear of being attacked by military council troops.

Five soldiers from the marching military units on November 25 were killed in an attack by local people’s defense forces.

4. Jet fighters are continuously flying to terrorize the populace when the head of the terrorist military arrives

The Yak-130 jet fighters were continuously flying from Tada-U and Hmawbi air bases when terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing arrived in Magway on November 28. According to an air force source, ethnic areas should be wary of bombing because bombing jet fighters, the military junta’s main stronghold, are flying like this.

On November 27, the terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing paid visits to Minbu and Saku in Magway Division. On November 28, it was reported that he attended the opening ceremony for Magway City’s entrance gate and met with Entrepreneurs at the City Hall.

“Min Aung Hlaing arrived at the opening of the Magway City entrance gate on the Natmauk road, close to the airport feeder road. He met with prominent businessmen at the City Hall. Following that, he paid visits to the business places of Koung Mon, U Sein Htay, Ah May Htwar Peanut Oil, and U Htay Aung. Entrepreneurs did not want to see Min Aung Hlaing either, but they cannot refuse because they are compelled to,” a ministry information source in Magway said.

When terrorist military leader was in Magway, jet fighters were constantly flying in the air force bases of Tada-U and Hmawbi.

“Jet fighters have been flying from Tada-U since around 11:00 a.m. The city was circled by one jet. Two more jets took off in the direction of the northeast. In addition, infantry forces with three vehicles were deployed to the Tada-U air force base. The operation is also taking place at the Hmawbi air force base. Caution must be taken in the Karen, Kachin, and Chin regions,” an air force information source said.

5. ULA/AA Spokesperson U Khaing Thuta says that fighting can resume at any time despite the temporary ceasefire

The coup military and the Arakan Army have reached another ceasefire agreement to end months of renewed hostilities in Rakhine State, and the Arakan Army spokesperson stated on November 28 that it was only a temporary ceasefire agreement.

The ULA/AA Spokesperson U Khaing Thuta told at the 6th online press briefing on November 28 at 10:00 a.m. that the ceasefire is in place due to the mediation of Nippon Foundation chair Mr. Sasakawa and that fighting could resume at any time if the military council initiates military operations.

“The ceasefire agreement is not signed on paper. It is informal, and if one side does something to the other, fighting can break out at any time. It will depend a lot on how things develop.” Said U Khaing Thukha.

It is also stated that the humanitarian ceasefire was negotiated with the goal of resolving the difficulties and troubles that Rakhine people are currently experiencing, such as the regime’s travel restrictions and blocking of roads and waterways to prevent the transportation of food and medicines from other parts of the country to certain townships in Rakhine State and Paletwa in Chin State, hospitals running out of medicines, and the most important thing is to be able to harvest paddy in the current harvest season.

“To be honest, Mr. Sasakawa, chair of the Nippon Foundation, mediated the ceasefire. It was not carried out as a result of pressure from a major country. This ceasefire is not the result of any country’s pressure. We carried out this to alleviate the crisis people are currently facing. Currently, there is a ceasefire, but our political position has not changed. We will remain steadfast in our original stance,” he said.

During the two months of renewed clashes, the military council arrested over 324 innocent civilians and released 85 of them after the ceasefire, and it has been learned that the remaining 239 are still being detained.

Because of the mediation of Mr. Sasakawa, chair of the Nippon Foundation, a ceasefire between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army was also reached in 2020 and 2021. However, fierce clashes erupted again later.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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