Summary of News

1. The National Unity Government was able to assist nearly 100,000 pregnant women financially

Acting President Duwa Lashi La stated on November 25 at the “16 Days Activisms” program to end gender-based violence that the National Unity Government was able to assist nearly 100,000 pregnant women financially.

The Acting President stated, “Our National Unity Government provided financial support to over 50,000 pregnant women in unstable regions in 2021 and continued to support another 45,000 pregnant women until mid-2022.”

The Acting President also stated that the majority of those fleeing for fear of the military are women and children, with pregnant women among them.

2. NUG Home Affairs Minister U Lwin Ko Latt says that women and children must be protected in society as a whole

The following was stated in an exhortation regarding the elimination of violence against women and girls on November 26 by U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration:

“Women and children need to be protected in society as a whole. In fact, this violence occurs at home, in the neighborhood, and in every social organization. Women and children are victims of violence everywhere. Enacting laws alone is not sufficient to protect women and children. We must first firmly believe that women and children have to be protected, and then take practical steps to do so.”

As of October 11, 2022, 271 women had perished as a result of the military council’s violence during the revolution.

The theme for this year’s campaign to end violence against women and girls is “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls!”.

3. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe encourages everyone to take part in the White Ribbon Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Union Minister of Women, Youth, and Children Affairs, Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, urged the entire public to take part in the White Ribbon Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls.

“Our country, Myanmar, has been under the unjust rule of the fascist military for almost 2 years. During the brutal military rule, many women and girls suffered from the violence of the fascist military. It is the responsibility of all members of our society to end such violence and protect women and girls. We can only prevent this gender-based violence by working together. You, too, can join this campaign to end violence against women and girls,” said the Union Minister.

The “16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence,” which used to be held every year around the world, will be held from November 25 to December 10.

To participate in the campaign, wear a white ribbon around your chest, hold up three fingers, take a photo, and share it on social media with the text “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls!” and hashtags.

4. For the purposes of funding the areas required for the Spring Revolution, a Spring Revolution fundraiser was held in Sydney, Australia

On November 26, a Spring Revolution fundraiser was held in Australia, and NUG Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min attended and delivered a speech.

Union Minister au Aung Myo Min also posted on social media as follow:

“Today was the day Mawlamyine-born me cheered at a fundraiser for Ye Township in Mon State and Myaung Township in Sagaing Division to fight Min Aung Hlaing; it was the day I was proud of Myanmar’s revolutionary forces in Sydney; it was the day I was pleased to talk to my ASBDF (All Burma Students’ Democratic Front) comrades; today I gained more strength to fight in the revolution.”

The fundraiser aimed to provide humanitarian aid to Ye District in Mon State and Myaung Township Sagaing Region, in areas in need of assistance during the Spring Revolution. At the fundraiser, more than 30 shops were opened and sold.

5. The 10-day Revolutionary People’s Support campaign has begun to raise funds for the Myaung Women Warriors

On November 26, the CRPH-OFP announced the following:

“This month, during the OFP fundraiser Ko Phyo’s monthly 10-day ‘Revolutionary People’s Support’ Campaign, we will raise funds to support the Myaung Women Warriors, M2W. The Myaung Women Warriors-M2W, a group comprised of female fighters from the military-oppressed upcountry Myaung region, is a group that not only fights against the terrorist military, but also produces items required for military activities.”

Between November 25 and December 5, Messenger can be used to communicate with the fundraising campaign, and it’s easy to transfer money in Myanmar Kyat, US Dollars, Singapore Dollars, Thai Baht, Japanese Yen, and NUGPay.

Furthermore, M2W’s certificate of honor will be returned to those who participated, and those who wish to support can do so through the CRPH – OFP Facebook Page Messenger.

6. Three claymore mines dropped from the sky on a terrorist junta vehicle leaving Monywa resulted in the death of more than twenty soldiers

On the morning of November 26, the Brave Heart Army (BHA) claimed that three claymore mines were dropped from the sky on a vehicle carrying terrorist junta soldiers from Monywa in Sagaing Division, killing more than twenty soldiers.

“For the first time, on the afternoon of November 25, the Brave Heart Army (BHA) attack a military vehicle carrying 30 junta soldiers leaving Monywa with three M-18 claymore mines from the sky in the area of Monywa-ChaungU Road,” it said.

Of the 30 junta soldiers on board, 23 were confirmed dead and 7 to have suffered serious injuries as a result of the attack.

7. Three soldiers were killed when a military council convoy struck a landmine between Boemingyikin and Gwaypintaw in Myinmu Township

Three soldiers were reported killed when a military council convoy struck a landmine between Boemingyikin and Gwaypintaw in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Division.

On November 26, the military news was confirmed by the Myaung People’s Defense Force (T.G.R).

“On the evening of November 25, the first 6 of the 11 military vehicles that came out of Sagaing were blasted for the first time between Boemingyikin and Gwaypintaw, killing 3 soldiers. For the second time, the military convoy was blown up again between the Gwaypintaw and the Yepoesar, and the list of casualties is still being confirmed,” it said.

The allies who participated in the attack were the Myaung People’s Defense Force (T.G.R.), the Demo Guerilla Force, and the Kyaukse District Battalion-2 of the People’s Defense Force.

8. The military council troops who were marching into Nyaw Pyin Village, Longlon Township, Tanintharyi Division, shot and killed two people including a mentally-ill person

On November 26, the Democracy Movement Strike Committee-Dawei confirmed that the military council troops who were marching into Nyaw Pyin Village, Longlon Township, Tanintharyi Division, shot and killed two people including a mentally-ill person.

It states, “About 30 members of the terrorist military council and Pyu Saw Htee (militia) entered Nyaw Pyin Village, Longlon Township, Tanintharyi Division in the morning of November 25. They destroyed some houses, beat, arrested, and interrogated the residents, and, in addition, killed 2 men.”

The victims of the shooting are said to be Maung Thein Lwin, a disabled and mentally ill man over the age of 20, and U Kyaw Soe, a man in his 40s.

The underling soldiers of the terrorist military council unjustly took money and other valuables from houses in the village, as well as 9 villager-owned motorcycles.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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