Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Nov 14

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says the unlimited exploitation of natural resources has increased after the military council seized the state power

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the unlimited exploitation of natural resources has increased after the military council seized the state power, and the environment has been significantly damaged. It was stated in the message sent by Acting President Duwa Lashi La to the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held from 6-18 November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

“Myanmar is a country rich in natural resources, but it is the least developed country and has limited ability to prevent and control climate change and ecological damage, so it is among the countries with the highest damage to natural resources. Due to the absence of rule of law since the seizure of power by the military council on February 1, 2021, the exploitation of natural resources has increased greatly and significant damages have occurred,” the Acting President said. In addition, the Acting President also said that the National Unity Government, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, has been making continuous efforts to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions – (NDC) submitted to the UNFCCC convention.

2. Defense Minister U Yee Mon says to respect the courage of the young people who protested by wearing “longyis” printed with anti-authoritarian texts

Defense Minister U Yee Mon said to respect the courage of the young people who protested by wearing “longyis” printed with anti-authoritarian texts. On November 13, Defense Minister U Yee Mon wrote on his Twitter. During the tight security in Yangon, public demonstrations were held wearing Burmese longyi with “slogans against dictatorship ” painted on them. I respect their courage,” he said. Young comrades from Yangon Revolution Force (YRF), Soft Strike Community, risked their lives to carry out this campaign.

3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye says those who in charge of security should pay special attention to safety

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that in charge of security should pay special attention to safety as the expansion have already carried out from the special administrative region. On November 13, Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, said at the meeting with the Interim Local Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Groups of the Special Administrative Region.

“It is known that expansions are already underway from the Special Administrative Region and those in charge of security need to pay special attention to safety and are working hard. Since it is a meeting for all those working on the ground, the difficulties on the ground will be discussed and information from the relevant ministries need to be resolved. As the revolution accelerated, it is necessary to take special care and take action from all sides,” the Union Minister said. The meeting was attended by leaders of public administration groups from special administrative regions, members and ministers from relevant ministries, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, and directors.

4. The Ministry of Justice released that the military council’s acts of terrorism can be sent along with documentary evidence

The Ministry of Justice released that the military council’s acts of terrorism can be sent along with documentary evidence. It was clearly announced by the Ministry of Justice, the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Department (ROLTJD) on November 13. As the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Department (ROLTJD) of the Ministry of Justice under the National Unity Government, efforts are being made for law enforcement and justice-related processes during the interim period. It is described that people are requested to cooperate by sending informing along with documented evidence of the process such as the military council’s acts of terrorism that are happening in public territories, abuses by armed groups, damages and losses. Any information getting from senders will be treated with full confidentiality.


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5.  The Ministry of Commerce held a meeting with the Myanmar Hindu Union (MHU)

The National Unity Government, Ministry of Commerce, had a discussion with the Myanmar Hindu Union (MHU), which is working against the military dictatorship. In the meeting, Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Union Minister of Commerce, secretaries and officials from various departments attended and clarified the operations of the Ministry of Commerce. Then, Myanmar Hindu Union (MHU) officials and association members from various countries discussed on Ministry’s actions. It has been reported that discussions were made to provide support in implementing measures for the MOC’s business sector to succeed the revolution.

6. Ten CDM teachers in need of emergency health assistance were awarded a subsidy of 100,000 Kyats each with the support of CRYH

Ten CDM teachers in need of emergency health assistance were awarded a subsidy of 100,000 Kyats each with the support of the Committee Representing Yangon Region Hluttaw (CRPH). It was confirmed by one CDM education staff on November 13. With the help of CRYH in last October, it was able to provide 300,000 Kyats at the rate of 50,000 per person, through the township education boards for six arrested women’s education CDM employees in Yangon.

7. Burma People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) is recruiting new trainees for training batch No.5

It is reported that Burma People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) is recruiting new trainees for training batch No.5. It was officially announced by the Burma People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) on November 13. “Trainees are being recruited for week No.5. It can be inquired via page messenger” they said. The agreement between the Ministry of Defense, People Defense Force, and Burma People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) were made on October 26 to cooperate militarily operations in their respective areas and to work together politically with the recognition of mutual respect.

8. It was able to assist Myanmar workers in obtaining full insurance benefits of more than 2 million baht for car accident deaths in Kefalfit, Tak province, Thailand

It was able to assist Myanmar workers in obtaining full insurance benefits of more than 2 million baht for car accident deaths in Kefalfit, Tak province, Thailand.  The Ministry of Labor released the news on November 13. The NUG Ministry of Labor assigned the AAC alliance led by Ko Ye Min and provide insurance benefits of 1,050,000 baht each to the families of two deceased dependent workers and a total of 2,100,000 baht has been given to the bereaved families on November 3. The National Unity Government, Ministry of Defense, said “it was recorded and honored to relevant departments of Thai government for their cooperation to obtain insurance benefits for Myanmar workers, and the private car insurance company, including the AAC Alliance led by Ko Ye Min.

9. A total of over UD$9,500 was raised from the “Moe Khar Yay” film festival

A total of over US Dollar 9,500 was raised from the “Moe Khar Yay” film festival, which was encouraged by people from all over the state of Texas. It has been reported that the movie “Moe Khar Yay” was successfully screened on November 12. More than a hundred people participated from all over the state of Texas, and sold traditional food, calendar hoodies and t-shirts. At the screening of the two films, director Ko Pauk said greetings via zoom. Moreover, the director Ko Pauk’s painting “The Sea Full of Ivory” fetched US$1,000 at auction, raising a total of more than US$9,500.

10. The fundraising festival for Sagaing will be held on November 20 in Sydney, Australia

It is reported that the fundraising festival for Sagaing will be held on November 20 in Sydney, Australia. A fundraiser event will be held on Sunday, November 20, to support the needed areas within Sagaing. The event will be held from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, and Union-born people in Sydney are invited to come and support. Sagaing is also a key region in the revolutionary battlegrounds to eradicate the terrorist group, and the military council has been stepping up attacks and burning down villages in Sagaing region.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says the unlimited exploitation of natural resources has increased after the military council seized the state power
  2. Defense Minister U Yee Mon says to respect the courage of the young people who protested by wearing “longyis” printed with anti-authoritarian texts
  3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye says those who in charge of security should pay special attention to safety
  4. The Ministry of Justice released that the military council’s acts of terrorism can be sent along with documentary evidence
  5. The Ministry of Commerce held a meeting with the Myanmar Hindu Union (MHU)
  6. Ten CDM teachers in need of emergency health assistance were awarded a subsidy of 100,000 Kyats each with the support of CRYH
  7. Burma People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) is recruiting new trainees for training batch No.5
  8. It was able to assist Myanmar workers in obtaining full insurance benefits of more than 2 million baht for car accident deaths in Kefalfit, Tak province, Thailand
  9. A total of over UD$9,500 was raised from the “Moe Khar Yay” film festival
  10. The fundraising festival for Sagaing will be held on November 20 in Sydney, Australia

Credit to #RadioNUG


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