Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Nov 02

  1. The Union Prime Minister says we must respond in various ways to the terrorist military council which physically and mentally tortures those who stand for the truth
  2. Defense Minister U Yee Mon said the People’s Defense Force (PDF) has already considered the student army as comrades-in-arms
  3. The 11th one hundred thousand dollars from the “OneDayChallenge” campaign has been sent to the National Unity Government (NUG)
  4. The University of Forestry and Environmental Science (Yezin) is calling for applications of first-year admission for forestry and environmental specializations
  5. A civilian home was hit, and three family members died when heavy weapons were fired from operations command headquarters (SaKaKha) 9 based in Kyauktaw, Rakhine State
  6. There were 32 battles in the Karenni state and 28 soldiers of the military council were killed during October
  7. The terrorist army burned and destroyed 14 houses in Kyarkhe village, Htilin township
  8. Five comrades have fallen when the PDF was intercepted and attacked near Saypingyi village in the border area between Myaing and Pauk

The Union Prime Minister says we must respond in various ways to the terrorist military council which physically and mentally tortures those who stand for the truth

The Union Prime Minister said that we must respond in various ways to the terrorist military council which physically and mentally tortures those who stand for the truth.

It was added at the 73rd cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on November 1. “For our revolution, what kind of work will benefit the public and make them strong? What kind of work will hurt the terrorist military councils? In the case of being hurt, it is necessary to hurt both physically and emotionally. We have to respond in various ways to the terrorists who are physically and mentally torturing those who stand for the truth,” he said. Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers, including Union Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than, attended the meeting.

Defense Minister U Yee Mon said the People’s Defense Force (PDF) has already considered the student army as comrades-in-arms

The People’s Defense Force has already considered the student army as comrades-in-arms, Defense Minister U Yee Mon added in his message to mark the 34th anniversary of ABSDF’s establishment on November 1. “Despite facing all kinds of revolution vicissitudes, but survived like this, is a matter of pride for the ABSDF comrades and the people of Myanmar. The People’s Defense Force (PDF) has already considered the student army as comrades-in-arms,” he said. All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) was established on November 1, 1988.

The 11th one hundred thousand dollars from the “OneDayChallenge” campaign has been sent to the National Unity Government (NUG)

The Anti-Coup Committee (Korea) announced on November 1 that the 11th one hundred thousand dollars from the “OneDayChallenge” campaign have been sent to the National Unity Government. “The Anti-Coup Committee (Korea) sent Korean won that equivalent to one hundred thousand dollars to NUG every month from the ONE DAY CHALLENGE campaign funds received from August 2021 to October 2022, and a total of USD 1100,000 has been sent as of October 27, 2022,” they said. Acting President of NUG, Duwa Lashi La, sent a congratulatory certificate for receiving the one hundred thousand dollars monthly grant from ONE DAY CHALLENGE, and it has been sent for the 11th time on October 27, 2022. 

The University of Forestry and Environmental Science (Yezin) is calling for applications of first-year admission for forestry and environmental specializations

The University of Forestry and Environmental Science (Yezin) has been calling for applications of first-year admission for forestry and environmental specializations. The courses will be opened in December 2022. 100 students for forestry specialization and 100 students for environmental specialization, a total of 200 students will be recruited in equal gender. It is said that applicants must be in good health, able to distinguish colors, and must have passed the 2020 university entrance exam.

A civilian home was hit, and three family members died when heavy weapons were fired from operations command headquarters (SaKaKha) 9 based in Kyauktaw, Rakhine State

On October 31 at around 11:00 p.m., Kyauktaw city-based operation command headquarters (SaKaKha) 9 opened fire with heavy weapons, and one of the shells exploded near a house located in Pe Sii village, Kyauktaw township. AAPP reported that three family members who were sleeping inside the house died on the spot when the weapon exploded. In addition, their four cows also died during the attack. After the military coup, a total of 2,407 people has fallen during the spring revolution.

There were 32 battles in the Karenni state and 28 soldiers of the military council were killed during October

It is reported that there were 32 battles in the Karenni state and 28 soldiers of the military council were killed during October. KNDF informed the war situation for the month of October on November 1. During October, fierce fighting occurred on the Shan-Kayah border in Loikaw township, and the Karenni joint forces in Shadaw, Bawlakhe, and Hpruso townships attacked military council camps and sentinel camps at high speed. Also, clashes between the two sides took place in the villages surrounding Demoso and Loikaw. During the two-side clashes, 32 battles took place in the Karenni state, 28 soldiers of the military council were killed, and 17 were injured. Additionally, one soldier from the 66th division of the military council joined the CDM. It was reported that five KNDF comrades were bravely fallen in October while fighting against the terrorist army.

The terrorist army burned and destroyed 14 houses in Kyarkhe village, Htilin township

It is reported that the terrorist army burned and destroyed 14 houses in Kyarkhe village, Htilin township. People’s Defense Force confirmed that the terrorist army burned and destroyed Kyarkhe village on November 1 at 5:30 a.m. It is reported that two minefields exploded in Kyarkhe village, and one minefield exploded on the retreat road of the military council and a list of casualties has not been known yet. Currently, the People’s Defense Force (Htilin) informed the public not to go to the routes where the military council troops are heading.

Five comrades have fallen when the PDF was intercepted and attacked near Saypingyi village in the border area between Myaing and Pauk

It is reported that five comrades have fallen when the PDF was intercepted and attacked near Saypingyi village in the border area between Myaing and Pauk. “People’s Defense Force in Myaing-Pauk village prepared for a joint attack on the column that arrived at Saypingyi village in the border area between Myaing and Pauk.  After that, Pyu Saw Htee from the military council, who was hiding, was attacked while waiting for the armed force,” Myaing PaKaPha said. Five comrades from the Pauk Defense Force have fallen, and two escaped, during the clash. 

Credit to #RadioNUG


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