Summary of News

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked at the meeting that everyone must work two or three times as hard to protect people

Mahn Win Khaing Thann, Union Prime Minister, remarked at the meeting held on October 26 regarding the state of the National Unity Government’s one-year processes.

“Firstly, I would like to say that I’m deeply saddened by the air attack in the 9th Battalion area of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) at around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday night. It grieves me to learn that ethnic people of Myanmar are being subjected to inhumane and brutal atrocities continuously by the terrorist military council. It is true that since we are from the government, we cannot just grieve. We must make two or three times more efforts to provide more protection to our people.”— Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khing Thann said.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister reiterated that the National Unity Government will do its best, in accordance with domestic and international laws, to restore justice for each and every one of the people who were unjustly killed in this revolution, as well as those who were killed by air strikes.

The Spokesperson of the Office of the Acting President says that actions will be taken if the audit finds wrongdoing in the NUG government

U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson of the National Unity Government, told Radio NUG that the Minister and Deputy Ministers are currently spending all their government expenses in accordance with the financial rules and regulations without receiving any salary and that actions will be taken if the audit finds any wrongdoing inside the NUG government.

It is falsely accused that our NUG government’s ministers and deputy ministers receive 6,000,000 [kyats] in salaries. I would like to say that there are no NUG ministers or deputy ministers who receive a salary of 6,000,000 [kyats]. The ministers and deputy ministers, many of whom even use their own money to donate to the revolution, are working day and night and using public funds systematically to achieve the revolution as soon as possible. Therefore, it is possible that the allegation of receiving such a salary could be a misinformation psywar trying to divert the attention of the public at a time when the public is angry with the military council because of air attacks in Hpakant township by its air force the previous day, killing innocent Kachin civilians and injuring many. Why did this allegation emerge at this time? This may be kind of psywar. So, I would like to raise such a question.

Another thing is that even during the revolution, our government has been using funds systematically. An Auditor General has also been appointed, and the Auditor General and his office have systematically checked the expenditures of the ministries and government, and there are also recommendations to make the necessary things more systematic. Therefore, after the revolution, we will reveal our exact statistics to the public, and we will check them again. I would like to say that if we find those doing wrong things at that time, if they come now or in the future, we will take action if they do not follow the rules. During this time, our government has already presented to the public that we have used everything systematically and financially. We have already announced how much fund is spent in which sectors, what percentage is spent, how much income is in the budget, and how much is spent in which sectors. These statistics were also checked by the Office of the Auditor General according to their procedures.

I would like to say that we will release and announce more details after the revolution.

(((((U Kyaw Zaw, Acting President Spokesperson)))))

It is said that the National Unity Government has the Auditor General appointed and the expenditures are recorded.

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun states that only in fictitious courts is the Terrorist Military Council secretly interrogating the trials

On October 25, U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, delivered a statement under Agenda Item 68: Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions at the Third Committee of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly.

“In July this year, the illegal military junta summarily and arbitrarily executed four pro-democracy individuals, including prominent student leader Ko Jimmy and former lawmaker Ko Phyo Zeyar Thaw. These outrageous murders were summary executions because they followed the secret sham military trials with absolutely no fair trial standards and a total lack of due process.” — Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun stated.

The ambassador also stated that there are 126 death sentences imposed by the illegal military tribunals since the coup; 42 of them were imposed in absentia; and 84 people are on death row subject to lawless killings by the military junta.

The NUG Representative to Australia says that being influenced by the psywar of the military council will result in double losses

On October 26, Dr. Tun Aung Shwe, NUG Representative to Australia, warned to be aware of the junta’s propaganda.

“Whenever they carry out a brutal killing of civilians, the campaign that always follows on social media is what is NUG doing, what, where, etc., If there is harm or loss on one’s side, it is natural to feel anguish and frustration for the person on their own side. But if we are influenced by the psywar campaign, which is based on this nature, we will have to suffer twice,” he wrote.

At present, the military junta troops are carrying out air operations in Sagaing Division, Karen State, and Kachin State with all their might.

Burmese ethnic groups in the United States held a protest against the military council for committing war crimes against the Kachin ethnic group

On October 23, 2022, at around 8:30 p.m., when Kachin ethnic people were gathering in the A Nang Pa area of Kachin State, the terrorist military bombarded them with four fighter jets, killing and harming at least 100 unarmed civilians.

On the evening of October 25, Burmese ethnic groups from San Francisco, California, United States, gathered at the San Francisco City Hall Square to protest against the military council for committing war crimes against the Kachin ethnic group. They expressed that they stand with the people of Myanmar who are suffering from oppression and killing by the military dictator along with the Kachin ethnics. In addition, they called for the international community to take effective action against the Myanmar military council.

A new Nway Oo clinic was opened to provide consultations on mental health problems for the public

In October, the Nway Oo Clinic announced the expansion of its special clinic that will provide consultations on the public’s mental health problems.

It states, “It is true that due to the current general crisis in the country and various oppressions, people are experiencing increased stress and anxiety and are facing various mental health problems. Therefore, one more specialist clinic has been opened to provide consultations for the public’s mental health problems.”

It is stated that mental health specialist Dr. Oakar (MBBS, MRCPsych, U.K.) will be seeing mental health patients every Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. New patients will have one hour of consultation and treatment, while older patients will be given up to half an hour for careful observation and treatment.

It is also stated that those who want to receive treatment can contact and register at the Nway Oo Clinic through its Facebook Messenger.

Local defense forces attacked junta soldiers hiding somewhere along the Monywa-Ayadaw road, killing three soldiers, including a captain

The God of Monywa People’s Defense Force (GPDF), a revolutionary force in Monywa Township, reports, “On October 25, a MR2 car that brought rations to the junta troops who were hiding somewhere along the Monywa-Ayadaw road in Sagaing Division stopped right in front of the point. After we attacked the car, the car could not continue to drive anymore. As a result of the operation, a total of three, including a captain, inside the car were killed. The operation was jointly carried out by the God of Monywa People’s Defense Force (GPDF) and the Thepyay Nyo Guerrillas group.”

There is another report from the God of Monywa People’s Defense Force (GPDF) on October 26 that the God of Monywa People’s Defense Force (GPDF) and its allied forces—the Red Eagle People’s Defense Force, Ponnaka Guerrillas group, and Danger Force—carried out a mine attack on a military junta vehicle passing through the Monywa-Ayadaw road, killing at least 10 soldiers.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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