Summary of News

Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe says that only when military dictatorships and all kinds of dictatorships are abolished can discrimination be stopped and peace can be built

Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Union Minister for Women, Youths and Children Affairs, added the following in her speech on the International Day of Peace on September 21.

“Today is the International Day of Peace. As the celebrations of the International Day of Peace are held around the world, it coincides with the 77th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Our world, our country, and our community have suffered a lot throughout history because of racism. Peace in our country has been blurred since the military dictators tried to rule. Only when the military dictatorships and all kinds of dictators end completely will we be able to stop discrimination and build peace.” — Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe said. The theme of this year’s International Day of Peace, which falls on September 21, is “End racism, Build peace.”

The NUG Human Rights Minister had a meeting with the EU Special Human Rights Representative and discussed the Tabayin case

On September 21, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights, released the following on social media.

“I had a meeting with Mr. Eamon Gilmore, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, and in addition to the political discussion, I discussed with my deep sadness the case of the children from Tabayin, the blood-stained school books, and the voices of parents and teachers crying that I heard myself. But I haven’t fulfilled my responsibility yet.” — Union Minister U Aung Myo Min stated.

On September 16, six children were killed by the air attacks of the two military Mi-35 helicopters on a school in Lat Yat Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division.

The UN Secretary General has strongly condemned the attacks by the military on the school in Let Yet Kone Village, killing at least 13 people, including 11 children

On September 20, the Spokesperson for the Secretary General of the United Nations released a statement.

It states, “The Secretary-General strongly condemns the attacks by Myanmar armed forces on a school in Let Yet Kone in Sagaing Region, killing at least 13 people, including 11 children.  He offers his deepest condolences to the families of the victims:”

It is stated that even in times of armed conflict, schools must remain areas in which children are granted protection and a safe place to learn.

It is also warned that attacks on schools and hospitals in times of armed conflict, in contravention of international humanitarian law, also constitute one of the six grave violations against children strongly condemned by the UN Security Council.

The Secretary-General reiterates that, according to international humanitarian law, combatants must not attack civilians, including children, or civilian objects, and that those who have committed international crimes in Myanmar must be held accountable.

Bo Nagar points out that there is poor communication between the Ministry of Defense and the ground defense groups

During the Revolutionary Talk held by NST, Bo Nagar, the leader of the Myanmar Royal Dragon Army (MRDA), pointed this out.

“Even though we talk about the Chain Of Command (COC) to support each other, between the MOD and our ground forces, we can’t even have much dialogue with each other. It is not that there is no communication between the MOD and us, but it is weak in terms of dialogue and communication. I mean, how can we solve that?” he said.

The Ministry of Defense has currently registered and approved nearly 300 units of the People’s Defense Forces. However, the Minister of Defense said that it is not yet possible to equip all the defense forces on the ground.

The Wolf Column of the CDF-Mindat attacked a military checkpoint at the entrance of Mindat this morning

The CDF-Mindat confirmed that the Wolf Column of the CDF-Mindat Mindat attacked the terrorist military at 5:30 a.m. on September 21.

It stated, “At 5:30 a.m. on September 21, the Wolf Column of the CDF-Mindat attacked a terrorist military junta’s checkpoint at the entrance of Mindat.”

It is said that the attack was carried out as a protest against the sales festival to be held today as a propaganda campaign by the terrorist military. According to the report of a tactical operation commander of the CDF-Mindat, the attack by the Wolf Column could cause a lot of casualties among the terrorist junta troops.

The CDF-Mindat has issued an announcement urging the public in Mindat not to take part in the terrorist propaganda sales festival and to stay in their homes safely.

The military junta troops burned down Gwaykone Village, Taze Township

Local news sources confirmed on September 21 that Gwaykone Village in Taze Township was burned down by the military junta force.

They said, “From yesterday morning till this morning, the military junta column has been burning and destroying the houses of Gwaykone village in Taze Township.”

Within Taze Township, the military junta columns are dividing their forces, entering and destroying the villages. At present, more than 30,000 civilians’ houses have been burned down by the military council troops throughout the country, including the Sagaing, Magway, Chin, and Karenni Regions.

UN OCHA Myanmar has announced that efforts are continuing to advocate for the safe and unhindered passage of humanitarian actors and assistance

On September 21, the UN OCHA Myanmar described the situation in Rakhine as follows.

“The security situation in Rakhine State remains volatile due to renewed fighting between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and Arakan Army (AA). Related movement restrictions and security measures have been imposed, including curfews, searches, and arrests in several townships. Fighting, including airstrikes, has been reported along the Myanmar-Bangladesh border in Maungdaw township.”

It is also said that on September 15, the military instructed humanitarian agencies to suspend assistance and activities in six townships in Rakhine State.

“Advocacy efforts continue for the safe and unimpeded passage of humanitarian actors and assistance,” said UN OCHA Myanmar.

The Arakan Army (AA) also released an announcement in August that the military council has blocked roads and waterways in Rakhine State to cause food shortages and over 60,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) are in need of assistance.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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