Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 12

  1. The NUG Defense Minister U Yee Mon says that the Tatmadaw, which was established by the National Leader General Aung San has been damaged by a group of military leaders, starting with General Nay Win and ending with Min Aung Hlaing, who are grasping for their own power
  2. The NUG Human Rights Minister says that using civilians as human shields is a more serious war crime
  3. The NUG Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni says that the Ministry of Labour is planning to start the survey on overseas employment and issuing OREC as a pilot project in Malaysia
  4. Ko Min Ko Naing says that the military council troops are suffering from the worst morale
  5. There are only twenty plots of land for the Spring Villa housing left
  6. Bo Nagar of Myanmar’s Royal Dragon Army says that he has mixed feelings about a support team from a country who collects cans and bottles near the factory after working hours
  7. Five political prisoners escaped from Pakokku district prison in Magway
  8. Two soldiers who defected to the Rocket local PDF were awarded five million kyats each
  9. During the military coup, there were 224 civilian deaths in Tanintharyi

The NUG Defense Minister U Yee Mon says that the Tatmadaw, which was established by the National Leader General Aung San has been damaged by a group of military leaders, starting with General Nay Win and ending with Min Aung Hlaing, who are grasping for their own power

It was included in the congratulatory message sent by U Yee Mon, the Union Minister of Defense of the National Unity Government to the people’s soldiers who defected from the terrorist military, participated in CDM, and served under the PDF.

The Minister said, “Comrades also know that the Tatmadaw established by the Great National Leader, General Aung San, has been damaged by a group of military leaders who are grasping for their own power, starting with General Nay Win and ending with Min Aung Hlaing today. We are establishing a new People’s Defense Army with new minds, new people, and new ideas, in accordance with the guidance of General Aung San. This army is also the forerunner of the Federal Union Army that will emerge at some point.”

In addition, the Minister also added that the military council army not only lacks spirit, discipline, and ethics, but also lacks the ability to fight and can only attack, burn, and kill innocent people.

The NUG Human Rights Minister says that using civilians as human shields is a more serious war crime

The Union Minister for Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min, said at the Human Rights Awareness Program.

The Minister said, “Using the civilian population as a military strategy during the war, such as human mine clearance tools, and human shields, is  a more serious war crime. This kind of action has been used by the terrorist military council throughout the ages.”

In addition, the Minister added that evidence of the crimes committed by the military council in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Chin State, and Karenni Region has already been received.

The NUG Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni says that the Ministry of Labour is planning to start the survey on overseas employment and issuing OREC as a pilot project in Malaysia

On September 11, U Kyaw Ni, the Deputy Minister for Labour, responded to radio NUG’s question.

The Deputy Minister said, “Currently, we are planning the appointment of OERC representatives who will assist in the survey and the Overseas Employment Registration Card (OERC) issuing process, and the drafting of regulations related to the representatives. The appointment of the representative is still under review. The current situation is that the process is at stage (7) and it is planned to start as a pilot project in Malaysia.”

The National Unity Government announced on May 27 that it would carry out the overseas employment survey and OERC issuance.

It is said that detailed information for the pilot project in Malaysia, including the registration fee, will be announced soon.

Ko Min Ko Naing says that the military council troops are suffering from the worst morale

On September 11, U Min Ko Naing, the 88-generation student leader, discussed questions about the current situation of the revolution and the direction of the revolution.

“At the current stage, the revolutionary forces have dominated the countryside, from there to the circles, townships, and districts, and have been able to control seventy percent of the highways. For example, take a look at the Monywa-Mandalay Road Section and the Kalay-Yagyi Road Section in Sagaing Division. There are many other roads as far as border trade roads, which enclose the military council in the urban area. If the urban areas are able to be enclosed, according to strategies, it is not just a guerrilla defense but the enemy could be surrounded. As a result of defensive war, the enemy was weak and used old, decrepit, and wounded soldiers, special servicemen, police, and even prison police in the war. Therefore, they are suffering from the worst morale.” U Min Ko Naing said.

The military council troops are suffering the most in Kayin State, Sagaing Division, Magway Division, and Karenni Division.

There are only twenty plots of land for the Spring Villa housing left

On the evening of September 11, the End of Dictatorship (EOD) initiative announced, “On the 10th day after the start of the project, more than 70 plots of land in Spring Villa @MinDhamma have been sold. So far, the overall Spring Yangon Investment project has sold for 15 million dollars. According to the slogan, “Spring Yangon that will get rid of fascism,” it is also being used to get rid of fascism.”

The EOD also urged people to contact EOD representatives and buy it as soon as possible so that it will not be late because it is a prestigious housing project that will become Yangon’s second economic center.

Bo Nagar of Myanmar’s Royal Dragon Army says that he has mixed feelings about a support team from a country who collects cans and bottles near the factory after working hours

On September 11, Bo Nagar, the leader of the Myanmar’s Royal Dragon Army (MRDA), wrote on social media.

He said, “When I meet [virtually] the fundraisers who are working hard for the revolution from various foreign countries, I feel “sad and happy” because of the words of the expatriate brothers and sisters. A support team of a country collects cans and bottles [in a foreign country] near the factory after working hours to generate extra income. They say they are not ashamed because they try to earn money honestly, and they do it to earn 200,000 or 300,000 dollars in extra income to support their motherland. We have mixed feelings about that.”

Bo Nagar also said that trying hard like this, if this revolution does not win now, when will it win?

At present, four battalions of MRDA have been recognized and registered by the MOD.

Five political prisoners escaped from Pakokku district prison in Magway

On September 11, the Young Force, an urban guerrilla group in Pakokku Township, revealed the details of the incident.

“On September 10, five political prisoners escaped from the Pakokku District Prison in Magway Province, and the Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaPha), along with local defense forces (LDFs) such as Pakokku People Defense Force (PPDF), Young Force (UG), Pakokku Urban Guerrilla Force (2), Pakokku Ranger, RSO(PKU) team and related local groups, were able to divide the responsibilities and rescue them,” said the Young Force.

Among those who escaped were two revolutionary comrades and three people who were unjustly arrested and charged in court with political sections, and all five of them have been able to be transported to safety.

The Young Force also said that, on behalf of the escaped revolutionary comrades, they would like to express their special thanks to the Township defense forces, and other local defense forces, allied forces, who participated in the various roles in the rescue.

Two soldiers who defected to the Rocket local PDF were awarded five million kyats each

On September 11, the Rocket Local PDF reported, “Two soldiers who defected to the Rocket Local PDF were awarded 5,000,000 kyats each on September 10.”

The Rocket Local PDF also said that they were especially grateful to all the leaders and comrades of the Township defense forces, Township administration groups, and local defense forces who attended the awarding ceremony.

During the military coup, there were 224 civilian deaths in Tanintharyi

On September 11, the Southern Monitor reported, “After February 2021, the military council violently cracked down on anti-coup demonstrations in Tanintharyi, resulting in the deaths of people, including peaceful protesters. After the transition to an armed revolution, military activities intensified and the number of civilian deaths increased. According to the list complied by Southern Monitor, during the coup, there were 224 civilians deaths in Tanintharyi Division.”

In April, June, and August of this year, there were nearly 30 civilian deaths each. By township, the number of civilian deaths in Laung Lone, Dawei, Ye Pyu, and Tharek Chao Townships are significantly high. In the cases of civilian deaths committed by the military council forces, there are cases of arresting and killing local people when they enter the villages, hiding the bodies, and there are people who have been killed by being hit by weapons from a distance. Organizations affiliated with the Military Council, such as Pyu Saw Htee, Thway Thauk, and Sun Ye, also targeted and killed active young people, family members of PDF members, and NLD party members.

Credit to #RadioNUG

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