Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 05

  1. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) of the National Unity Government and local people’s administration groups (PaAPha) of “Three-Ka” district met
  2. The Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing informed that he discussed the victory of the Spring Revolution with the leaders of the ethnic revolution
  3. The Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that the military council’s fear of people’s freedom is like a disease
  4. The EOD shares and spring lotteries will be sold at a multi-ethnic crowdfunding event led by MEF-Canada
  5. The Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government will hold the matriculation (grade 10) exam once in February and once in August 2023
  6. General Tun Myat Naing said that the terrorist army are cowards who only dare to attack unarmed civilians from Mrauk-U
  7. The Black God Guerrilla Force has been recognized by the  Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG) as the 3rd Squadron of the 11th Battalion of Yin Mar Bin District
  8. There will be more news of the battle involving the Federal Wings drone force
  9. A young girl was hit in the back by a bullet when the junta column that left Nga Ran O to Pan Nyo in Myaung Township shot the war refugees walking
  10. The 81-mm mortar produced by Karenni Revolutionary Union (KRU) were effectively used in ground battles
  11. The Karenni Army (KA) and its alliance forces attacked the military junta outpost near Ngwe Taung new Village, Demoso Township

The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) of the National Unity Government and local people’s administration groups (PaAPha) of “Three-Ka” district met

The meeting (24/2022) between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) of the National Unity Government and local people’s administration groups (PaAPha) of “Three-Ka” district was held on September 4.

At the meeting, Dr. Tu Hkawng, the Union Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, gave an opening speech, and the relevant departments presented and discussed the sector-specific operations, including health, education, electricity, communication, natural resources, and environmental protection, in the “Three-Ka” district region.

After that, local people’s administration groups (PaAPha) of the district discussed the difficulties they were facing on the ground and what they wanted to know.

The meeting was also attended by the Sagaing regional in-charges and associate in-charges of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration.

At present, the National Unity Government (NUG) has governed 36 townships in Magway and Sagaing Divisions and is implementing people’s administration, education, and health care sectors in the three townships of Katha, Kawlin, and Kanbalu.

The Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing informed that he discussed the victory of the Spring Revolution with the leaders of the ethnic revolution

On September 4, U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister of Planning, Finance and Investments,  wrote on social media.

“Recently, we have consulted and decided some important issues with the leaders of the ethnic revolution. To achieve the victory that the people desire at a set time, the first thing we discussed was whether or not we could get the necessary financial funds in time,” the Union Minister said.

The People’s Resistance War, which began on September 7, 2021, will complete one year on September 7, 2022.

Currently, the Union Minister of Home Affairs has said that the Spring Revolution will be completed before the 2023 election that the military council is planning to conduct.

The Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that the military council’s fear of people’s freedom is like a disease

On September 4, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng wrote on social media.

“A famous Rakhine Rap singer was arrested by the military council. I didn’t understand all the lyrics, but I heard the word Freedom. I don’t know why he was arrested, but it was probably because of the concept of freedom. The military council’s fear of people’s freedom is like a disease,” the Union Minister said.

From the time of the 2021 coup d’état to September 2, 2022, a total of (12,224) people have been arrested and detained, of which (1,427) have been sentenced to prison.

The EOD shares and spring lotteries will be sold at a multi-ethnic crowdfunding event led by MEF-Canada

It is reported that EOD shares and spring lotteries will be sold at the multi-ethnic collective fund-raising event led by Myanmar Emergency Fund-Canada (MEF-Canada).

MEF-Canada has also invited those who want to support the Fundraising Event’s Performance Program on September 25.

On Sunday, September 25, MEF-Canada will host a multi-ethnic fundraising event that will include a variety of Myanmar traditional foods for sale, as well as a Burmese/Ethnic traditional entertainment program.

In addition, the MEF Canada fundraiser team announced that EOD shares and spring lotteries will be sold at the event, as well as receiving PRF (People’s Revolution Supply) members.

The Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government will hold the matriculation (grade 10) exam once in February and once in August 2023

On September 4, the  announced, “We would like to inform CDM students and students’ parents that the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government will hold the matriculation (grade 10) exam once in February 2023 and once in August 2023, so we strongly urge them to enroll in school as soon as possible.”

At present, Township Board of Education has announced that it has started accepting school applications in Seik Phyu Township, and it has been informed that it does not involve asking for information that will affect the safety of CDM students and parents.

General Tun Myat Naing said that the terrorist army are cowards who only dare to attack unarmed civilians from Mrauk-U

Major General Tun Myat Naing said in a statement on September 4.

“They are nothing but the cowards who dare to attack only unarmed civilians from Mrauk-U. It is known that the Mrauk-U operation was carried out directly by the command of the commander of the 55th Division,” he said.

The Military Council has opened a war front against Rakhine State, but if the junta troops are hurt, they are targeting civilians with airstrikes.

The Black God Guerrilla Force has been recognized by the  Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG) as the 3rd Squadron of the 11th Battalion of Yin Mar Bin District

In September, the Black God Guerrilla Force announced, “Our Black God Guerrilla Force was officially approved by the  Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government’s (NUG) on the 29.8.2022 as the 3rd Squadron of the Yin Mar Bin District Battalion (11).”

Currently, the Ministry of Defense has registered about 250 People’s Defense Forces.

In addition, the Ministry of Defense is working on the armament and command-and-control system according to priority.

There will be more news of the battle involving the Federal Wings drone force

On the night of September 4, the Federal Wings drone force said, “The use of drones on the battlefield is no longer a secret. If there is a person who still thinks it’s a secret until now, we have to say that that person is quite disconnected from the ground. These days, there will be more and more reports of battles involving the Federal Wings.”

In about 100 missions conducted by Federal Wings’ drone units in all areas, there were about 50 dead and many wounded on the enemy side.

The Federal Wings has spent more than 1 million US dollars for all the Drone Project and Sniper Project.

A young girl was hit in the back by a bullet when the junta column that left Nga Ran O to Pan Nyo in Myaung Township shot the war refugees walking

On September 4, the Civilian’s Defense and Security Organization Myaung Township (CDSOM) reported, “The terrorist column that left from Nga Ran O to Pan Nyo in Myaung Township saw people fleeing the war on foot, and fired  them from a distance, and a 15-year-old girl was hit in the back by a bullet.”

It is also reported that the terrorist army committed arson in Pan Nyo village and the extent of the damage is not yet known.

The 81-mm mortar produced by Karenni Revolutionary Union (KRU) were effectively used in ground battles

On September 4, the Karenni Revolutionary Union (KRU) announced, “We inform the people that the 81-mm weapon produced by the Karenni Revolutionary Union (KRU) is being used effectively in the ground battles and we are fighting in cooperation with other allied forces in the Demoso and Hpruso Roads.”

During the battle, the attacks with heavy weapons and firing by the KRU sniper team and other sniper teams, resulted in many casualties from the military junta troops.

The Karenni Army (KA) and its alliance forces attacked the military junta outpost near Ngwe Taung new Village, Demoso Township

The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) battalion reported that alliance forces of Karenni Army (KA) and KNDF B/10 attacked the military junta troops stationed near the village of Ngwe Taung new Village, Demoso Township on September 4, at about 6:30 a.m.

The contact battle lasted for almost 4 hours, and due to the attack by the alliance forces, one member from the military junta was killed and many others were seriously injured. A MA-3 gun, ammunition and bullets were seized from the battle, KNDF said.

It is also said that the defense forces were able to retreat without any harm.

Similarly, at 1:36 p.m. of that day, the alliance forces of KA, KNDF B/04 and KNDF B/15, attacked the military junta troops stationed near Dawngaykhu and Hteepawso Villages, Hpruso Township. The battle lasted for more than 2 hours, and there were casualties from the military junta. The alliance forces were able to retreat without any harm.

In the above contact battles, there were damages from the military junta side and they used heavy weapons and fired excessively. Currently, they are carried out marching and station along the Demoso-Hpruso Road and contact battles are occurring almost every day.

Credit to #RadioNUG

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