Summary of News

The Defence Minister says that the counter-offensive will begin

In August, Union Minister of Defence U Yee Mon said that a counter-offensive against the terrorist military would be launched.

“NUG and allies are working together to meet the needs to be able to launch the counter-offensive from strategic defence (guerrilla warfare) as soon as possible,” the Union Minister said.

At present, the Ministry of Defence is establishing a command-and-control system for the People Defence Force battalions and is rapidly equipping them with weapons.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that no terrorist military in the world had lived long

In August, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said on the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism that no terrorist military in the world had lived long.

“We are waging a righteous war today only because of the terror and brutality of the terrorist military. Our righteous war must be won. No terrorist army in the world has ever lived long. There is also no righteous war that cannot be won,” the Union Minister said.

The military seized state power unjustly on February 1,  2021.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken says that the United States will support a UN Security Council referral of the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court

On August 24, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken marked five years since the genocide in Myanmar.

“Five years ago, Burma’s military launched a brutal campaign against Rohingya – razing villages, raping, torturing, and perpetrating large-scale violence that killed thousands of Rohingya men, women, and children. More than 740,000 Rohingya were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in Bangladesh,” U.S. Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken stated.

The Secretary of State also stated, “The United States also supports measures by the UN Security Council to promote justice and accountability for the military’s actions in line with its mandate to promote international peace and security.  In this vein, the United States would support a UN Security Council referral of the situation in Burma to the International Criminal Court.”

It is also stated that the United States remains committed to advancing justice and accountability for Rohingya and all the people of Myanmar in solidarity with the victims and survivors. 

The NUG government is trying to solve the problem of passport renewal faced by Burmese citizens in Australia at the government level

In August, the Representative of NUG Myanmar to Australia, U Tun Aung Shwe, said on social media, “Renewing passports is becoming a big problem among citizens of Myanmar in Australia. Those who are independent from the revolution can renew their passports at the representative office that works for the military council without any difficulty. But for those who are involved in the revolution in some way, they are worried about their families in Myanmar because of the family information they have to fill in when renewing. Therefore, their passports have expired since they did not extend their validity. Although the NUG representative office is helping to solve the difficulties of individuals, the NUG is trying to provide a comprehensive solution to this situation and solve it at the government level. ”

The Australian government allows citizens of Myanmar who have difficulty renewing their visas to stay without returning to Myanmar with various visas, but due to expired passports, they face difficulties in obtaining important documents such as finding jobs, opening bank accounts, and applying for driver’s licenses.

Villages in Paungbyin Township were bombarded with artillery shells by military transport ships

According to the Paungbyin PDF, a group of six military transport ships that departed from Hkamti fired 6 mm and 40 mm artillery shells, RPG7, and machine guns at villages along the river as they passed through Paungbyin Township on August 21.

There is a report that a 10-year-old boy was injured when an artillery shell exploded in the village of Mout Sapha at 3:10 pm.

Moreover, the junta continued to fire on the villages of the Kayar Group, Tharsi, and Kayar.

It is reported that prisoners from Hkamti prison, over 100 soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee were on those military transport ships.

The policemen who entered the minefield between Pathein-Monywa MyaukYamar Bridge and the 28th Police Battalion, and tried to remove the mines were detonated and three policemen were killed

The Regional Friend Fighters (RFF) confirmed that they attacked the policemen with mines at 8:55 am on August 25.

“At 8:55 am, three out of eight policemen from the 28th Police Battalion, who were assumed to have come out to provide security for the cars carrying copper, were killed in the mine attack when they entered the minefield between Pathein-Monywa MyaukYamar Bridge and the 28th Police Battalion and tried to remove the mines,” the Regional Friend Fighters (RFF) said.

The operation was carried out jointly by the two local defence forces, namely the Regional Friend Fighters (RFF) and the Yinmarbin Fighter Brotherhood Guerrilla Army.

It is also reported that the remaining five policemen were also injured.

All proceeds from the sale of lucky draw tickets for the Project “Upstream” of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s younger son, Ko Htein Linn, will be donated to the revolution and to the affected people

On August 25, the revolutionary fundraiser Pencilo said, “The Project Upstream has started. The sale of tickets will begin for a wooden carving created by Ko Htein Linn, the son of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the State Counselor and public leader who was unjustly arrested and detained during the unjust coup. A ticket costs USD 100 and can be purchased from relevant country fundraisers via the provided link. All proceeds from ticket sales will be fully donated to the revolution against injustice and to the people affected.”

The lucky winner of the wood carving named “Upstream” will be drawn live by Ko Htein Linn himself.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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