Summary of News

The Prime Minister says that if the Spring Revolution succeed a day earlier, there will be less suffering of the people from the danger of the military junta a day earlier

At the launching ceremony of the Drone Force “FEDERAL WINGS” held on 7 August, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “As, we, the government, have the conviction of completing the revolution at most within 1 year, we will also contribute with the Drone Force. This Drone Force is the best force to compete against the military council. If we do this more comprehensively, I believe our revolution will be successful within a short period of time. If the revolution succeeds a day earlier, people will relieve a day earlier.”

Currently, besides air raids on the villages of Ye-U and Tabayin Townships of Sagaing Division, the military junta troops marched ground columns and burnt down and destroyed civilian houses.

On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min urges the public to imbibe the fighting spirit of the 8888 Uprising

Coming August 8 is the 34th anniversary of the 8888 People’s Uprising.

On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the historic 8888 Uprising, Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min wrote on social media to urge the public to imbibe the spirit of the 8888 Uprising on 7 August.

“The 8888 Uprising in Myanmar politics is also a public historical milestone that must be seriously recorded. During this great uprising, due to the strength of the public struggle, the anti-dictatorship movements were able to made to drop down three dictatorial presidents in a row, ending the one-party dictatorship. On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of this historic 8888 Uprising, I want to especially urge the entire public to imbibe the fighting spirit of the 8888 Uprising, carry it forward, and uproot the evil system of the military dictatorship to form a new federal democratic nation and to struggle together from all sectors in the revolution,” said the Minister.

The minister reiterates that, at this time of the 34th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising, the people have to fight again against the military dictatorship as a comeback in history. Now in this Spring Revolution, where the people are fighting against various dictatorships, they have regarded it as the final battle and continue to carry on and raise the flag of the unfinished battle of 1988.

The emergence of the Burmese state is an important political findingUnion Minister U Htin Lin Aung informs that drones capable of carrying large grenades were being produced to demolish and weaken the camps and bases of the military council

In the launching ceremony of the Drone Force “FEDERAL WINGS” held on 7 August, Union Minister of Ministry of Communications, Information & Technology U Htin Lin Aung informed that drones capable of carrying large grenades were being produced to demolish and weaken the camps and bases of the military council.

“It has become strategic to produce a large number of drones. The drones we are producing are not small. Large grenades have to be used to demolish the camp and weaken the enemy force. Therefore, we produce large drones capable of carrying 40mm, 60mm, 80mm, and 81mm grenades,” said the Minister.

Currently, the FEDERAL WINGS Drone Force has conducted 100 operations, resulting in over 50 deaths and 80 injuries of the military junta troops.

Students and parents attended NUG’s Education Plenary Festival in Yin Mar Bin District, Sagaing Division

The Education Plenary Festival of the Ministry of Education under the National Unity Government (NUG) for the academic year 2022-2023 was held in Yin Mar Bin District, Sagaing Division on 6 August, and it is known that students and parents attended in full.

People’s defense forces also attended the ceremony and provided security.

Currently, various people’s educational schools are opening in Sagaing, and sports and education plenary festivals are being held.

In a village in Myaing Township, the people donated gold earrings and gold hair clips they wore after the revolution strike column

According to BEGSC-Myaing, on 6 August, after the anti-dictatorship protest march in a village in Myaing Township, the people took off their gold earrings and gold hair clips and donated them to support the village defense team.

“Yesterday, on 6 August, after the anti-dictatorship protest march in a village in Myaing Township, in addition to cash, people took off their gold earrings, gold rings, and gold hair clips and donated them to support the village defense team,” they said.

A total of 8 sets of earrings, 4 rings, 4 hair clips, and 1,230,000 kyats were donated.

Six G3 guns were seized from the junta troops patrolling in Lan Sone town

It was reported that seven soldiers were killed and six G3 guns were seized when the defense forces attacked the patrolling junta troops in Lan Sone town, Taze Township, on the morning of 7 August.

Regarding this attack, TPC said, “We, Taze People’s Comrades (TPC) and Taze People’s Defense Force joined forces to attack the junta troops patrolling the town by car.”

It is known that in the attack, seven junta soldiers were killed and six G3 guns were seized and the People’s Defense Forces were able to withdraw without harm.

Also, TPC also informed that as the police private Zin Thu Aung from Kanhtooma Police Station in Taze defected fully armed, the Shwe Bo District Battalion 25 of TPC awarded him 7,000,000 kyats.

It was reported that the said police private defected with his G3 gun, 380 bullets, and some military equipment. He was from Meikhtila-based No. (35) Police Battalion and assigned to Kanhtooma Police Station.

Singer Saung Oo Hlaing will hold the concert to raise funds for the people affected by the war as the last performance in the United States

On 7 August, singer Saung Oo Hlaing announced via social media that he would hold a concert to raise funds for war-affected people as his last concert in the United States.

“Ticket sales for ‘The last Washington DC Concert’ are neither bad nor good. The Youth of Light team and old friends in the DC area have helped a lot. I say this concert is the last one because I have done pretty much in America and I don’t have travel documents to travel outside the U.S. So, it is impossible for me to perform abroad,” he said.

Singer Saung Oo Hlaing is performing in the United States to raise funds for the war-effected people in Myanmar.

According to the testimony of a sergeant-ranked military council soldier who became a CDMer (defected from the military), 10 soldiers from the junta military were killed in the 5 August the battle

The Cobra Column reported on 7 August, “According to the testimony of a sergeant-ranked military council soldier who defected to Cobra Column and participated in CDM on 6 August, there were 10 causalities and 15 wounded from the military council in the battle between the Cobra column and the 44th Division of the Terrorist Military Council on 5 August.”

The Cobra Column’s report of the 5 August battle only stated that “at least 1 dead and 4 or more were seriously injured” because the Cobra Column’s report was based on the minimum estimation. At present, the junta troops are conducting patrols around Karen State.

InyaView@6.5 Mile sold 150,000 dollars in the first 24 hours

The End of Dictatorship announced on 7 August that InyaView@6.5 Mile had sold 1,500 shares (worth $150,000) in the first 24 hours.

“EOD’s Project (2), InyaView@6.5 Mile started selling on the night of 5 August. After the first 24 hours, on the night of 6 August, 1,500 shares (worth $150,000) were sold. It is still relatively low compared to 7000 shares sold in the first 24 hours result of the EOD’s Project (1) ‘14/Inya’. Financial support is important for the Spring Revolution to succeed as quickly as possible. Let us unite as we will have to be away from being killed, tortured, robbed, and burned throughout the country only when we get rid of the bamboo baskets (the term ‘bamboo baskets’ refers to junta soldiers who normally used bamboo baskets as backpacks).”

Among Min Aung Hlaing’s properties, the land and house, located in six and a half miles in Yangon, are worth more than $20 million at the current market price, but EOD is selling them for only $7 million.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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