Summary of News

Acting president called on the countries of the world to provide technology,  weapons, ammunition, and financial assistance to the people of Myanmar, who are fighting for democracy against the fascist dictatorship

On 28 July, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said in HIS emergency State of the Union Address.

“I would like to sincerely call on the United Nations and the countries of the world that value humanity to effectively support technology, weapons, ammunition, and financial assistance for the people of Myanmar who are fighting for democracy against the fascist dictatorship.”

The Acting President said,

In addition, Acting President Duwa Lashi La also added that the National Unity Government should be officially recognized, since it is the government by the people.

Those who buy treasury bonds will be presented with postcards signed by Acting President Duwa Lashi La as a memento

On 30 July,

“Bonds buyers are one of the most powerful forces driving the revolution. We plan to give the postcards appreciated and signed by Acting President Duwa Lashi La to everyone who bought the bond as a memento.”

the United Bonds described,

The National Unity Government started selling special treasury bonds in November 2021, and currently, up to US$ 38 million worth of bonds have been sold.

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing said that human value must be measured by the ability to carry the benefit of human beings and society

On 30 July, Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing posted on social media,

“Human value is not beauty, it is not being longevity, and it is not being disease-free. It has to be measured by how much we have been able to carry the benefits of human beings and society during the time we have the chance to survive.”

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing posted on social media,

At present, the entire public is participating in the spring revolution against the military dictatorship, putting in effort in terms of manpower and money.

Union Ministers of the National Unity Government will respond everything  people want to know on the night of July 31

The Union Ministers of the National Unity Government will respond to the questions regarding the actions of the NUG government that the people want to know at 8:30 pm on July 31.

Union Ministers U Lwin Ko Latt and Dr. Zaw Wai Soe will answer everything people want to know as far as they can.

It is known that people can send questions in advance to the Ministry of Health’s comment box or messages box about what they want to know during the program.

NUG government revealed the records of the terrorist military arresting and killing the villagers in Moegyopyin (North) village, Ton village, and Phaungtagar village in Salingyi Township

Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government announced in the last week of July that the NUG government had revealed the records of the terrorist military arresting and killing the villagers in Moegyopyin (North) village, Ton village, and Phaungtagar village in Salingyi Township.

The incident occurred between 21 and 26 June 2022, a total of seven villagers were killed and one was sexually assaulted by the terrorist military troops in Moegyopyin (North) village, Ton village, and Phaungtagar village in Salingyi Township.

Ministry of Human Rights released that Ma Ei Si Kwe (name changed) was taken into a private room for two hours and believed to have been sexually assaulted.

The National Unity Government is providing millions of dollars in support for ethnic areas

Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung said that the National Unity Government is providing millions of dollars in aid to ethnic areas.

On the evening of 29 July, Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology U Htin Linn Aung told Radio NUG, “Some criticized NUG. What is NUG doing? Why NUG is not doing anything? The truth is that we are supporting refugees, PDFs, and ethnic areas. Some of them are not announced due to the situation. In fact, we had provided millions of US dollars. Some ethnic areas had been provided hundreds of thousands of US dollars. We are supporting them.”

At the present, the National Unity Government is engaging with ethnic resistance organizations, including the KNU.

Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung met with Radio NUG members

Union Minister of the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology, U Htin Lin Aung, had a friendly and open meeting with members of Radio NUG on 29 July at 8:30 p.m.

In the meeting, Union Minister clarified the revolutionary conditions and the official availability of news for the rapid flow of government information on the radio, and listened to the work difficulties and issues of the radio staff members.

After that, the Union Minister briefed the radio staff members and coordinated the operational requirements.

The total number of houses and buildings that have been sealed off has reached no less than 678

According to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), at least 678 houses and buildings have been sealed off by the Military Junta between February 2021 and June 2022.

The anti-dictatorship activists and representatives of the National League for Democracy (NLD) were mainly targeted and confiscated.

Ye-U MP U Myint Htwe said that the houses were not only sealed off but also vandalized.

“14/ Inya EOD shares sold out”

“To the surprise of the world, all the 14/ Inya EOD shares, which are a huge support for the revolution fund, have been sold out due to the encouragement and purchase of all the people of Myanmar who hate the vulgar, frivolous military dictator and his group,” End of Dictator Ship announced on 30 July.

Those who did not get EOD shares are appealed to use the money dedicated for that to purchase treasury bonds, which are providing further huge support for the success of the revolution, or prepare their noble revolution grants to purchase the new EOD project without being upset about getting no chance to own a part of Min Aung Hlaing’s 14/ Inya residence since there will be new EOD projects coming.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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