Summary of News

NUG Education Minister says education in Burma has worsened due to the reckless coup d’etat by the terrorist military leader

In an interview with RFA news, Union Minister for Education, Prof. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, said “Education in our country has been low since the beginning. At a time like that, a reckless coup d’etat by him has ruined our education.”

Union Minister also said that the National Unity Government has never closed schools but has given priority to sustainable education for the children.

There are a total of 51 online schools implementing the people’s education system in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, and, in terms of on-ground education, public-based schools have been set up in Yangon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Ayawaddy, Tanintharyi, Kachin, Kayah (Karenni), Kayin, Chin, and Mon regions.

Minister for Human Rights says that, with the morale of the majority of the people who are revolting against the terrorist military by all possible means, victory is not far off

Union Minister for Human Rights wrote on social media on 25 June, “Five years ago, I participated in the program for Sagaing Region Hluttaw representatives. We worked with full of dreams and aspirations for human rights, equality, and development. But now, friendly representatives of the people are transforming themselves and participating in the revolution in the face of various challenges. The people of Sagaing Division are also suffering from the atrocities of the terrorist military junta. But, with the morale of the majority of the people who are revolting against the terrorist military by all possible means, victory is not far off.”

The National Unity Government declared a nationwide resistance war on 7 September 2021.

During the Naypyidaw Prison closing time, detainees sang a song named “Kun Arr Phyae Mi Nge” in unison for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

At 7 pm on 24 June, during the Naypyidaw Prison closing time, detainees sang a song named “Kun Arr Phyae Mi Nge” in unison to strengthen Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

It is learned that, on 25 June, the military junta beefed up security inside the prison and brought actions against those who sang the song.

Daw Aung Suu Kyi was transferred to a private cell in Naypyidaw Prison on 22 June by the military junta.

A police sergeant was arrested for making birthday wishes for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on social media

Police sergeant Thant Zin Oo from the Pathein Maritime Police Force was arrested because he posted birthday wishes for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on 19 June on social media.

He was reportedly charged with writing an anonymous prayer letter saying, “Happy Birthday! Long live!”

Pathein Maritime Police Sergeant Thant Zin Oo was arrested and his family was evicted from the police housing.

Spring Lottery will come back together with NUGPay with a new, more secure payment method

On 25 June, the Spring Lottery family made an official announcement.

According to the announcement, the Spring Lottery will come back soon together with NUGPay with a new, more secure payment method, and the Spring Lottery Bulk Purchase program, which is being sold by international Spring Lottery agents, will continue to be sold in its original form.

The Spring Lottery family expressed their special thanks to all the people who continue to support the Spring Lottery.

Most of the proceeds of the Spring Lottery go to support the civil servants participating in the CDM.

Terrorist military junta burns down Taw Kyaung village in Taw Oat village tract, Salingyi Township

According to local sources, on the morning of 25 June, the military junta was setting fire to Taw Kyaung village in Taw Oat village tract, Salingyi Township.

Local villagers were fleeing and the extent of the damage was unknown.

Currently, in Sagaing Division, the villages of Taze, Yae-U, Debayin, Myaung, Kanbalu, and Khin-U townships are being burned by the military junta troops on an everyday basis.

The Kayan New Generation Youth team has started a Kayan language-based primary school to address the growing psychological trauma of school-age children in the Kayan region

The Kayan people, who live mainly on the border between Shan and Karenni states, have been trying to heal with education to the children who have been traumatized by the fighting. According to Khun Maung Tin (Joint Secretary – KNGY), on 22 June, the Kayan New Generation Youth (KNGY) opened a primary school based in the Kayan mother language in Rilong Rikan village tract, West Kayan Region.

Khun Maung Tin (Joint Secretary – KNGY)

In the Kayan region, thousands of children have been depriving psychologically without access to education. The conflict and the political situation have left people suffering from severe stress, and the problem can only be resolved if basic needs such as health, economy, and education are met quickly, according to a psychologist.

A psychologist

Kayan youth are trying to implement a Safe Back To School program for the education of local children. The Kayan youth say they want the National Unity Government to recognize the efforts of ethnic youth when the revolution succeeds and to emphasize the inclusion of ethnic languages in education.

At least 20 clashes took place in KNU Brigade 1 area in Mon State in June, and PDFs are trying to seize the Pinne forest camp base of the military junta

At least 20 clashes took place in June in the KNU Brigade 1 area of Thaton District, Mon State. PDFs were blocking access to the entrances and exits of the Pinne forest camp, and trying to seize the camp, where the military junta had provided artillery fire during the fighting.

A leader of Thaton PDF

Urban areas in Mon State are still controlled by the military council with large numbers of forces. Local PDFs have also bombed at every opportunity. The military junta has fully secured government departments and banks in Mon State, trying to keep their machinery running.

A resident of Mudon

The KNU Brigade 1 area of Thaton District, Mon State, is geographically and strategically controlled by the KNU. It is also an area that provides information to the KNU headquarters from Mon State, which is essential for accessing the whole of lower Myanmar.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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