Spring Revolution Local News – May 15 (Morning)

Summary of News

  • The National Unity Government says the current Spring Revolution will absolutely succeed because of the unity of Myanmar citizens
  • Malaysian Foreign Minister hold talks with Foreign Minister of National Unity Government in Washington DC
  • Minister Zin Mar Aung says “the present and future of the Myanmar people are under a brutal military coup. The future is uncertain.”
  • The Minister of Human Rights says that the terrorist regime is following the scenario of threatening the defenders of freedom and democracy
The National Unity Government says the current Spring Revolution will absolutely succeed because of the unity of Myanmar citizens

Location, May 15 (Radio NUG) – The National Unity Government says the current Spring Revolution will absolutely succeed because of the unity of Myanmar citizens.

President Duwal Sheila issued a greeting on the Buddha’s Day, the Full Moon of the month of Kason.

“It has been more than a year now that the people of Myanmar have been suffering from a group of people who do not distinguish between Dhamma and Adhamma. However, the current Spring Revolution will surely succeed because of the unity of the people, who are able to distinguish between Dhamma and Adhamma well, in line with the guidelines of Buddha, who should avoid violence and practice the Dhamma. ”

The message also called on all ethnic brothers and sisters to work together to build a future federal union, hoping that all Myanmar citizens who sacrificed their lives for the Spring Revolution will be able to rest in peace.

Malaysian Foreign Minister hold talks with Foreign Minister of National Unity Government in Washington DC

Washington DC, May 15 (Radio NUG) – Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah and the National Unity Government Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, Daw Zin Mar Aung held talk in Washington, DC, May 14.
Malaysian Prime Minister Saifuddin Abdullah has issued that he had discussed the latest issues in Myanmar and said Malaysia is ready to work for Myanmar to return peace and democracy.
Daw Zin Mar Aung, foreign minister of the National Unity Government, said she had discussed the challenges, facing by the national unity government, including humanitarian assistance to Burmese refugees.
She has to meet with Asean foreign ministers attending the US-ASEAN summit. Some of which have been officially released. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said that there are plans to hold the meeting without releasing the news.
Union Minister of National Unity Government for Foreign Affairs, Daw Zin Mar Aung who is in United State of America for work visit, has held face-to-face meetings with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sharman, President Joe Biden’s Minister for Human Right and some ASEAN ministers.

Minister Zin Mar Aung says “the present and future of the Myanmar people are under a brutal military coup. The future is uncertain.”

Washington DC, May 15 (Radio NUG) – Union Minister of National Unity Government for Foreign Affairs, Daw Zin Mar Aung says that the present and future of the Myanmar people are under a brutal military coup. The future is uncertain.

Foreign Minister who is on a state visit to the United States on May 14, posted a message on social media in front of Lincoln Statue.

“I came back many years later. In the time of national emergency, the trip was planned as an urgent. Under the brutal military coup, the futures of the Myanmar people are insecure and uncertain. My mission was planned in the midst of these circumstances, so it is not like the feeling of having to come to Washington before, but one thing is that I was able to get to my favorite place. A side of hand clenched fists and the other hand is outstretched. The position of the legs reflects the situation that Lincoln went through.”

On February 1, 2021, the military seized power. Heads of state were then arrested and civilians were shot dead.

The Minister of Human Rights says that the terrorist regime is following the scenario of threatening the defenders of freedom and democracy.

Location, May 15 (Radio NUG) – Aung Myo Min, the Minister of Human Rights, said that the terrorist regime was following a scenario that threatened the defenders of freedom and democracy.
In May, National Unity Government’s Human Rights Minister Aung Myo Min posted on social media.
“If it is going to threats to freedom and democracy, it used to begin with threatening those who protect these things and the rule of law. The terrorist regime is following this scenario. People were arrested, detained illegally and sentenced with inappropriate sections. On the other hand, the judges are dismissed and military tribunals are used. Efforts are being made to replace democratic laws with illegal orders.”
At present, heads of state and political activists, students and youth, more than 10,000 civilians have been detained by Sakasa.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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