Spring Revolution Local News – May 13 (Morning)

Summary of News

  • Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, National Unity Government of Myanmar meets with Wendy R. Sharman, United States Deputy Secretary of State
  • Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye urges the expatriates to speak out against the humanitarian assistances approaching the military council
  • More than 40% of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Pathein Htee lottery tickets have been sold
  • State and Divisional Parliamentary Representative Committees have issued statements expressing their opposition to any attempt to hold new elections, in accordance with the desires of the electorate.
  • UN OCHA Myanmar announces that there are more than 900,000 internally displaced people as of early May
Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs, National Unity Government of Myanmar meets with Wendy R. Sharman, United States Deputy Secretary of State

UThe meeting took place at 20:30 on May 12 in Washington, D.C., according to the press release by U.S. Department of State.

Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung has been in Washington, D.C., since May 11.

The Union Prime Minister said at the 53rd Cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government on May 10. Union Minister will also meet and discuss with some ASEAN foreign ministers on the issues in Myanmar.

Union Minister for Ministry of Natural Resources and EnvironmUnion Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye urges the expatriates to speak out against the humanitarian assistances approaching the military council

During an exclusive interview, Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister for the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government of Myanmar, added “Regarding the humanitarian assistances approaching the military council, the expatriates also need to speak out that it is wrong to approach in that way. We are not obstructing, but we are saying this to help people in need.”

Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management spent 2.73 billion kyats on humanitarian assistance, from April 16, 2021 to April 10, 2022.

More than 40% of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Pathein Htee lottery tickets have been sold

During May, Pathein Htee Lottery ticket Sales Promoter, Ms. Pencilo said “Just like we bought Min Aung Hlaing’s house shares with hatred, we need to buy Mother’s (Mother Suu’s) umbrella lottery tickets with love. Although we have achieved more than 40% of our expectations, let us encourage each other to achieve 100%. You can now play a part with an affordable price of $ 10 per ticket. (You can now sign up for a ticket for as little as $ 10.)

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Pathein Htee Lottery tickets were sold with One million in One Month campaign, and 24,581 tickets were sold in one week.”

By country, Singapore leads with 9,275 tickets, followed by Domestic with 4,222 tickets; U.S. with 3,843 tickets; U.K. with 2,181 tickets and Australia has 1,370 lottery tickets sales.

The price of a ticket is $ 10, and 70% of the proceeds from the sale of the ticket will be used in the NUG government’s establishment of the liberated areas in the northwestern part of the country, and the remaining 30% will be sent to the opposition forces.

State and Divisional Parliamentary Representative Committees have issued statements expressing their opposition to any attempt to hold new elections, in accordance with the desires of the electorate.

On 12 May, the Joint Statement of the State and Divisional Parliamentary Representative Committees was released.

The Joint Statement said that, in accordance with the desires of the electorate, all Parliamentary Representatives who are elected by people, and Parliamentary Representative Committees object to any attempt to hold new elections that would illegally annul the results of the 2020 Multi-Party General Election, and any individual or organization who involved with the military council in those efforts.

Therefore, all statements of the Spring Revolutionary Forces, which are protesting against the attempt to hold new illegal elections, are supported and, in addition, in light of the current political situation, the National League for Democracy (NLD) has issued a clear statement regarding party representation in its press release No. 3/2022 dated May 1, 2022.”

The Joint Statement also said that they fully support NLD’s statement as it seeks to prevent NLD from being misused to be involved in the inappropriate political activities and participated in the run-up to the elections.

In addition, it also said that they strongly condemn the terrorist military council’s fake peace, which will revive the 2008 constitution, and they would like to express their sincere gratitude to all the political forces and ethnic revolutionary organizations that vehemently rejected the invitation and stood as the spring revolution force of the entire ethnic people, and they fully support the statements of al pro-democratic organizations.

UN OCHA Myanmar announces that there are more than 900,000 internally displaced people as of early May

On May 12, UN OCHA Myanmar had released a statement with a list of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Myanmar.

The statement said “An escalation of armed clashes between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) has been reported in Kyainseikgyi and Myawaddy townships in Kayin State and Bilin township in Mon State over the past two weeks. As a result, approximately 8,460 people in Bilin township, 4,750 people in Kyarinseikgyi township and 500 people in Myawaddy township were displaced, according to UN data.”

It also said “The situation remains dynamic and in parallel, more than 1,000 IDPs have returned to Bilin township over the past week. In Tanintharyi Region, the fighting between the MAF and a People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Palaw township has resulted in the displacement of 1,000 people who fled to safer areas or into the jungle. Overall, across the southeast, as of 2 May, 249,500 people remain displaced because of the conflict and insecurity since February 2021. Nationwide, as of 2 May, there are 936,700 people displaced, including 590,100 who have fled since February 2021.”

#Credit : Radio NUG

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