Spring Revolution Local News – May 10 ( Evening)

Summary of News

  • Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung says that the international community recognizes and interacts with the NUG government in the context of the Myanmar’s Spring Revolution.
  • The Minister of Defense informed that members of the military council and the police force have increased the security of the people
  • Dr. Thein Lwin who gives special priority to education became the first dean of Spring Teachers’ Training University
  • Madara Township, The Madara Federal School is opened under the leadership of the Township Education Board
Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung says that the international community recognizes and interacts with the NUG government in the context of the Myanmar’s Spring Revolution
Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung says the international community is recognizing and engaging with the NUG government in the wake of the Spring Revolution.

In an interview with the actress in May, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs Daw Zin Mar Aung added.

she said that “We have not yet been recognized as a legitimate government, However, most countries understand that have to communicate with NUG government in the context of revolution. Hence they understand about that and they interacted with us. They listen to our voices.”

Currently, National Unity Government is preparing to open a representative office in United States.

The Minister of Defense informed that members of the military council and the police force have increased the security of the people

In an interview with the media in May, Defense Minister U Ye Mon said that the security of the people and the military council members were increasing joining to People’s Embracing to day by day.

“Now that we have the right perspective, the number of our soldiers and police who have taken refuge in the People’s Embrace is increasing day by day,” he said.

They are also warmly welcomed and rewarded by NUG. “Similarly, there are still a lot of people who have left the army, even though they have not joined the People’s Embrace .”

At present, there are about 10,000 CDM troops and police.

Dr. Thein Lwin who gives special priority to education became the first dean of Spring Teachers’ Training University

Spring Teachers’ Training University announced on May 10 with the announcement No. (1/2022) that Dr. Thein Lwin, who always put a special priority in education has been appointed as the first Rector of Spring Teachers’ Training University,

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe offered me the position of Minister of Education. I refused because the NUG is in charge of the revolution and thinks that only those who are leading the revolution should be in charge of the ministry.

Only Dr. Zaw Wai Soe was advised to continue in charge of the Department of Education. I took over the chairmanship of the Spring Teachers’ Training University, which was co-founded by teachers from various educational institutions. The aim is to develop teaching skills, to provide quality education and participate in education reform, ” Dr Thein Lwin said on the social network.

Sayar Thein Lwin was also a member of the National Network for Education Reform (NNER) and excelled in teaching.

Madara Township, The Madara Federal School is opened under the leadership of the Township Education Board

Enrollment must start on May 10 via Google Form The PDF in Madara Township told radio NUG that the students will be accepted as much as the parents and the people registered.

The school will open on May 23, teaching will be conducted using the latest technology of the 21st century, the Zoom application by grouping telegram groups.

As a first step, Madara Federal School will begin teaching elementary education, and will soon open middle and high school levels.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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