Summary of News

  • Fifteen people were killed in the fighting in southern Kalemyo Township and weapons and ammunition were confiscated
  • guerrillas attack landmines on Pakokku-Myaing highway, killing five
  • During the military dictatorship, 2,000 people were killed by gunfire by the Myanmar terrorist army
  • In Sagaing Division, it will not be possible to produce major regional manufactured oil in next year
  • People in Tangse Township and Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division are facing difficulties due to the strict inspection by the Military Council.
Fifteen people were killed in the fighting in southern Kalemyo Township and weapons and ammunition were confiscated

On the morning of April 27, about 100 members of the Terrorist Military Council marched on the eastern border village of Kalemyo. The clashes between the PDF (Kalay), the CDF (KKG), the RKDF and the PKF continued until 7 pm, killing at least 15 Terrorist Military soldiers and seizing firearms and ammunition” said PDF Kalay. Two members of the coalition, PDF (Kalay). A total of four RKDF members were injured.

10 guerrillas attack landmines on Pakokku-Myaing highway, killing five

On April 27, at around 7:10 pm, a Terrorist Military convoy passing by the Pakokku-Myaing highway was attacked by 10 guerrillas from the Pakokku guerrilla group (PUGF) and the Rural guerrillas (Myaing) comrades. The guerrillas were able to withdraw unscathed, but the Fascist wreckage was transported by ambulance until 5 am, according to the Pakokku guerrillas.

During the military dictatorship, 2,000 people were killed by gunfire by the Myanmar terrorist army

As of yesterday, the total number of casualties during the military dictatorship (spring revolution) was 1,798,” the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said on April 27. Troops also shot and killed more than 100 children during the Spring Revolution. According to the AAPP, a total of 10377 people were arrested between February 1, 2021 and April 27, 2022, and 1,008 of them were imprisoned.

In Sagaing Division, it will not be possible to produce major regional manufactured oil in next year

Peanut oil, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil and rice which are main product of Sagaing Division. A local in Khin Oo says they will not be enough for local people in next year. This is due to the fact that the plantations could not be cultivated due to the fighting and the nurseries were destroyed without proper care.
Khin Oo, Sagaing

“I have to run a lot, so the plantations that were planted have been destroyed. Some of them have stopped planting due to they have to run. Some people say that all the crops on the mainland are destroyed when there were battles.

I have to say, Khin Oo town, almost half of it will go down. Is it food? “Cost? ? Hah .. it went up, they went up, they all went up. Some of the crops have been destroyed. As you know, paddy is not as plentiful as it used to be. We have to buy it even if we don’t have it. We don’t dare to keep paddy at home because we are afraid of being burned. There is not enough to eat.”

(Khin Oo’s local)

Before the military coup in Sagaing Division, the price of Peanut Oil a 18 Liter of pulses was around 70,000 kyats, but now it is around 100,000 kyats. “If we can not produce locally or import, we will soon face a food shortage crisis,” said a political writer.

“Actually, the situation in Burma is everything is falling apart in both economically, politically and socially.” he said. The United Nations now estimates that 14 million people in Burma are at risk of starvation. The original number of refugees has risen from 500,000 to 900,000, and the only way to overcome all of these adversities is to eliminate these scandals after the victory of the Spring Revolution. ”

(A political writer)

Myanmar used to import nearly 800,000 tones of palm oil a year, which is the mainstay of the local population. On April 22, world politics, Indonesia, a major producer of palm oil, has suspended exports due to economic instability. In addition to political instability in Burma, global instability is causing great difficulties for the people of Burma.

People in Tangse Township and Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division are facing difficulties due to the strict inspection by the Military Council.

In Sagaing Division, which is under the worst repression of the junta, the military council is tightening its inspections, making it difficult for people to travel and transport goods. The military council wants to cut off the food supply routes of the PDFs, which is controlling all the flow of goods centered in Monywa.

Due to the fighting, local products could not be produced regularly. Food shortages and skyrocketing commodity prices in Sagaing Division due to blockade of trade routes. Villagers find it difficult to even buy food in nearby towns.

Local survived to live by planting rice, Peanuts, Sesame , beans, sunflowers, Onion and the betel in Sagaing Division.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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