Summary of News

The Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun, says that children’s lives are being lost due to the inhumane actions of the terrorist military council

Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun, Deputy Minister of Education, said at the opening ceremony of the Interim Basic Education Free Online School set up by the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC) in partnership with the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, held on September 24.

“It can be seen clearly in the last Let Yet Kone case that the children’s lives are endangered while studying. We also see that the inhumane actions of the military council are harming the lives of children, who are our future.” — Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun said.

On September 16, the terrorist military junta launched air attacks using two Mi35 military helicopters at a school in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, killing 6 children.


The Deputy Minister of Education, Daw Ja Htoi Pan, says that even though the spring revolution is difficult, there is great potential to establish a new country

Daw Ja Htoi Pan, Deputy Minister of Education, said at the opening ceremony of the Interim Basic Education Free Online School set up by the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC) in partnership with the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government, held on September 24.

“Even though the spring revolution is difficult and rough, on the other hand, the fruits that will be obtained from the revolution and the great potential to establish a new country after changing the country are also great opportunities.” — Deputy Minister Daw Ja Htoi Pan said.

The Secretary of Defense, U Naing Htoo Aung, says that the capacity to equip weapons has exceeded 10,000

U Naing Htoo Aung, Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, said the following at the “One Year Journey of the People’s Defensive War” discussion of the People’s Revolutionary Support Family Conversation Program.

“The status of being able to equip weapons for revolutionary forces has reached 10,000. And there is already a lot of progress in the military situation.”

Recently, Defense Minister U Yee Mon claimed that there was a minimum funding requirement of one hundred million USD to equip more than twenty thousand automatic rifles in the next four months.

Brigadier General Myar No says that the sound of gunshots defying the military dictatorship has become louder in the administration areas of the Kayan New Land Party

In his speech at the 54th birthday of the Kayan New Land Revolutionary Council—KNRC (people’s administrative organization) on September 25, the following was said by Brigadier General Myar No, Commander-in-Chief of the Kayan New Land Army (Kayan New Land Party):

“The sound of gunshots defying the military dictatorship has become louder. Hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the war have arrived in the administrative area of the Kayan New Land Party, and the role of administrative groups under the Kayan New Land Revolutionary Council (KNRC) is getting bigger.”

The Brigadier General also said that many Kayan people lost their lives due to the terrorist military’s airstrikes, in addition to the firing of artillery shells, in Loikaw, Demoso, Pekon, and Mobye, where most of the Kayan people live.

It was said that terrorist military junta had made the city’s defensive plans properly because they had accepted their defeat

In September, CDM Captain Aung Myo Htet claimed on social media that the city’s defensive plans have been made properly because the terrorist military junta has accepted their defeat.

He said, “As far as observation goes, it can be assumed that the military has accepted their defeat. After accepting it like that, it can be seen that the preparations begin to be made vigorously. From the first line of defense to the last line of defense, which is Nay Pyi Taw, defensive plans were made systematically. In order for them not to lose, they will extort as much money as possible from the people, steal legally, rob illegally, prepare the military to the best of their ability, hold out as much as possible and wait for the time when the revolution is weak, when revolutionary forces are disunited. As in the past, they will divide the revolutionary forces. They thought they could break it this way.”

During the one-year of the People’s Defensive Revolution, the terrorist military junta has lost more than 20,000 soldiers.

18 members of 3 families in a village in Khin-U Township were treated by SSTF (MRDA Squadron – Khin-U) for food poisoning

On September 24, the Spring Special Task Force (SSTF), which is the Khin-U Squadron of the Myanmar Royal Dragon Army (MRDA), claimed that a total of 18 members from 3 families in a village in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division, were treated for food poisoning.

“Yesterday at 9:00 p.m., 18 people from three families in a village in Khin-U Township became ill with food poisoning and vomited. The medical unit and comrades of the SSTF (Khin-U Squadron of MRDA) went to treat those people,” they said.

The NUG Ministry of Health has provided training on emergency medical assistance to PDF comrades and taught them how to care for patients on the front line.

In Kyaukgyi Township, Bago Division, a clash between the PDF allied force and the junta troops broke out, killing 2 of the terrorist junta soldiers.

On September 25, the Bago Region PDF, Bago Division Military Region of the Southern Military Region of the Ministry of Defense (NUG), reported the military news as follows:

“In Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Division, a joint alliance column of the KNLA, Guerrilla Force and Special Operation Division of Taungoo District Battalion No. 3502 of the People’s Defense Force of the MOD, clashed with the junta troops stationed in the school in the village of Hnaw Taw Village.”

During the fighting, 2 members of the terrorist regime were killed and some were injured. The joint forces were able to successfully retreat without being injured. The Bago Region People’s Defense Forces said they will escalate and continue to attack the terrorist military council forces from all sides.

There were 156 battles between the Demoso Township People’s Defense Force and the military junta, and 39 comrades from the People’s Defense Forces had fallen

On September 25, the Demoso Township People’s Defense Force (DMO-Local PDF) announced the battle report.

It stated, “The Demoso Township People’s Defense Force (DMO-Local PDF) has fought 156 battles against the terrorist military junta forces since the start of the battle until August, and 35 comrades of the DMO-Local PDF had fallen.”

The DMO-Local PDF also claimed, “Four more comrades from the DMO-Local PDF had fallen within the 16 days from September 9 to September 25, which results in a total of 39 fallen comrades. We give our deepest condolences to the families of all our fallen comrades, and the DMO-local PDF will pay tribute to our comrades who gave their lives for the eradication of the military dictators and honor them as people’s heroes.”

Myanmar people protested in front of the Myanmar military embassy in South Korea against the terrorist military regime that committed mass shootings and killed innocent children

Today, on September 25, a protest against the terrorist military regime that committed mass shootings and killed innocent children, and the expulsion of the Myanmar military embassy and military-controlled civil embassy in South Korea was held by Myanmar citizens, Korean citizens, and civil organizations, with the leadership of the Anti-Coup Committee (Korea).

Myanmar people in South Korea protested in front of the Myanmar military embassy to pray for the deceased and marched to the front of the Myanmar embassy. Attendees, each with a rose flower, came dressed in black and tied with red headbands to offer prayers for the deceased children.

On September 16, the Myanmar military regime launched air attacks on a self-supporting school opened by local residents in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, killing 6 children who were studying there.

A revolutionary commemoration ceremony to mark the one-year anniversary of the deaths of four people, including Dr. Zin Linn and nurse Khin Khin Kywe, was held in Yangon

On September 25, at a place in Yangon, in commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the deaths of four people, including Dr. Zin Linn and nurse Khin Khin Kywe, laying flowers and giving commemorative speech was made.

Comrades! Today is one year since your brave sacrifices. All of us surviving comrades pay tribute to the heroic sacrifice of our comrades. Taking the determination and sacrifice of our comrades as an example, we solemnly declare that we will continue to fight until the goal of the Spring Revolution is reached. Rest In Peace. The Uprising must be won!

The Uprising must be won! The Uprising must be won! The Uprising must be won!

(((((  Commemorative Speech  )))))

On September 25, 2021, in Sanchaung Township, Yangon Division, near the Myaynigone Over Sky Bridge, soldiers tortured and killed CDM volunteer Dr. Zin Linn, Ma Khin Khin Kywe, a nurse from Yangon 500-bed hospital, Kyaw Gyi, and Piggyi.

In a press release from the military council, it was said that all four were shot dead due to return fire, but the local residents said that the incident was a deliberate killing by the military council.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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