Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 March 7

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann announced through social media that they are going to take action to change the military council’s forced recruitment process from a challenge to an opportunity.

“In order to address forced military recruitment, we must collaborate with our allied groups and jointly strive to turn this challenge into an opportunity,” the Union Prime Minister said.

The military council formed the Central Teams for Summoning People’s Military Servants (the central recruitment body) after they enforced the military conscription law on February 10.

On March 6, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (10/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung analyzed on social media that if the political economy structure cannot be fixed during the revolution, we will not be able to achieve a true federal essence.

“EITI was a turning point in my life. I began to incite. I tried to change policies, laws, and foundations so that the benefits from Myanmar’s resource sector flow to the people on the civilian, government, and business sides of MSG. That’s why we were able to uncover the management mistakes of state-owned enterprises, as well as the appearance of billions of other accounts, and we were able to pull the strings of the crony capitalism system. We were able to amend and draft more than 10 related laws. Last year, the EITI office contacted me to ask for my opinion on what to do next. It’s akin to watching a plant I nurtured for nearly ten years wilt away. If we don’t address the flaws in the political economy structure during this revolution, we won’t be able to realize the true essence of the federal spirit,” the Deputy Minister said.

After the seizure of state power, the terrorist military junta has been rampant in the resource mining sector in Myanmar.

According to People Spring media, Karenni State Chief Judge Khu Poe Reh confirmed that five employees, including the rector and vice rector of Loikaw University, who were mainly responsible for cooperating with the terrorist military council, were sentenced to 2 years in prison terms and a fine of 900,000 kyats each.

In November 2023, the Karen State Police Department deported most of the 204 non-CDM employees and their family members from Loikaw University, and charged five people directly related to the terrorist military council under Section 17/1 of the Unlawful Association Communication Act.

The Interim Administrative Council (IEC) of Karenni State has initially notified that they have formed a special investigation team on non-CDM employees and their family members who were evacuated from Loikaw University and conducted investigations.

After that, 193 non-CDMs and their family members who are not related to the military council were permanently deported outside of Karenni State on November 28 after they were made to sign a pledge not to be involved in the mechanisms of the military council, not to make contact with schools and offices, and to stand with the people in accordance with the will of the people.

Furthermore, the other three military family members who have a direct relationship with the military council will be moved to the appropriate military court for investigation in compliance with the Military Act, as stated by the IEC.

The 3 Brotherhood Alliance responded that the military council’s declaration of martial law in Manton, Namhsan, and Namtu townships – areas under their complete control – was a blatant attempt to intimidate the local residents.

Regarding the Military Council’s announcement on March 4 that martial law would be applied to Manton, Namhsan, and Namtu townships, Kokang Army MNDAA, Ta’ang Army TNLA, and Arakan Army AA responded on March 6.

It is also informed that the announcement of the military council will cause difficulties in the practical implementation of the Haigen ceasefire agreements agreed between the military council and the 3 Brotherhood Alliance.

According to the Haigen agreement, they have promised to develop a solid ceasefire process for the reopening of the China-Myanmar trade route, the stability of the China-Myanmar border, and the rehabilitation of the war victims in the northern region since the fighting has stopped.

In order to implement and review the Haigen Agreements, the organizations that have signed the contract, with the help of the Chinese government, held regular meetings in Kunming, China, 4 times from February 29 to March 1, the 3 Brotherhood Alliance stated.

“While the points contained in the Haigen Agreement are being coordinated and implemented step by step in addition to border stability, peace, and the strengthening of the ceasefire, the declaration of martial law by the military council in Manton, Namhsan and Namtu townships, which are fully controlled by the 3 Brotherhood Alliance and implementing administrative activities, is an act of threat to the people of the region and may make the Haigen Agreement difficult,” the 3 Brotherhood Alliance stated.

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) – AAPP stated this in its daily briefing in relation to the military coup updated on March 6, 2024.

The AAPP stated, “According to the data collected by the AAPP, from January 1 to March 6, 2024, (7) women and (23) men; (30) people in total, were killed by the junta in Magway Region. Among (30) deceased, there are (3) children who were under the age of 18 and (elders who were over 60. Moreover, among (30) deaths, (12) people were killed after being detained by the junta, recording the highest number of causes of deaths.

In addition, during the stated period, (1) women and (17) men; (18) people in total, have been arrested and are still detained by the junta in Magway Region. Furthermore, (3) men have been given prison sentences under specious charges, by courts subservient to the junta and are still detained in prison.”

On March 6, the Chin Brotherhood announced that CDF-Kanpetlet joined the Chin Brotherhood, which was formed to cooperate politically and militarily on Chin State and Chin national issues.

The Chin Brotherhood has stated its intention to collaborate with both local and international entities that align with its values, beliefs, and shared common agreements pertaining to the Chin State, the Chin nation, and the Union, until the emergence of a government that meets democratic standards in the future.

Based on these positions, CDF-Kanpetlet held several meetings with the Chin Brotherhood, and joined the organization.

CDF-Kanpetlet was officially accepted as a member of the Chin Brotherhood on March 6, following the shared principles of justice, equality, and the freedom to forge one’s own path.

Zomi Federal Union ZFU/PDF-Zoland, Chin National Organization -CNO/CNDF, Chin National Council -Mindat/CDF-Mindat established the Chin Brotherhood on December 30, 2023 in order to cooperate politically and militarily in matters of Chin State and Chin national.

As CDF – Kanpetlet has been formally acknowledged as part of the Chin Brotherhood, there are now a total of 5 Chin ethnic armed groups within the Chin Brotherhood.

It is reported that Mobye People’s Defense Force Battalion-1007 completed its week no. 4 refresher course and basic military training and graduated. On March 6, the completion of week no. 4 refresher course and the basic military training for 80 new comrades were released with photos.

The Mobye PDF No. (1007) battalion is also a PDF battalion that is fighting against the military council in cooperation with local revolutionary forces in Mobye and Pekon townships on the border of Shan and Kayah.

The New Mon State Party (Anti-military Dictatorship) NMSP – AD, the Mon Liberation Army MLA and the Fixed-Wings Technology SUAVF-G3 team of the Galon Column jointly launched a drone bomb attack on Kyaikmaraw Prison, the Galon Column announced. On March 4, at around 4:00 p.m., they attacked the Kyaikmaraw prison with 2 dropped bombs using a Fixed-Wings drone, according to an official from the Galon Column.

“It is a message for the political prisoners who have been unfairly arrested in Kyaikmaraw Prison, letting them know that the operational capabilities of the revolutionary comrades are constantly improving, and the momentum of the revolution is on the rise,” it said.

The extent of injuries suffered by the military council troops in the battle is currently under investigation. As there has been no retaliatory response from the military council side, no casualties have been reported among the revolutionary comrades.

The Galon Column warned the public to be alert, as they could strike the military council troops at any time and in any way, and advised them to be cautious of the troops.

This marks the first collaborative attack by the New Mon State Party – Anti-military Dictatorship (NMSP-AD) since they declared on February 11 their plans to launch operations against the military council, in partnership with revolutionary forces.

“A mine attack on a military vehicle on the Sagaing-Monywa road, Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division, left 4 junta soldiers fatally wounded, and 2 civilians died when an oil tanker caught fire after the soldiers fired,” the Sagaing News and Information reported on March 6.

On March 5, at about 6:30 a.m., the revolutionary forces mined a military vehicle coming from Myinmu Township on the Sagaing-Monywa highway, and 4 junta soldiers were seriously injured and possibly killed. Following the attack with mines, the military council troops opened fire from their vehicle, hitting a tanker carrying fuel and igniting a fierce blaze. It is reported that a woman and a 10-year-old child, who were driving a motorcycle when the oil tanker caught fire, died in the fire. It is also reported that the military vehicle that was attacked with mines had its wheels broken and damaged. It was also reported that while the damaged car was parked, the terrorist military council troops opened fire and looted civilian properties.

The Sagaing News and Information reported that the military vehicle’s damaged tires were transported in an Alphard vehicle. Subsequently, junta soldiers in critical condition were also carried back in the same vehicle. After a prompt repair, the damaged vehicle left for Sagaing after 11:00 a.m.

The military council’s vehicle, previously targeted by mines on Sagaing-Monywa Road, was once again attacked with explosives while being transported from the Ohntaw side to Sagaing city.

At 5:15 p.m. on March 4, the Eagle Brothers guerilla force launched an attack on a convoy consisting of 1 car, 2 military vehicles, and 1 ambulance. The convoy was transporting a military vehicle that had been previously attacked by a mine on the Sagaing-Monywa road in Sagaing Township, along the route from Ohntaw to Sagaing.

As a result of the attack, 1 large military vehicle and an ambulance carrying wounded soldiers of the military council were hit, resulting in possible casualties, according to Sagaing News and Information.

It is reported that the revolutionary comrades were able to retreat unharmed, despite the military council troops firing indiscriminately.

On March 6, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 announced the military news. It confirmed that on February 28, 2024, defense forces attacked the Koepin Cotton gate in Pakokku Township with 1kg bombs dropped by small Fix Wing UAVs.

On March 2, defense forces bombarded the junta gate at Inbin Village in Pakokku Township with small RC Planes, and on March 3, they fired more than 30 rockets at the military council troops stationed in Kantaw Village in Pakokku Township. On March 5, the junta logistic convoy that came out of Pakokku was attacked with mines along the road.

It is reported that 7 junta soldiers were killed and many injured during the attacks.

The attacks were cooperatively conducted by allied forces regionally by Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 – Taty-Pku, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 – Thurain – TR, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 – Shwe Nyar Myae, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 – Black Cheater, and Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force – Young Force-UG Young Force – UG.

It is reported that a person who was forcibly recruited as a soldier from the military council’s fraudulent recruitment letter defected to the People’s Defense Force – Mandalay (MDY-PDF) along with weapons.

Last February 9, a military council soldier named Thet Zaw Oo of the No. (908) Engineer Battalion based in Sittwe, Rakhine State, brought one MA-3 rifle, 3 cartridges, and 250 rounds of ammunition and defected to the MDY-PDF.

He had been serving in the military for one year and two months at the time of his defection, and he was recruited by the military council’s fake job recruitment letter on a social networking page. He said that the military council used to recruit through online fake job recruitment letters, forcibly abduct alcoholics and drug addicts at stations and bus stops, and recruit thieves and robbers.

He explained that he was deployed at the front line after attending mine training in Pyin Oo Lwin on January 1, 2024, and when he arrived at Thayet Kone Village camp on the night of January 6, he connected to the Mandalay PDF on January 8 and defected to it.

He urged the remaining members of the military council, “Don’t sacrifice your life and fight for the power-crazed generals, join the armed organization that represents the people.”

  1. The Union Prime Minister informed that they are going to take action to change the military council’s forced recruitment process from a challenge to an opportunity
  2. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  3. If we cannot fix the political economy structure in the revolution, we will not be able to achieve the true federal essence
  4. The Karenni State Court has sentenced 2-year prison terms and fines to five employees, including the rector and vice rector of Loikaw University, for collaborating with the terrorist military council
  5. The 3 Brotherhood Alliance said that the declaration of martial law in Manton, Namhsan and Namtu townships is an act of threatening the local people
  6. A total of 30 people, 7 women and 23 men, were killed by the terrorist junta in Magway Division
  7. CDF- Kanpetlet joined hands in the Chin Brotherhood
  8. The military training graduation ceremony of Mobye People’s Defense Force Battalion-1007 was held
  9. The New Mon State Party (AD), the Mon Liberation Army, and the Galon Column joined forces to attack the Kyaikmaraw prison with bombs
  10. During a mine attack on a military vehicle on the Sagaing-Monywa road, 4 junta soldiers got fatal injuries. 2 civilians were killed when an oil tanker caught fire after the soldiers fired
  11. The military council’s vehicle, previously targeted by mines on Sagaing-Monywa Road, was once again attacked with explosives while being transported from the Ohntaw side to Sagaing city
  12. 7 junta soldiers died due to continuous operations by the defense forces in Pakokku Township
  13. A victim of fraudulent recruitment by the military council defected to Mandalay PDF

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