Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 16

On February 15, the meeting of the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) (6/2024) was held. At the meeting, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, chair of the ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the completion status of the activities discussed at the meeting (5/2024), future plans and processes that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

Led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from ministries attended the meeting.

It is reported that doctors and health professionals are being recruited to work in hospitals/clinics within the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government and interim state/federal units.

The Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government has announced the vacancies to be applied for between February 15 and February 29, 2024.

For the positions, the ministry is recruiting professionals such as specialists, doctors, dental specialists, dentists, post-graduates in medicine and related fields, specialized nurses, nurses, and diploma/degree holders from medical technology universities.

Similarly, between March 1 and March 15, 2024, the ministry is calling for the vacant positions of Health Assistants, Lady Health Visitors (LHV), Public Health Supervisors-1, Midwives, Public Health Supervisors-2, and diploma/degree holders in traditional medicine.

Applicants must be born in the Union of Myanmar and be in good health. If they are civil servants, they must be CDM employees and have no ties to the terrorist military council.

It is reported that those who wish to apply can download and send application forms to the Telegram Account – or Telegram Username – @HR_MOHNUG of Human Resource Department of the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government, without any holidays, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government is set to introduce certificates of appreciation for donors in a new format that includes a Scan Code for easy verification of authenticity.

In order to protect against fraud such as falsification of records and misrepresentation, the new format of appreciation will be used.

In identifying the certificate of honor – Donors need to scan the QR Code included in the certificate of honor they received with their phone camera/QR scanner application. When scanning, click on the URL link ‘,’ and if it is a certificate of appreciation issued by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, the name of the donor, the region to be donated, the content of the donation, the recipient group, the amount of money, the certificate number, and the issued date will appear. If the QR Code or appreciation record is faked, duplicated or canceled, it will appear that it is not an official record issued by the Ministry.

In addition, if the public finds fake records or misrepresentations, they can contact the ministry’s e-mail address and complain.

The Union Minister of Women, Youth and Children Affairs, Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, met with the US Campaign for Burma.

“We met with the US Campaign for Burma and discussed about cutting off aviation fuel supply to the military council and taking further measures,” the Union Minister said.

Currently, countries such as the United States and the UK are imposing sanctions against the terrorist military council and related individuals.

On February 15, Spring University Myanmar – SUM officially announced that they would collaborate with the University of Arizona for the “Virtual Exchange Program”.

“The University of Arizona and Spring University Myanmar – SUM are partner universities that have signed an official MOU to work together on educational projects for young students all over Myanmar. After signing the memorandum of understanding, with the support of the U.S. Department of State, the two universities will join forces to conduct a “Virtual Exchange Program” for young students,” it stated.

This program is the first Virtual Exchange Program conducted by Spring University Myanmar with a partner organization. It is an educational program that will benefit young Myanmar students and give them the opportunity to interact with young international students.

In the near future, details about the Virtual Exchange Program that will be launched in collaboration with The University of Arizona, will be officially announced.

It was reported on February 15 that Karenni State Police, which is made up of CDM police in Karenni State, has been educating local people about the dangers of drugs and traffic rules.

The Karenni State Police has been actively distributing pamphlets and educating local residents on the importance of following traffic rules while driving cars/motorcycles. They also advised drivers to drive cautiously and abide by traffic regulations. In addition, the Karenni State Police has been working to educate the local people about the dangers of drugs by visiting villages, including the town.

The Karenni State Police was formed on August 25, 2021, under the political leadership of the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) with more than 300 CDM police who opposed the military coup, and are providing police services for the safety of the people and law enforcement in the state.

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) – AAPP stated this in its daily briefing in relation to the military coup, updated on February 15.

The AAPP stated, “According to the data collected by the AAPP, from January 1 to February 15, 2024, (12) women and (57) men; (69) people in total, were killed after being detained by the junta across the country, with (5) who were 60 years old and over 60. Among (69) deceased, there are (13) people from Rakhine State.

On January 31, at approximately 2 p.m., two personnel from the LIB-378 based in Mrauk-U Town, Rakhine State, shot and killed seven people in the custody of the battalion. The victims, charged under Section 505 of the Penal Code, were identified as Kyaw Zan Wai (aka Phoe La Pyae or Yin Soet), Myat Thu Tun (aka Phoe Thiha), Kyaw Thein Hlaing, Kyaw Win Hlaing, Ko Ko Nyunt, Win Naing, and Pyae Sone Win. Their bodies were discovered in a bomb shelter near Mrauk-U Town Hospital.”

The Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) released the military news on February 15 that more than 160 junta soldiers, including colonels, were killed in the battle to capture Shadaw, and many weapons and ammunition were seized.

KA, KNDF and Loikaw PDF cooperatively launched an offensive on January 15 to capture Shadaw Town, and on February 12, they were able to capture the entire town.

KNDF informed that in the city capture battle, they attacked the military council’s LIB-428, IB-249, logistic troops, military engineers force, police force, more than 160 junta troops, including colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, and deputy police chiefs, and some prisoners of war were also captured.

During the city capture battle that lasted for almost a month, 128 small arms, 18 large arms, 3 smoke guns, 1 jammer gun, communication devices, ammunition and military equipment were seized from the military council troops, according to the statement.

It is also reported that during the battles to capture Shadaw, the military council used jet fighters, and Y12 dropped bombs to attack more than 205 times.

KNDF announced that 3 comrades from the KNDF and some comrades from the joint forces bravely sacrificed their lives for the country during the battles to capture the military council camps in Shadaw. The KNDF also announced that the fallen comrades will always be respected and recorded as martyred heroes.

The Freedom Revolution Force-FRF has announced that military side may have suffered casualties in attacks on the police station, court and auditor’s office, including the military council forces patrolling in Depayin Township, Sagaing Division.

On February 14, at 5:00 a.m., while the junta column that came out of Depayin was headed towards Mayoe Kone Village, Ye-U Township, the FRF and allied forces took the initiative to attack them. It is said that the junta column that was ambushed suffered casualties and entered Ngawea Taw Village in Depayin Township.

It is also reported that while the terrorist junta soldiers left the town of Depayin, the FRF and allied forces attacked the police station, court and auditor’s office in the town with 40 mm heavy weapons.

It was reported that the attack was carried out when the junta troops in the town were weakened as the junta column was out patrolling. 3 junta soldiers were said to be killed, but the FRF is still investigating for details.

The attacks were carried out by Freedom Revolution Force-FRF, Depayin Township PaKaFa Circuit-5, Depayin Township PaKaFa Circuit-8, Pattern Group, Shwebo District Battalion 24, and Ye-U Township PaKaFa, the revolutionary comrades were unharmed.

The Arakan Army (AA) announced on the night of February 15 that soldiers of the Arakan Army are participating in public welfare activities in northern Shan State.

It is reported that AA troops have been carrying out public welfare activities and city/village cleaning activities along the left side of the road near the Muse 105 Mile Highway and nearby areas in northern Shan State since early February.

The AA stated that they have provided support and donations as much as they can to Buddhist monasteries, nunneries, and Christian missionary schools, including the people who are in dire straits due to the war in the northern Shan State, and that they are working together either individually or with brotherhood allies to clean public places and buildings that have been damaged by the war.

The Arakan Army is doing its best to work with the local people to facilitate their affairs in the areas they reach.

The Arakan Army has announced that they will act with full sympathy and dedication wherever they are and stand with the people regardless of ethnicity or religion.

According to some local residents, 10 local people were killed and 13 arrested after the fighting broke out between revolutionary forces and the joint column of the military council and Pyu Saw Htee that came from Myauk Khin Yan Village, Gangaw Township, Magway Division.

On February 14, at around 7:15 a.m., the 200-strong military council and Pyu Saw Htee column were ambushed between the villages of Thin Taw and Shwe Bo Village, according to Gangaw District Battalion 1 of No. 1 Military Region.

The attack was cooperatively carried out by the Gangaw District Battalion 1, 12, and 14 of No. 1 Military Region, CDF (KKG) and Gangaw Township PaKaFa, and at least 6 military council soldiers were killed, said the commander of Gangaw District Battalion 1 of No. 1 Military Region.

After the column was attacked near Myauk Khin Yan Village, they killed 7 people from Thin Tow Village, 2 people from Shwe Bo Village and 1 person from Yay Thar Village by shooting in the head, said an official from Gangaw PaKaFa.

In addition, 13 local residents were also arrested, including women and children, according to local residents.

On November 7, 2023, Pyu Saw Htee group from Myauk Khin Yan Village burned alive two Yaw defense comrades who were captured alive, and now they are massacring civilians again.

According to the Black Hawk Seikphyu Revolution Front (BHSRF), the military council troops stationed at the Wazi Banknote Factory on the border of Pakokku Township and Chauk Township in Magway Division were attacked by dividing into four groups.

At around 10:00 p.m. on February 13, a BHSRF official said that 27 Short Range Missiles and drone attacks were launched at the military council troops at the Wazi factory (security-related printing factory) that publishes banknotes.

It is reported that the first defensive line, the artillery camp in Chaik Village, was attacked simultaneously with 6 drop bombs, and the artillery base and bunkers near Lel Kyin Village were also ambushed.

As a result of these attacks, the military council in the Wazi factory suffered damages, the Black Hawk Bay Revolutionary Front BHSRF said, but it has not yet been independently confirmed.

The operation was carried out by the Black Hawk Seikphyu Revolutionary Front (BHSRF), the Drone Wing of the Magway District People’s Defense Force, and Pakokku District Battalion 8 Company 1.

In 2023, local defense forces also attacked the Wazi banknote factory.

  1. The meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) was held
  2. Recruitment of doctors and health professionals to work in hospitals/clinics within the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government and interim state/federal units
  3. Certificates of appreciation presented to donors by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government can be verified for authenticity using the Scan Code
  4. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe met with US Campaign for Burma
  5. The “Virtual Exchange Program” will be jointly organized by the Spring University Myanmar and The University of Arizona
  6. The Karenni State Police, organized with the CDM police, educates the local people about the dangers of drugs and traffic rules
  7. The terrorist junta killed 12 women and 57 men, a total of 69 people, after being detained, across the country
  8. More than 160 junta soldiers, including colonels, were killed in the battle to capture Shadaw, and many weapons and ammunition were seized
  9. The military side may have suffered casualties in attacks on the police station, court and auditor’s office, including the military council forces patrolling in Depayin Township
  10. Arakan soldiers are participating in public welfare activities in northern Shan region
  11. In Gangaw, 10 locals were killed and 13 arrested after the military council column was attacked
  12. Four PDF groups attacked the military council troops at the banknote printing plant in Wazi

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