Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 January 23

Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said at a public meeting held in the San Francisco Bay Area of the United States in January that the powerful countries have been making loud disclosures about the Myanmar issue on a diplomatic stage.

“There are the supports of big democracies that we expect a lot from the Myanmar issue. Powerful countries including the United States, are expressing their support loudly and openly,” she said.

Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung added that just as the United States is an important power in Myanmar’s affairs, the position of neighboring countries is also important and powerful. She reiterated that the international community has an interest in the current Spring Revolution, which is moving forward without stop with the full participation of the public.

On January 22, the Ministry of Defence released information about the nationwide military situation (December 2023).

By the end of 2023, the People’s Revolution had reached a ‘Tipping point’, and the revolutionary forces had been able to change from a strategic defensive position to a strategic offensive position militarily.

The People’s Defense Forces (PaKaFa) of the National Unity Government’s People’s Defense Force Army (PDF), ethnic resistance groups and local resistance forces have been fighting against the terrorist military for more than two years. They have been able to escalate in waging city capture, camp capture, and town capture battles in some regions as well as increasing attacks on military targets in big cities such as Yangon and Mandalay.

In December, they were able to capture the 7 towns of Monglon, Maw Luu, Namhsan, Namhkam, Manton, Namtu, and Mongngawt. In the third year of the Spring Revolution, the revolutionary forces have been able to capture Mkui Imnu, Mese, Pang Hseng, Chinshwehaw, Pheng Hseng, Monekoe, Kawlin, Khampat, Nanmekhon, Kunlong, Rihkhawdar, Shwe Pyi Aye, N Jang Yan, Lai Lin P, Konkyan, Rezua, Waibula, Surkhua, Hnarharein, Monglon, Maw Luu, Namhsan, Namhkam, Manton, Namtu, and Mongngawt, and have taken control over these 26 towns.

Among them, the No. (1) Military Regional Command was able to attack and capture Kawlin, a district-level town in the plain region. Most of the border trade gates bordering the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of India, and Thailand have been occupied and dominated by various revolutionary forces.

It is reported that a meeting between Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, National Unity Government and Myanmar nationals in Tokyo, Japan, was held on Sunday evening (January 21, 2024).

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye explained the real situation of Myanmar, the revolutionary process that is currently progressing, and the difficulties faced by the people of Myanmar.

After that, after the minister responded to some questions asked by the guests, and Japanese people who attended the ceremony, he warmly greeted the attendees of the meeting and volunteers who are enthusiastically participating in the Myanmar Spring Revolution.

The Ministry of Human Rights released the details of the incident in which 4 civilians were killed due to the attack with heavy weapons on the village of Tetukone, Bilin Township, Kyaikto District.

On January 19, 2024, at 11:08 a.m., the No. 314 Artillery Battalion (Zee Wun) of the No. 606 Artillery Command Headquarters of the terrorist military junta fired heavy artillery twice without any fighting at Tetukone Village, Beilin Township, Kyaikto District, Mon State. As a result of this attack, 4 innocent civilians were killed, 4 civilians including a 2-year-old children, were seriously injured, and 2 got minor injuries.

It is said that the terrorist soldiers of No. (314) Artillery Battalion opened fire on the village of Tatukone where there was no battle, and it is clear that it was a targeted attack on civilians.

The Ministry of Human Rights stated that they will do their best to hold the terrorist military accountable for the crimes committed by them while holding on to the goals of achieving equality, peace, and justice for all people.

On January 22, the Arakan Army (AA) confirmed that they were able to cut off and attack the LIB-205 under the 22nd Division of the terrorist military council and obtained the support materials dropped with the aircraft.

On January 20, the Arakan Army demolished the LIB-205 under the 22nd Division of the terrorist military council, which came to Minbya as reinforcements, and seized enemy’s bodies and ammunition. In addition, the Arakan Army captured the support equipment dropped from the enemy’s Y8 aircraft.

TNLA News and Information released that the terrorist military council troops launched offensive attacks on the locations of the TNLA for 2 consecutive days.

On January 22, at about 1:00 p.m., the terrorist military council bombarded the 9-Mile area and Lwe Sar Kone Village located between Mogok and Mongmit townships in the Ta’ang State Brigade 2 Military Area, where the TNLA forces were located, about 10 bombs with jet fighter and ATR-42.

Also, on January 21, at around 8:00 p.m., the military council troops launched an offensive in the 8-Mile area between Mogok and Mongmit townships, and the clash broke out. It was said that 4 weapons from the military council were seized in the battle.

TNLA News and Information has stated that the military council has repeatedly violated the ceasefire signed on January 11 since they are conducting offensives, heavy artillery firing and aerial bombardment at Mongmit, Kyaukme, Mogok, Namhkam, and Lashio townships till January 22.

On January 22, the military news was confirmed by the Union Liberation Front – ULF (District PaKaFa Combat Column).

“On January 21, there was an encounter of defense forces with an 80-strong junta column that was carrying out violence in Salingyi Township near Lat Taung Nge Village at the border of Pale-Yinmarbin-Salingyi townships for almost 4 hours,” it stated.

During the 4 hours of battle, 17 junta soldiers were witnessed to be killed and the junta side suffered a lot damage. 3 MA rifles, 4 RPG grenades, 4 rounds of 60-mm grenades, 15 rounds of 40-mm grenades, over 2000 rounds of 5.56 ammunition and a variety of ammunition were seized. Five comrades from the ULF (District PaKaFa Combat Column) were injured (non-critically).

It is reported that ULF (District PaKaFa Combat Column), local LPDFs and PDF Battalions cooperated in the operation.

The People’s Liberation Army – PLA announced on January 22 that more than 30 members of the military council were killed in a battle in the eastern part of Taze Township, Sagaing Division.

About 180 strong junta soldiers from Battalion 6006 based in Kanbalu marched towards Ye-U in a column with 6 military vehicles in the morning of January 21. They exchanged with the column of about 50 strong junta soldiers that came out of Taze on the eastern side of Taze and returned the way they came..

At about 3:00 p.m., the military council column that returned after exchanging and the joint People’s Defense Force, clashed and exchanged fire. The battle lasted for about one hour, killing over 30 military council soldiers and injuring 10. The injured soldiers were sent to the east bank of Muu River and transported to hospital with 2 ambulances.

It was also informed that the military council troops that suffered damage were stationed in Attaw Village and firing heavy weapons towards the surrounding villages.

The People’s Liberation Army stated that the military council column coming out of Taze, killed a man in his 50s by shooting right through his forehead and fired heavy artillery, injuring 2 civilians.

The People’s Liberation Army – PLA, TCRF (PLA), and PaKaFa. Battalions 7, 8, 10, 16 participated in the battle in the eastern part of Taze.

The Earthquake People’s Defense Force (Pakokku) announced that 4 soldiers were killed and many injured in an attack on the places where the military council troops were stationed, including the checkpoint at the exit of Myaing Town, Pakokku District, Magway Division.

On January 22, at 5:00 a.m., joint People’s Defense Forces began attacking the Mandalay checkpoint at the exit of Myaing Town. During the battle, they were able to capture a bunker at the Mandalay Checkpoint and an apartment to the west of the gate. However, they had to retreat as the military council troops stationed at the No. 2 BEHS of Myaing opened fire with heavy artillery many times at the villages outside of the military operation.

After that, joint People’s Defense Forces attacked the general administration office, the township police station, the Electricity Office, and the Koe Saung monastery gate where military council troops were stationed in Myaing Town with about 200 drop bombs using drones.

In these 2 operations, 4 members of the military council were killed and the injured were taken to Myaing Township Hospital in a Faw truck. Pakokku – PDF said that a comrade from the joint People’s Defense Forces sacrificed his life in those battles.

The operations were cooperatively carried out by Company 1 and 2 of Earthquake People’s Defense Force (Pakokku), Company 1, 2, 3, 4 of Myaing PaKaFa Battalion 1, Company 1, 2, 3, 4 of Myaing PaKaFa Battalion 2, Mway Soe Force, M.V.P Revolution Force and Myaing U.A.V Fighter Drone Force. Comrade R Gyi from the M.V.P Revolution Force team bravely sacrificed his life for the country.

Chinland Defense Force / Civic Defense Militia – Siyin, a Chin defense force, announced on January 22 notifying local residents near Khaikam police station in Tedim Township of Chin State to move to a safe place.

Chin World news agency, which reports local news, reported that the CDF-Siyin has made this announcement as they are about to attack and capture the remaining Khaikam police station at 9-mile after the capture of Taingen police station.

CDF-Siyin has informed the people living near Khaikam police station to move to a safe place, and has warned the military council members in Khaikam police station to take refuge in the people’s embrace.

On January 16, the Taingen military council camp was attacked and captured by Chin Defense Joint Forces.

CDF-Siyin has announced that the Kale-Tedim road, which has been blocked for more than 2 months, has been reopened. Since the morning of January 21, there have been a few people using the road.

  1. Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said that the powerful countries have made loud disclosures about the Myanmar issue on a diplomatic stage
  2. The Ministry of Defence released a press statement saying that the revolutionary forces have captured and controlled the cities upon reaching third year of the Spring Revolution
  3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye met with Myanmar nationals in Tokyo, Japan
  4. The Ministry of Human Rights released the details of the incident in which 4 civilians were killed due to the attack with heavy weapons on the village of Tetukone, Bilin Township, Kyaikto District
  5. The Arakan Army attacked the LIB-205 under the 22nd Division of the terrorist military council and obtain the support materials dropped with the aircraft
  6. The terrorist military launched offensive attacks at the areas where the Ta’ang forces were located for 2 consecutive days
  7. Defense forces attacked an 80-strong junta column that was carrying out violence in Salingyi Township at the border of three townships, killing 17 junta solders
  8. More than 30 members of the military council were killed in the Taze Battle
  9. An attack on places where the military council troops were, including the checkpoint at the exit of Myaing Town, killed 4 soldiers and injured a lot
  10. CDF-Siyin informs residents near Khaikam police station to evacuate to safe places

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