Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 18

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the meeting of the National Administration Board for Natural Resources (NAB-NR) that it is necessary to adopt resource policies. At the (1/2024) meeting of the National Administration Board for Natural Resources (NAB-NR) held on January 16, the Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than said this.

“We all know that the people have become more dependent on natural resources due to the difficulties and crises they faced during the revolution, and accordingly, there is a need to match the policy and ground conditions in the natural resources sectors such as the forest/environment sector, the oil/natural gas sector, and the metal/gem sector. In order to adapt to the current administrative system, new management methods will be developed and implemented. The resource issues to be managed at the federal level and the resource issues to be managed at the regional level must be carefully identified, and efforts must be made to minimize the loss of resources and environmental damage as much as possible. We need to adopt a policy on resources to hold people accountable,” the Union Prime Minister said.

The meeting was attended by ministers, deputy ministers, secretaries, representatives from the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, secretaries and office teams from the Prime Minister’s Office, National Administration Board for Natural Resources, and Secretariat Team.

On January 17, at 1 p.m., the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (3/2024) was held. At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions. The meeting was successfully ended at 3 p.m.

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s (CRPH) Public Affairs Committee, CDM Success Committee, and Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) held a meeting through video conference.

At the meeting held at 12:30 p.m. on January 16, the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) first explained the council’s structure, purpose, policies, processes and measures.

Then, the officials of the Public Affairs Committee and the CDM Success Committee suggested, “To cooperate on the needs of each sector, conduct training on improving business performance as much as possible, and continue to fight until the revolution is successful since CDM is very important for the spring revolution and the main forces for building the future federal state.”

Following, the participants of the meeting discussed and established the processes of connection and cooperation in the future.

The Secretary of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) Daw Phyu Phyu Thin, Chairman and committee members of the Public Affairs Committee, CDM Success Committee Secretary Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Co-Secretary Dr. Oakar, and the chairman, members, and council members of the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) attended.

According to local news reports, about 300 Myanmar soldiers under the coup terrorist military council arrived in the Indian state of Mizoram again on the evening of January 17.

The Lawngtlai Post local news agency reported that 278 Myanmar soldiers under the military council fled to Bandukba Village, Lawngtai District, Mizoram State, India, due to the ongoing fighting on the Myanmar side and surrendered to the Assam Rifles.

Mizoram-based Changhma Times reported on January 18, at 8:00 p.m., that 278 Myanmar soldiers who fled to India are currently under the supervision of the Indian border security forces and are being investigated.

Due to the fighting in Chin State, hundreds of members of the terrorist military council had also fled to Mizoram, India.

From November 2023 to early January 2024, there have been more than 400 members of the military council who fled to India and they were returned to the Myanmar military by the Indian government.

On January 17, the Karen National Union (KNU) headquarters announced that they were able to destroy 2 tanks and an armored vehicle that came to reinforce Natthankwin from Okpho in Bago Division.

The KNU and joint revolutionary forces informed that the military council convoy containing tanks and armored vehicles that came to reinforce Natthankwin from Penwegon, Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Division, was attacked with tank-destroying mines on January 4, 5, and 6. It is said that a tank was overturned by a mine attack by the KNU and joint revolutionary forces, and the entire front part of an armored vehicle was damaged, so it was pulled into the village of Penwegon with a crane. In addition, according to the KNU statement, there is also a tank wreck near the town of Natthankwin.

In the battles in northern Shan State, the 3 Brotherhood Alliance seized at least 10 tanks and armored vehicles. Recently, in the capture of a military council camp in the Paletwa region by the Arakan Army (AA), an armored vehicle of the military council was seized.

The Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 announced that 3 soldiers were killed in a mine attack on the military council troops stationed at the Gamone Dam in Okpho Township, Thayarwaddy District, Bago Division.

On the morning of January 16, about 50 strong terrorist military council troops from the Waing Village Police Station of Okpho Township marched into the Gamone Dam and were stationed at the Shin Lin Guesthouse, so the people’s defense forces attacked them. The clash lasted for about 45 minutes, and the terrorist military council was lured to the place where the minefields were. When the terrorist military council troops arrived in the minefields while chasing the defense forces, thinking that the public defense soldiers had retreated, they were exploded with cluster mines and were fired with 40-mm heavy artillery and small arms. Then they suffered damages and retreated in disarray. The military council troops that retreated in a chaotic manner were chased by the people’s defense forces up to the plum field, banana plantation, and Wine police station, killing 3 junta soldiers and seriously injuring 11. It is also reported that 2 magazines, 40 cartridges, a slingshot, and military equipment were seized from the soldiers who ran away.

The attack was carried out by the Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 Company 4, the Underground Guerrilla Force – Okpho’s Tiger Column.

The military council camp and checkpoint in Lamine, Ye Township, Mon State, were attacked and 4 military council soldiers were killed, according to the Ye Bhilu PDF.

On January 17, at around 6:00 a.m., the military council’s Infantry Battalion (IB-106) camp in Lamine was attacked, and 4 military council soldiers were killed, said the leader of the Ye Bhilu PDF. In addition, after attacking the IB-106 battalion, they also attacked and burned down the military council checkpoint on the Ye-Mawt Kanin road, where checks and money collections were being conducted.

“This morning at 6 o’clock, we opened fire in the IB-106. We attacked when the army opened, and 4 soldiers were killed. There are also soldiers who were injured. Our side was able to withdraw without harm. After retreating, we also burned down the checkpoint at the exit of Mawt Kanin Town, where money was being collected and checks were being done,” said the leader of the Ye Bhilu PDF.

It is reported that the soldiers of the military council in the camp that were shot at did not dare to leave the camp, and the soldiers at the checkpoint camp also left the camp and ran away.

Since December 22, the Ye Bhilu has begun serving as a SOF unit of the People’s Defence Force of the Southern Regional Military Command, the Ministry of Defence, National Unity Government.

The KNU Headquarters has announced that a pagoda, a religious building and 6 houses were damaged due to the airstrikes and heavy weapons fire by the terrorist military in Wintarpan Village in Bilin Township, Mon State.

On January 15, at past 7:00 p.m., the No. 3 Light Infantry Battalion of the terrorist military council fired a heavy artillery at Wintarpan Village in Bilin Township, and it exploded in a local area known as Thar Lal Hta, causing damage to a monastery and a pagoda by the shrapnel.

Also, on the morning of December 31, a Mi-35P attack helicopter of the military council opened fire with machine guns around the Wintarpan camp for an hour, causing damage to 6 houses in Wintarpan Village.

Similarly, on the evening of December 26, a shell fired from the Wintarpan camp exploded in Wintarpan Village, causing a house to burn down, according to the statement.

The KNU Headquarters also informed that due to the current daily fighting between the terrorist military council and the Karen National Liberation Army, military news cannot be released in a timely manner due to the security situation.

The Launglone People Defence Force-LLPDF stated that the terrorist military killed 3 local residents and burned down 132 houses in 8 villages for no reason in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Division.

It is reported that after the battle on December 20 in Launglon Town, the terrorist military raided the villages in the lower part of Launglon Township by land and sea for about 3 weeks. During the raid, the villages were torched, rampaged and destroyed, and the local people were arrested and used as human shields before leaving by sea on January 14.

LLPDF informed that due to the raids by the military council troops, 9 houses from Sit Pyea Village, 13 houses from Lay Thun Khan Village, 1 house from Thapyay Shaung Village, 4 houses from Hin Cho Taw Village, 2 houses from Thanlyin Village, 3 houses from Tha Kyet Taw Village, 98 houses from Nyaw Pyin Village and 2 houses from Auk Kyaut Wut Village were destroyed by fire.

In addition, it is said that 3 local people from the villages of Sit Pyea, Lay Thun Khan and Auk Kyaut Wut were also killed for no reason.

It is reported that a camp belonging to the People’s Defense Forces of Launglon Township was also lost due to this column.

Launglone People Defence Force-LLPDF has issued a statement saying that they share their condolences with the families of the 3 local residents and those whose houses were burned down and lost their lives.

  1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that it is necessary to adopt resource policies
  2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  3. CRPH Public Affairs Committee, CDM Success Committee, and Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) held a meeting.
  4. About 300 members of the terrorist military council fled to Mizoram State of India again
  5. The KNU announced that they were able to destroy 2 tanks and an armored vehicle that came to reinforce Natthankwin
  6. 3 soldiers were killed in a mine attack on the military council troops that were stationed at the Gamone Dam in Okpho Township
  7. The military council camp and checkpoint in Lamine were attacked and 4 military council soldiers were killed
  8. A pagoda, a religious building, and 6 houses were destroyed by the airstrikes by the terrorist military council in Bilin
  9. In Launglon, the military killed 3 locals and burned down more than a hundred houses

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