Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 14

A meeting between the Union Prime Minister and officials from the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs was held on January 13.

In the meeting, the Union Prime Minister said, “It is well known that Myanmar has suffered the brutal rule of successive military dictators for many years, and that various ethnic regions have struggled for many years to form a federal union that guarantees their right to self-determination. On February 1, 2021, when the terrorist Myanmar military tried again to seize power by force, we all realized that there is no other way to prevent such military coups from happening in Myanmar in the future apart from establishing a federal democratic state with full basic human rights.”

The meeting was led by the Union Minister, Deputy Minister, and Permanent Secretaries of the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs, and discussed the working conditions, difficulties, needs, and challenges of the ministry in a friendly and open manner.

It is reported that on January 13, Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung and Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe attended an online fund-raising event for Kawthoolei Engineering Institute.

“At the fundraising event for the Prometheus Institute of Technology, Kawthoolei Engineering Institute, I participated in a conversation with General Baw Kyaw Hae, Minister of Communications, Information and Technology U Htin Lin Aung, and the president of the International Karen Organization,” Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe said.

In addition, a painting will be raffled for the school fund, and the painting is known to be the work of Karen artist Saw Kennedy.

On January 13, Kani Township People’s Administrative Body announced that the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs (MOWYCA) provided support for 10 female soldiers from the 30th battalion in Ma Pin District in Kani Township.

On January 12, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs (MOWYCA) provided assistance to 10 female comrades from the Yinmarbin District Battalion 30 in Kani Township, Sagaing Region.

The Secretary of the Yinmarbin District People’s Administrative Body, the township’s People’s Administrative Body, the township’s humanitarian deputy in-charge and team, the township’s municipal officer in-charge, the township’s resource officer in-charge, the township’s communication officer in-charge, and the village group’s public security force in-charge attended the ceremony and provided assistance.

On January 13, Dawna Tenasserim – IDPs Supply Force informed that there are more than 3,000 IDPs in Tanintharyi Township.

“In Tanintharyi Township, Myeik District, where martial law has been declared, there are frequent encounters between the People’s Defense Forces and the military council troops, and the military council troops often shoot heavy artillery shells into the villages of local residents, so the number of people who have fled their homes is still more than 3,000 until the end of October,” it stated.

Last October, Dawna Tenasserim provided emergency basic food and medical assistance to displaced people in Tanintharyi Township, through a partner organization, United Hands War Refugee Support Group – Tanintharyi Township. 3 million kyats for one week of food and medicine were provided to about 300 IDPs on the ground.

The KNDF B08 informed the recruitment of new trainees.

“Our KNDF B08 will be conducting a 10-day military training with new trainees starting January 21, so civilians who have fled the war within the battalion can apply if they are interested in the armed revolution,” it stated.

The KNDF B08 welcomes all individuals, irrespective of gender or age, who are interested in armed resistance and invites those intrigued to complete their registration by January 16.

To attend the military training, you can register at KNDF B08 or with the battalion commander at phone numbers 09-758608476, 09-798271296, and 09770774995.

On January 13, CDF-KKG officially notified that a Pyu Saw Htee member from a Pyu Village in Kale Township had come to seek refuge at the CDF-KKG.

“On January 12, a Pyu Saw Htee member from a Pyu Village, Kale Township came to the CDF-KKG with 1 carbine and 170 rounds of ammunition,” it stated.

It is reported that the CDF-KKG awarded him a reward of 20 lakh kyat and sent him to the liberated area.

TNLA News and Information released the news that the military council launched the offensive towards the hill stationed by the TNLA in Kyaukme Township in violation of the cease-fire agreement that was signed recently. On January 11 and 12, in Kunming, China, there was an agreement between the 3 Northern Brotherhood Alliances (MNDAA, TNLA, and AA) and the Military Council, and they agreed on three points, including an immediate cease-fire. However, today (January 13), within two days after the ceasefire agreement, at 9:18 a.m., the Military Council 501 and 502 Battalions attacked Peace Hill, where the Ta’ang Army (TNLA) is stationed, with a massive force, the TNLA announced.

“The military council army blatantly violated the cease-fire agreement recently signed on January 11 and launched an offensive. That act of the military council is the second violation of the cease-fire agreement,” it stated.

PSLF/TNLA News and Information has informed that they retreated to the camp temporarily in fear of the civilians being harmed after more than two hours of fighting.

The day after the ceasefire was agreed upon (January 12), the military council army carried out airstrikes and heavy weapon attacks on Namhsan, Namtu, Kyaukme, Hsipaw, and Lashio in northern Shan State, and Mongmit Township in Mandalay Division. In addition, on January 13, they attacked Lashio, Mogok and Kyaukme townships with heavy weapons, according to 3 Brotherhood Alliances.

According to the Kunming talks agreement, the 3 Brotherhood Alliances agreed not to continue attacking military council camps and strategic hills in the northern Shan State, and the military council also agreed not to carry out aerial and heavy weapons attacks on all areas occupied and controlled by the 3 Brotherhood Alliances in the northern Shan State.

Chin National Army spokesperson Salai Htet Ni said that Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces launched the camp capture battle of a military council’s camp in Tedim Township, Chin State. Since the night of January 12, Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces have been launching an offensive on the Thine Ngin camp of the military council on Kale-Hakha Road, Tedim Township.

“We’ve been attacking since last night. The camp has yet to be captured completely. We’ve attacked about half of the camp,” said Salai Htet Ni.

The fighting has been going on until the evening of January 13, and the camp has yet to be captured as the military council has been defending with the help of artillery shelling and airstrikes. In the battle, some comrades from the Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces suffered casualties, as did the military council troops.

On January 12, at 1:00 p.m., the military council column of over 100 strong was mined by people’s defense forces between Tagan Taung Pu Village and Wine Taung Village. The junta soldiers were injured in the mine attack, and the death toll is still under investigation, according to an official from the Kyunsu Township People’s Defense Force – PaKaFa.

The attack was cooperatively conducted by Kyunsu People’s Defense Force (PaKaFa), Taw Pone Gyi People’s Defense Force (Tanintharyi PaKaFa), Palaw Township People’s Defense Force, and Tanintharyi Security Forces.

Due to the current military situation of the road sections in Tanintharyi Township and Myeik Township, the local residents are requested to follow the warning issued by the people’s defense forces.

Daung Thway Ni Guerrilla Force – YSO stated, “On January 3, the military council checkpoint gate in Pan Tine Chon Village, Pakokku Township, Magway Division, was bombed with three 1kg bombs with drones. The bombs exploded on the building where the junta troops resided and the bunker, damaging the roof of the building and severely injuring 2 junta soldiers.”

The injured junta soldiers were said to be transported to Pakokku Hospital in cars.

The mission was jointly conducted by Daung Thway Ni Guerrilla Force – YSO, Underground Revolution Force, Myingyan District Battalion 1 – 27 Revolution Forces, Yinmarbin District Battalion 3,4,5,6 – Special Assault Force, Pakokku District Local Coalition, Yesagyo Revolution Group (YRG).

On January 11, at around 10:43 a.m., the military council troops that invaded Sin Phyu Kone Village, Ngazun Township, Tada-U District, Mandalay Division, were intercepted at the defense forces’ hideout and they engaged in a battle for about half an hour, killing 7 junta soldiers and injuring a lot. After that, it was reported that the injured were taken to Ngan Myar by a light truck and a hearse.

The allied forces that participated in the attack were CDSOM – NRF (Ngazun Company), CDSOM Bo Sekkyar’s Northern Combat Team, Daung Nyi Naung People Defence Force, Pyi Taw Win Guerrilla Force and Daung Fighter Monywa District Battalion 15.

On the morning of January 13, three jet fighters bombed at least four places, including Ward No. 1, in Tigyaing Town, Sagaing Division.

“There have been 3 jet fighters firing indiscriminately this morning. There is no military activity on the ground,” said a support comrade from the People’s Defence Force.

Tigyaing Revolution -TR, which reports military news from the region of Tigyaing Township, reported that the military council bombarded the Tigyaing area with 3 jet fighters today (January 13) at around 11:00 a.m.

Joint revolutionary force of KIA, AA, ABSDF, and PDF forces has been attacking military council camps in Tigyaing Township since November 8, 2023.

On January 12, Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activists Group stated that over 100 strong military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee invaded and torched Min Kone (A) Village and Nyaung Zin Gyi Village in Htan Kone District, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, and destroyed them, according to a group of.

It is reported that 72 houses were destroyed by fire in the two villages of Min Kone (A) and Nyaung Zin Gyi due to the arson of the joint column of the military council and Pyu Saw Htee. On January 11, after Pyu Saw Htee’s camp in Tin Ngote Gyi Village, Kanbalu Township, was seized, the military council troops invaded and burned down three nearby villages. Due to the arson on January 11, at least 50 houses from the villages of Taunt Tae Kone, Thayet Khaung, and Koe Myo were destroyed. Over 100 houses from 5 villages in Htan Kone Circuit have been destroyed by fire due to arson by the military council army for two consecutive days, and a total of 11 villages have been displaced from the war.

  1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann met with officials from the Ministry of Federal Union Affairs
  2. Union Ministers attended a fund raising event for Kawthoolei Engineering Institute
  3. Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs (MOWYCA) provided assistance for 10 female comrades from the Yinmarbin District Battalion 30 in Kani Township
  4. There are still more than 3,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Tanintharyi Township
  5. Recruiting new trainees by KNDF B08
  6. A Pyu Saw Htee member from Pyu Village, Kale Township, came to CDF – KKG for shelter
  7. The military council launched an offensive against the TNLA camp in Kyaukme Town in violation of the recently signed ceasefire agreement
  8. Chin Revolutionary Joint Forces launched the camp capture battle of Thine Ngin military camp in Tedim
  9. The military council column was attacked in Myeik
  10. The military council checkpoint gate in Pan Tine Chon Village, Pakokku Township, Magway Division, was bombed with three 1kg bombs with drones
  11. Defense forces clashed with the military council troops marching into Sin Phyu Kone Village, Ngazun Township, Tada-U District, Mandalay Division, killing 7 junta soldiers
  12. The military council bombarded Tigyaing with 3 jet fighters
  13. Two villages in Kanbalu Township were torched by the military council troops and five villages were burned down within 2 days

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