Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 10

On January 9, the National Unity Government (NUG) released a statement that it is committed to apprehending and holding accountable not only those directly responsible for the military jet fighter’s bombing attacks that killed 17 people, including 9 children, in Kanan Village near Khampat Township, Tamu District, Sagaing Division, but also those who supported or issued orders for such actions.

The statement included:

“The Myanmar military launched a horrific air strike at Kanan village, Tamu Township, Tamu District, Sagaing Division, on the morning of January 7, 2024 as the Kanan villagers filled the streets with the lively atmosphere of their Sunday church gatherings, killing 17 people, including 9 children between the ages of 5 and 17, and 19 others were injured.

Based on reliable sources of information from the National Unity Government (NUG), from the day of the unlawful military coup in 2021 to December 31, 2023, 627 underage children and 1,017 women have been killed. There have been 583 instances of air attacks on civilians, resulting in 897 fatalities and 958 injuries, 76 religious buildings and 52 schools were destroyed. The Myanmar military is experiencing heavy losses in all fronts, including politics, the military, and diplomacy, leading them to increasingly target civilians using disproportionately strong weapons.

The NUG also urges United Nations Member States to collectively take decisive action against the military council, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2669. This includes imposing stronger economic sanctions and formulating a new resolution to halt the import of jet fuels and weapons for the military.”

It is reported that the National Unity Government (NUG) and Public Strike Committee cooperated a meeting with the People’s Administrative Bodies, People’s Defense Forces, People’s Security Forces and strike forces in Pakokku District and Gangaw District in Magway Division regarding the clarification of the strategy of public struggle and military struggle.

The meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. on January 9, and Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, said, “As important as the participation of the people in the revolution, it is also important to be able to do it safely. We will clarify the strategy of combining public struggle and military struggle, so we would like to have a comprehensive discussion.”

Then, one of the leaders of the mass strike, Dr. Tayzar San, said that they should march in a way that would support the revolution, that they should combine public struggle and armed struggle in a balanced manner, and that they would bear the responsibility of the revolution in their respective sectors.

People’s leader U Min Ko Naing said that one must do what he can in the 4 fronts of finance, military, diplomacy, and psychological warfare in the revolution, that the revolution can fail if there is no support from the public, that the public must also participate as a public movement in a balanced way with the military, that dos and don’ts must be shared with the public, that to have faith in the people force as they play a crucial role in the revolution, and that to unite with each other.

After the People’s Strike Committee explained the strategy, the participants from Pakokku District and Gangaw District People’s Administrative Bodies, People’s Defense Forces, People’s Security Force, and Ground Strike Forces discussed the activities respectively. The discussion was successfully ended at 4:00 p.m.

On January 9, at 1:00 p.m., the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division (1/2024) was held. At the meeting, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MOHADM), a secretary member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division. The meeting was successfully closed at 2:00 p.m.

It is reported that a New Year’s meeting between the Union Minister of the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology and the staff of various departments was held online on January 7.

Officials and employees from Radio NUG, the Information and Technology Department, the Finance and Administration Department, the Telecommunications Department, and the BOSC Department under the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Union Minister gave an opening speech in which he thanked and praised each individual for the activities of the employees of various departments under the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology.

“There are no days or nights in this revolution. We do not rest for a single day. We are also thankful that everyone is working, including us. Because of this, the Spring Revolution has become so successful. I appreciate and take pride in all of this,” the Union Minister said.

Then a secretary of the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology gave a greeting, and the heads of various departments under the ministry discussed the current working conditions, the achievements made in the telecommunications sector in 2023, the unceasing struggle with unceasing perseverance, the backstage information and technology during the revolution, and the status of Internet access.

In addition, the township/district communication officials who served on the ground under the ministry also presented that they have dealt with the problems they are facing on the ground with unity, that they will participate as much as they can to build a federal union, that they expressed their gratitude to the CDM employees from the departments who sacrificed their position and family, and that they have recorded the activities of the district officials during the revolution. 

After that, the Union Minister and the employees played a quiz program with love and friendship, and the officials presented honorariums and certificates of honor.

In conclusion, the Union Minister thanked the revolutionary forces again, expressed his great joy for being able to achieve a moment of happiness and unity within the department, and promised to work harder to return with victory. After chanting “Revolution Must Prevail” 3 times and taking a commemorative photo, the ceremony was successfully concluded.

On January 9, the MNDAA issued a statement to apologize for the destruction of a Buddhist pagoda by a member of the Kokang Army MNDAA.

The announcement was made in connection with a video clip of a young man wearing MNDAA military uniform smashing a Buddhist pagoda with a hammer on January 8, which went viral on social media. It is said that the video clip has led to misunderstanding and condemnation of the MNDAA by the public.

It is also informed that the statement has to be issued to prevent those with bad intentions from intentionally inciting religious and ethnic conflict and to prevent Buddhists from being emotionally harmed by this video.

“The hammering of the pagoda was not ordered by the MNDAA but a personal act. We apologize for the poor discipline and incompetence of a subordinate. We respect freedom of religion and did not order to oppose religion and destroy religious buildings,” the statement said.

It is also reported that the MNDAA military committee has instructed the relevant department to punish the person who committed the incident. In addition, MNDAA officers and soldiers are instructed to respect religious freedom and protect religious buildings.

Since Operation 1027 until January 7, 2024, 73 civilians in Kokang region were killed by the terrorist junta airstrikes in the Special Region -1 territory, according to MNDAA statement.

On the night of January 7, civilians were injured and killed due to the airstrikes in the Mong Yaw region of Mupan (Hsenwi) District. On January 7, at around 7:00 p.m., the military council conducted airstrikes on the Mong Yaw region in Hsenwi District, Kokang Special Region-1, with jet fighters four times, killing four civilians and injuring one. The deceased were women, and 9 civilian houses were destroyed in the unprovoked airstrikes.

Since the revolutionary allied forces captured the SaKaKha-16 area in Hsenwi, the military council has been continuously conducting airstrikes and heavy artillery firing. 

The 3 Brotherhood Alliances also informed that civilian casualties have increased because of these attacks by the terrorist military on the occupied areas of the revolutionary allied forces. 

The military council camps in Kyauk Mae Lay Village, Pyin Oo Lwin Township, Mandalay Division, are being attacked by the Ta’ang Army (TNLA) and the People’s Defense Joint Force, and the fighting has been intense for days.

On January 6, the TNLA and Mandalay PDF joint forces launched an attack on Pyin Oo Lwin Township, where the military universities are based.

This Kyauk Mae Lay Village is from Mae Mauk (Naung Pain) Village Tract, Pyin Oo Lwin Township, Pyin Oo Lwin District, Mandalay Division. In the press release of the Ta’ang Army, it was only mentioned as Kyauk Mae Lay Village, Nawnghkio Township.

Last January 3, TNLA and Mandalay PDF joint forces attacked and captured the military council’s camp in Than Bo Village, Nawnghkio Township, about 15 miles away from Pyin Oo Lwin, and captured the camp’s commander, Lt. Col. Thet Aung. After capturing the camp, the TNLA and Mandalay PDF joint forces started attacking the military council camps in Kyauk Mae Lay Village, about 3 miles away.

The military council used Jet Fighter and Mi35 helicopters to conduct airstrikes to prevent the military bases in Kyauk Mae Lay Village from falling, the three Brotherhood Alliances reported.

In addition, it is heard from the residents that the military council has deployed thousands of forces to ensure that Pyin Oo Lwin Town, where the military universities are located in the border between Shan North and Mandalay regions, is not lost.

The Monywa District Battalion 4 announced that three junta soldiers, including a lieutenant, were killed when they attacked the military council troops invading Nyaung Phyu Pin Village in Monywa Township, Sagaing Division.

On January 8, at 8:30 a.m., the military council column of more than 30 soldiers came out of the Nyaung Phyu Pin police station and marched by dividing into two columns. Three junta soldiers, including a military council lieutenant, were killed and 3 others were seriously injured in the battle, and one revolutionary comrade sacrificed his life for the country, according to Monywa District Battalion 4. It is said that Comrade Jade, who sacrificed his life for the country, was a CDM soldier.

The battle was fought by Monywa District People’s Defense Force Battalion 4 Special Commando Force (Monywa The Boys), Monywa District People’s Defense Force Battalion 4 Company 2 (5/ Monywa Commando Force), Monywa District Battalion 5, Monywa District Battalion 9, Monywa District Battalion 13, Monywa District Battalion 25, Special Guerilla Force – Monywa S.G.F, Satan PDF and Nyaung Phyu Pin (PaKaFa).

The Seven Ravens Column released that the revolutionary forces captured the military council camp stationed in Htein Taw Village, Penwegon Township, Bago Division, and seized 2 guns and ammunition.

It is reported that the revolutionary forces attacked the military camp stationed near Htein Taw Village on the Natthankwin road in Penwegon Township on January 5 at 2:00 a.m.

The military council troops who were injured in the battle had left the camp and run away. Then, the revolutionary forces entered and cleared the camp at about 5:00 a.m. and seized 2 MA-1 guns, 10 60mm grenades, 1 RPG grenade, 15 Enaga bombs, 1 hand grenade, 1 drone, 1 jammer, and 2 power generators.

The attack was cooperatively carried out by the Seven Ravens Column, Royal Peacock Column, KNLA Battalion 9 of KNU Brigade-3, and People’s Defense Force-PDF Battalion 3702.

  1. The NUG will take action against the perpetrators and those who ordered the bomb attack on Kanan Village near Khampat Town, which killed 17 people, including 9 children
  2. The National Unity Government and the People’s Strike Committee jointly held a discussion regarding the clarification of the strategy of public struggle and military struggle
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division
  4. A New Year’s meeting between the Union Minister of the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology and the staff of various departments was held
  5. MNDAA apologizes for the destruction of a pagoda by an
  6. 73 civilians in Kokang region were killed by the terrorist junta airstrikes
  7. TNLA and PDF joint forces attacked military camps in Kyauk Mae Lay Village of Pyin Oo Lwin Township for days
  8. Three junta soldiers were killed in an attack on the military council column invading towards Nyaung Phyu Pin Village in Monywa
  9. Revolutionary forces attacked and captured a military council camp in Penwegon Township

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