Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 6

Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said there is no need to be concerned about its policy statement on China. NUG Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said this in an interview in January.

“There are concerns that the NUG will develop a close relationship with China following the release of the China policy. However, I want to assure you that there is no need to worry. World politics is all about maintaining balance. In the past, criticisms were directed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for being too closely aligned with the West. But let’s not forget that we also have strong relations with neighboring countries like India, Thailand, and ASEAN. These same critics argue that we are showing bias toward the West. Now, they worry that by releasing a policy addressing China, we will alienate ourselves from other nations. However, we are merely striving to maintain equilibrium and engage in open communication. So, rest assured, there is no cause for concern,” the minister emphasized.

On January 1, 2024, the National Unity Government released 10 points of its opinion on China. Among these is aspiring to foster the interests of the people of the two countries, measures will be taken to safeguard Chinese economic investments and other socio-economic enterprises within Myanmar.

On January 5, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division was held. At the meeting, Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, the general secretary of the ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division.

Deputy Minister of Human Rights Khun Baham Htan said on January 5 through social media that the military council should have a right view after looking at the current Laukkaing incident.

“Regarding the military council members, it is crucial for them to hold an accurate perception of the current circumstances. If they choose to surrender to the revolutionary alliance without putting up any resistance, they will witness the safe transportation of all military council members and their families to their intended destination without any harm befalling them. It will become evident that our armed conflicts are not driven by a thirst for bloodshed or a desire to be armed. On the contrary, we are revolutionaries who uphold and cherish laws that promote humanity and regulate the treatment of captives,” stated the Deputy Minister.

A total of 3,724 soldiers, officers, militiamen, and departmental staff under the military council who surrendered from Laukkaing Town were arranged by MNDAA so that all of them could travel to their destinations.

“This revolution is not limited to a single state, region, or nation, but rather seeks to transform the entire system by overthrowing the military dictatorship to establish a new union. Therefore, I urge all members of the military council to join the people’s side as soon as possible,” added the Deputy Minister of Human Rights.

On January 5, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) confirmed the news of Operation 1027, saying that the military council has repeatedly used air strikes and heavy artillery in the fighting in northern Shan State.

“There was fighting between the military council troops and the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA at the military council camps in Kutkai Township in the Brigade 5 Military Region,” it stated.

The 68-Gate camp of the military council, based in Lashio Township, Brigade 6 Military Region, fired 48 rounds of heavy artillery near Ho-Lawng, Pan Hon, and Kon Nyaung villages. In Mongmit Township, the military council fired 12 rounds of heavy artillery into upper Nyaung Kone Village.

In Man Sa Village, Namtu Township, Brigade 4 Military Region, the military council conducted air strikes with jet fighters twice and Y-12 aircraft once. In Kutkai Township, the military council conducted an air strike with Y-12 aircraft.

At 5:30 a.m. on January 5, the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA was able to raid and capture the military council’s Kyankan (Sinkin) camp in Mongmit Township, Brigade 3 Military Region, where the SaKaKha-12 and IB-223 based.

On January 5, Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) confirmed the military news that they had captured the military council’s Kyankan (Sinkin) camp in Mongmit Township, Shan State.

“At 5:30 a.m. on January 5, the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA was able to raid and capture the military council’s Kyankan (Sinkin) camp in Mongmit Township, where the SaKaKha-12 and IB-223 based,” it stated.

That Kyankan camp was attacked by the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA on January 3 during Operation 1027 and was completely captured 3 days later, on January 5, at 5:30 a.m. The military council’s weapons, ammunition, and military equipment from the camp have been seized.

During the attack on the military council’s Kyankan (Sinkin) camp, the military council attacked with heavy artillery 17 times from the Mongmit Battalion and air strikes twice using Jet Fighters.

On January 5, KLG PDF – Kyauklonegyi PDF confirmed that the Independence Day ceremony organized by the Northwestern Regional Military Command was attacked by air raids during Operation Phoenix.

“At around 5:00 a.m. when the January 4th Independence Day celebration organized by the Northwestern Regional Military Command started, the military headquarters, Hta-Pa-Ya 929 and Sa-Ya-Pha (NaHka) where the ceremony was held, were attacked using kamikaze drone 60 mm bombs and hand-made improvised missiles,” it stated.

As a result of the attack, there was damage to the Hta-Pa-Ya 929, Sa-Ya-Pha (NaHka), and the Parade Field Officer’s Avenue in the area of the Regional Military Headquarters. A 60-mm bomb blast that fell on the office where the Sa-Ya-Pha officers are temporarily sitting has killed several people and destroyed a vehicle.

Also, it was reported that 2 hand-made improvised missiles exploded in the parade field in the headquarters of the military headquarters where the ceremony was held, and 2 exploded around the officer’s housing.

1 hand-made short-range missile also exploded near the outpost northeast of Monywa Airfield.

The attack was led by the Yinmarbin District Battalion 21, 22, and 23 (KLG PDF – Kyauklonegyi PDF), in cooperation with Chindwin Revolution Army – CRA, One Star Task Force – OSTF, Dragon Brothers Task Force – DBTF, and Chindwin Brothers as part of Operation Phoenix.

On January 5, the Bamar People’s Liberation Army – BPLA officially announced that it participated in the battle to capture Hopang along with the allies. 3 Brotherhood Alliances including the MNDAA attacked and captured the IB-145, police station, hospital and the departmental offices in Hopang. 

According to local news sources, the town has been handed over to the UWSA Army at present.

On January 5, Kyauktaga Township – People Defence Organization announced that people in Kyauktaga Township are being threatened and asked for money in various ways and so those who have encountered them are informed to report to Kyauktaga Township – People Defence Organization. 

It stated that recently, some organizations and individuals are reportedly misusing the revolution to threaten the people in Kyauktaga Township in various ways and forcefully collect money.

It was also announced that Kyauktaga Township – People Defence Organization, Township People Administration Organization, and People’s Defense Forces have not done any money collection or requests from the public at all.

Therefore, those who have encountered similar threats and forced money collection are informed to contact and report to Kyauktaga Township – People Defence Organization via the social network page.

The Kyauktaga Township – People Defence Organization will take severe punishment against the organizations and individuals who misuse revolution and conduct such acts to collect money by threatening the public in various ways.

  1. Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said there is no need to be concerned about its policy statement on China
  2. Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division
  3. The Deputy Minister of Human Rights said that the military council soldiers should have a right view of the current situation
  4. In the battles in northern Shan State, the military council has repeatedly used air strikes and heavy artillery to attack
  5. TNLA captured the military council’s Kyankan (Sinkin) camp in Mongmit Township
  6. The Independence Day ceremony organized by the Northwestern Regional Military Command was attacked by air raids during Operation Phoenix
  7. Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) and allies joined hand in the battle to capture Hopang
  8. There were reports of the people in Kyauktaga Township being threatened in various ways and asked for money, and those who have encountered them are informed to report to Kyauktaga Township – People Defence Organization

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