Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 15

1. The Acting President informed that military operations with the potential to weaken the enemy’s armed forces are being intensified

On October 14, Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, added this to his Monthly Address to the Public.

“Having passed 2 years of revolution, we are intensifying military operations with the potential to weaken the enemy’s armed forces. Notably, between 2022 and 2023, we were engaged in more than 6800 defensive battles, including the seizure of more than 100 camps. This represents huge success and achievement in comparison to the initial year of our defensive efforts.

We, as the National Unity Government, will stand unwaveringly on these fundamental standards and policies and will work hard until we achieve the establishment of a peaceful and prosperous federal democratic state for our people by collaborating with the ethnic revolutionary forces. We remain steadfast in our pursuit of the revolution’s success,” the Acting President said.

2. It is said that in order to build a new society, it is necessary to destroy the old and corrupt social structures

Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, said this at the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Democratic Party for A New Society (DPNS) held on October 14.

“If you look at the existence of the Democratic Party for A New Society, you can see that it firmly stood on the framework of the New Society, which is to destroy the evil military dictatorship and build a new society. In order to build a new society, it is necessary to demolish the old and corrupt social structures. This is a revolutionary concept, and I think that building a new human society is a construction concept. I am especially happy and proud to meet all the revolutionary comrades at the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Party for A New Society,” said the Acting President.

3. A NUG delegation, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Human Rights, arrived in the Czech Republic

A NUG delegation, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Human Rights, is reportedly arriving in the Czech Republic.

On October 14, NUG Union Minister for Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min, answered the Radio NUG.

The minister replied that he will meet with the officials of the Czech Republic and will release a statement soon.

In October, the NUG Human Rights Minister met with the Myanmar members of the Czech Parliament and discussed the possibility of formal cooperation with the CRPH and the European Parliament members from various parties to push the Myanmar issue further.

4. The UN’s failure to take effective action is indirectly encouraging the military to continue committing atrocities against the people of Myanmar

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, said this at the meeting of the Sixth Committee of the 78th session of United Nations General Assembly.

“I wish to remind that, with every moment passes by, every moment that the international community takes no action, the sufferings of the Myanmar people continue. On other word, no concrete action from the UN will indirectly encourage the inhumane military junta to commit further atrocities against innocent civilians in Myanmar.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has repeatedly urged the UNSC to refer the situation of Myanmar to the ICC. Sadly and painfully, those calls have not been taken seriously yet,” Ambassador said.

5. Myanmar is one of the countries that imprison journalists the most in the world, arresting about 156 journalists

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said that Myanmar is one of the countries that imprison journalists the most in the world, and about 156 journalists have been arrested.

Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar said in the interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression at the Third Committee of the 78th session of the UNGA on October 12, 2023.

“In Myanmar, situation for freedom of opinion and expression in Myanmar is in a grave crisis, following the illegal military coup. 

Myanmar is one of the world’s biggest jailers of journalists. And in the last 32 months, the military has intensified its crackdown on journalists. It has been reported that at least 13 media outlets have had shut down and at least 156 journalists were arrested, and a number of journalists were killed by the junta.

Only way to reinstate the fundamental rights including rights of freedom of opinion and expression in Myanmar is ending this military dictatorship, restoring democracy and building a federal democratic union.”

In the meeting, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression Ms. Irene KHAN presented her report, and about 30 UN member countries participated in the discussion, including Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN.

6. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung said that we must be especially careful about the junta’s idea of continuing to implement warlordism

On October 14, Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung said on social media that we must be especially careful with the junta’s idea of continuing to implement warlordism.

“With the exit already closed, the military council and its associates are like opal peddlers trying to exchange the precious gold cup in the possession of the people for opal stone. We must be especially careful with the junta’s idea of deceiving the international community by using the worthless NCA and those who do not represent anyone or even their organization, the idea of prolonging the life of military cronyism, the idea of falsifying elections in which the army will enslave the people and continue to activate warlordism,” the minister said.

In addition, Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung said that the idea that politics without the military is possible in the Spring Revolution has become clear.

7. BPLA’s political and military stance policy aims to be completed by the end of October

BPLA’s Chief of Staff, Maung Saung Kha, announced on social media that the BPLA’s political and military stance policy aims to be completed by the end of October.

“We have been drafting BPLA’s political and military stance policy document for almost a year now. We are also discussing with some respected political experts in relevant fields and asking for their advice. Many of them volunteered to speak and discuss. We are still preparing and editing it. We plan to finish it by the end of this month. After that, BPLA is prepared to focus more on military than politics,” he stated.

BPLA’s Chief of Staff, Maung Saung Kha, said that after building the army to resemble the army, it will work to put it under civilian political leadership.

8. A police sergeant and a police constable who came out of the Pa Khan Gyi police station in Yesagyo Township were caught, but one was killed and the other escaped during the shooting as they resisted 

On October 14, Yesagyo PaKaFa confirmed the news that a police sergeant and a police constable who came out of the Pa Khan Gyi police station in Yesagyo Township were caught, but one was killed and the other escaped during the shooting as they resisted.

“Police Sergeant Naing Lin and a police constable who came out of the Pa Khan Gyi police station in Yesagyo Township were arrested according to a tip from the station. Sergeant Naing Lin and another police officer were arrested on October 14 at 3:30 p.m. when they were leaving a beer shop near Pa Khan Gyi Monastery,” it stated.

However, because the two policemen fought back, police sergeant Naing Lin was shot dead on the spot, while the other one escaped with injuries. During the arrest, a motorcycle, a handphone, and a sword were seized.

9. 3 members of the terrorist military council were killed when the defense forces attacked the junta troops near Tamote Chon Village in Tanintharyi Township

3 members of the terrorist military council were killed when the defense forces attacked the junta troops near Tamote Chon Village in Tanintharyi Township.

On October 14, at 9:50 a.m., the Myeik District Battalion 2 of the People’s Defence Force, informed that the junta troops were attacked near Tamote Chon Village, Tanintharyi Township.

“At 9:50 a.m. on October 14, Company 1 and 2 of Myeik District Battalion-2 of People’s Defence Force, Tanintharyi Township (PaKaFa) Red Wing, Tanintharyi Roma, and Bat Ma Lite Guerilla Force attacked junta troops near Tamote Chon Village in Tanintharyi Township,” it stated.

In that battle, which lasted for 30 minutes, 3 soldiers were killed on the side of the terrorist military council, and the defense forces were able to successfully retreat without harm.

  1. The Acting President informed that military operations with the potential to weaken the enemy’s armed forces are being intensified
  2. It is said that in order to build a new society, it is necessary to destroy the old and corrupt social structures
  3. A NUG delegation, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Human Rights, arrived in the Czech Republic
  4. The UN’s failure to take effective action is indirectly encouraging the military to continue committing atrocities against the people of Myanmar
  5. Myanmar is one of the countries that imprison journalists the most in the world, arresting about 156 journalists
  6. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung said that we must be especially careful about the junta’s idea of continuing to implement warlordism
  7. BPLA’s political and military stance policy aims to be completed by the end of October
  8. A police sergeant and a police constable who came out of the Pa Khan Gyi police station in Yesagyo Township were caught, but one was killed and the other escaped during the shooting as they resisted 
  9. 3 members of the terrorist military council were killed when the defense forces attacked the junta troops near Tamote Chon Village in Tanintharyi Township

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