Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 July 20

1. The Acting President said that we need to remember that there are many martyrs who have made efforts to get out from under the current military dictatorship

Duwa Lashi La, the Acting President of the National Unity Government, remarked during the ceremony honoring the 76th anniversary of Martyrs’ Day on July 19 that “we need to remember that there are many martyrs who have made efforts to get out from under the current military dictatorship.”

“We need to remember that there are many martyrs who made efforts to get out from under the colony and its slaves, as well as many martyrs who worked hard to get out from under the current military dictatorship. Some people with the spirit of martyrs are not visible. They have not been highlighted historically. Additionally, they have not been honored in literature or art. We need to not forget that all the martyrs who are unknown, to the best of their abilities, have sent their best efforts as the courage of the country and the public,” he said.

The Acting President also said that he honored and bowed to every martyr known to the public, as well as all those who were unknown.

2. Union Prime Minister said that only when the military dictatorship ends and the federal democratic system flourishes will all people have full access to human rights

At the Martyr’s Day ceremony on July 19, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “Only when the military dictatorship ends and the federal democratic system flourishes will all people be able to fully enjoy human rights.”

“We have clearly understood from the lessons of history that only after the end of the military dictatorship and the flourishing of the federal democratic system in our country will all people be able to fully enjoy their freedom of choice and human rights. I would like to reiterate my firm belief that there can be no real security and peace in the country until those who stand up for justice and the common good are not allowed to live freely,” the Union Prime Minister said.

At present, the terrorist military junta arrests innocent civilians at any time on political grounds and commits murder.

3. Appointment of the Board of Directors of the Interim Central Bank

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing, Chairman of the Interim Central Bank of the National Unity Government, appointed the Board of Directors of the Interim Central Bank on July 19, through Announcement No. 3/2023.

It is known that those who have been entrusted with organizational responsibility are U Min Zeya Oo as Vice Chairman, Dr. Johnny Ahtang as Board Member, and U Aung Paing as Board Member.

“The Interim Central Bank’s board of directors has been formed. Spring Development Bank has been established. The National Unity Government is doing everything it can to cover the entire revolution,” said Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing.

In the meantime, the Interim Central Bank has released the regulations for the establishment of the Spring Development Bank.

4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that they are in a state of preparing for an offensive, attack, and battles to seize territory

In the people-to-people program, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said, “We are in a position to prepare for an offensive, attack, and battles to seize territory.”

“If we look back at the past two years, the People’s Defense Forces have been built, organized, trained, and equipped with enough weapons. We have connected with the ethnic revolutionary organizations and are working together in this revolution. Now we can consider that we are in a state of preparing for an offensive, attack, and territorial seizing battles,” said the Union Minister.

On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government declared the start of the People’s Resistant War. Currently, the National Unity Government has been escalating the military momentum and has said that 2023 will be the decisive year for the end of the revolution.

5. The Italy-Myanmar Interparliamentary Friendship Group led a meeting with Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun at the Senate Hall in Rome, Italy

The Italy-Myanmar Interparliamentary Friendship Group held a meeting with Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun on July 18 at the Senate Hall in Rome, Italy, and Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun attended online.

The President of the group, Italian Senator Sandra Zampa, said that she was shocked and saddened to hear about the suffering of tens of thousands of Myanmar people due to the military dictator’s unjust oppression and bombings, and that there is a need to support Myanmar and the Myanmar people more strongly.

After that, Italian Inter-Parliamentary Union President, Senator Pier Ferdinando Casini also said that international democratic parliaments and elected members have a responsibility to provide special support for Myanmar’s democracy, and from these meetings, he pointed out the importance of the international democratic parliaments’ active participation.

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said, “The Myanmar people absolutely do not accept the illegal coup, and the military council’s violent repression of peaceful protests, CDM activities, shootings and killings, mass killings, and tortures caused the people’s mandatory armed defense.”

“Over 3,800 civilians have been killed by the military in Myanmar. More than 62,000 homes, hospitals, schools, and religious buildings were bombed with heavy weapons and aircrafts, and 1.6 million people have fled the war. More than 18 million people, equivalent to a third of the country’s total population, are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, and about half of the country’s population is facing poverty,” the ambassador reported.

Officials from the Italian Embassy and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Albertina Soliani, the former president of the Italian-Burma Parliamentary Association, Enzo Scotti, the president of the Italian-Burma Together Group, Cecilia Brighi, the general secretary, Myanmar activists, and Myanmar community in Italy attended the meeting.

6. Budalin Township Fire Security Team was established by order of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration

The Budalin Township Fire Security Team was established on July 19 by order of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration.

The Fire Service Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government has announced that the Budalin Township Fire Security Team has been established to prevent arson attacks by the terrorist military council, and to carry out firefighting and search and rescue operations in Budalin Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Region.

The terrorist military burned down more than 70,000 houses nationwide, and Sagaing Region suffered the most.

7. A total of 1.98 million US dollars was received from the four fundraising campaigns by “Dancing with Ladies” for Karenni, Sagaing, Chin, Magway, and Central Regions

On July 19, the Ministry of Defence informed about the allocation of funds received from “Dancing with Ladies”.

A total of 1.98 million US dollars was received from the four fundraising campaigns for Karenni, Sagaing, Chin, Magway, and Central regions by “Dancing with Ladies”. Of the funds received, 1.55 million US dollars are earmarked for the battalion forces under the command of the Ministry of Defence, 0.25 million US dollars for the KNDF, 0.14 million US dollars for the Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC), and 0.04 million US dollars for other revolutionary forces.

It is said that the ground combat operations of the heavy weapons purchased and equipped with the funds obtained from the “Dancing with Ladies” campaigns will be released at an appropriate time.

8. The terrorist military junta has been killing the political prisoners in absentia and sending letters to families to inform their deaths

On July 19, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) issued an urgent statement requesting emergency investigations, and immediate and effective action.

The statement includes the following:

“On June 27, 2023, 37 political prisoners from Daik-U (Kyaiksakaw) Prison went missing. Thereafter, on July 7 and 8, a Daik-U Prison Officer sent letters to the families of Khant Linn Naing (aka Ko Khant, aka Let Wel) and Pyae Phyo Hein (aka Ko Pyae) to inform them they had died on June 27. In response to these letters, our organization, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), released a statement on July 10.”

Of all the political prisoners who went missing on June 27, 2023, AAPP has been able to confirm the deaths of the following prisoners, along with Khant Linn Naing, son of Than Soe Naing, and Pyae Phyo Hein, son of Kyaw Oo, as of today:

1. Yar Lay (aka Zin Myint Tun), son of Myint Thein

2. Jar Gyi (aka Wai Yan Lwin), son of Aye Lwin

3. Zin Win Htut (aka Ba La Gyi, aka Ta Yote Gyi), son of Pyant Maw

4. Aung Myo Thu, son of Maung Sein

5. Bo Bo Win (aka Htan Taw Gyi)

6. Nay Aye (aka Arkar Htet Paing Myo), son of Myo Linn.

Regarding current events, AAPP strongly requests governments and international institutions around the world, including the United Nations and accountability mechanisms, to carry out emergency investigations. In addition, we strongly request to take immediate and effective action against the military junta of Burma which has been carrying out extrajudicial killings among other atrocities.”

  1. The Acting President said that we need to remember that there are many martyrs who have made efforts to get out from under the current military dictatorship
  2. Union Prime Minister said that only when the military dictatorship ends and the federal democratic system flourishes will all people have full access to human rights
  3. Appointment of the Board of Directors of the Interim Central Bank
  4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that they are in a state of preparing for an offensive, attack, and battles to seize territory
  5. The Italy-Myanmar Interparliamentary Friendship Group led a meeting with Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun at the Senate Hall in Rome, Italy
  6. Budalin Township Fire Security Team was established by order of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration
  7. A total of 1.98 million US dollars was received from the four fundraising campaigns by “Dancing with Ladies” for Karenni, Sagaing, Chin, Magway, and Central Regions
  8. The terrorist military junta has been killing the political prisoners in absentia and sending letters to families to inform their deaths

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