Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 July 01

1. If the PDF force is 60,000, the PRF support force is aimed to be 60,000

Defense Minister U Yee Mon said in his message at the fundraising event for Sagaing Region held in Australia in the last week of June that, if the PDF has a force of 60,000, it is aimed to have a support force of 60,000 PRF.

“I am happy to know that our brothers and sisters in Australia are helping Sagaing. Sagaing is a region with strong activity in the revolution and a strong ability to dominate the area. When PDF soldiers are fighting with all their might, unless it is rainy or sunny, our people need to continuously support them.

1. Food 2. Ammunition 3. Arm

It is important to replenish them regularly. The Ministry of Defence is implementing the PRF – People’s Revolution Supply Family program to provide continuous support to PDF comrades. The PRF family members are also PDF’s support comrades. If the PDF force is 60,000, the PRF is aiming to be 60,000,” said the minister.

Currently, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence is providing refresher training courses and equipping the People’s Defense Forces with arms.

2. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) appointed U Aung Kyaw Moe as the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) appointed U Aung Kyaw Moe as the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government.

On June 30, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) announced the appointment of the Deputy Minister.

“The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), as exercising the democratic mandate from the people through the general election held in 2020, and in accordance with the Federal Democracy Charter published by Announcement No. (19/2021) on the 31st March 2021, Mr. Aung Kyaw Moe has been appointed as Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of National Unity Government.”

U Aung Kyaw Moe previously worked as an advisor to the NUG Ministry of Human Rights.

3. A total of 470 male and female employees, including teachers from the national education sector were arrested by the terrorist junta

According to data collected by AAPP (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners) on June 30, 470 male and female employees, including teachers from the national education sector were arrested by the terrorist junta.

“From February 2021 to June 2023, (221) male and (249) female; (470) individuals in total, have been arrested by the junta from the education sector (including teachers) across the country. Among the (470), Mandalay Region records the highest number of arrested people with (108), and (118) have been imprisoned under specious charges across the country,” it stated.

Since the coup in 2021 to June 30, 2023, a total of (23,651) people were arrested and among them, (19,295) are currently under detention, (6,621) of whom are serving sentences.

4. Vice President of the Yangon University of Economics Students’ Union – Ywar Thar Gyi, Ko Htet Paing Soe, was unjustly sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with hard labor by the terrorist junta

On June 30, the Yangon University of Economics Students’ Union – Ywar Thar Gyi informed that the Vice President of the Yangon University of Economics Students’ Union – Ywar Thar Gyi, Ko Htet Paing Soe, was unjustly sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with hard labor by the terrorist junta.

Ko Htet Paing Soe was arrested on the Ledaunggan Road on April 20, and charged under Section 50 (j) by the Eastern District Court of Yangon Region.

At the time of the trial, he also faced oppression and threats, and after more than a year and two months of being prosecuted, he was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years (with the benefit of parole) with hard labor, which is the highest penalty in the civil courts, together with his co-accused, Ma Nway Yeti Toe.

5. The Revolutionary Lipstick Raffle Ticket Campaign is getting more and more purchases from local Myanmar people

On June 30, the Revolutionary Lipstick Raffle Ticket Campaign announced that there are more people buying and supporting the Revolutionary Lipstick Raffle Ticket Campaign from within Myanmar.

“I have posted an updated list of the raffle tickets that have been sold to date. Since the beginning of the campaign, we have reached 33.24 percent of the target. We can see that there is more and more support from the local people,” it stated.

Tickets will be sold from June 16 to July 7, and on July 9 at 8:00 p.m. Myanmar time, 10 lucky winners will be chosen via a live broadcast online.

For the first time, the 3 battalions to help with the funds received from the campaign are Monywa District Battalion 20 – Battalion of Budalin (BOB) (Budalin Battalion, Sagaing Division), Gangaw District Battalion 13 – The Youth Force (TYF) (Yaw-Saw-Kyaukhtu Base, Magway Division), and Squadron 2 of Yinmarbin District Battalion 16 – One Star Task Force (OSTF) (Salingyi Base, Sagaing Division).

6. The Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) announced that 91 enemies were killed and 16 captured alive during the one and a half year of battle

The Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) announced on June 30 that 91 enemies were killed and 16 were captured alive during the one and a half year of fighting.

It is reported that from December 2021 to June 2023, there were 44 battles, 91 enemies were killed and 16 were captured alive.

It is said that the allies who fought together with the BPLA during this period included the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) as well as the People’s Defence Force (PDF), Force for Federal Democracy (FFD) and other revolutionary organizations.

The Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) was established on April 17, 2021. It started to fight on the frontline battlefield in December and was able to fight together with other allied forces under the command of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA).

7. Four grenades were dropped by a drone on the Thandatar gate between Kyaikto Township and Bilin Township

On June 30, at 12:35 p.m., the Kyaikto Revolution (KRF) confirmed that four grenades were dropped by a drone on the Thandatar gate between Kyaikto Township and Bilin Township.

“On June 30, at 12:35 p.m., four grenades were dropped by a drone on the Thandatar gate between Kyaikto Township and Bilin Township as a military target,” it stated.

It is reported that the investigation into the casualties of the junta soldiers is still ongoing.

8. Drone attack carried out on Sadaung Police Station

Sadaung Police Station in Sagaing Township, was bombed by a drone.

On June 30, the Myingyan District Battalion-6 announced the military news.

“On June 30, 14 grenades were dropped at the Sadaung Police Station. This attack was carried out by Squadron-2 of Myingyan District Battalion-6, GTR MMU (Ghost Team Rangers Myinmu), Sadaung Lightning LPDF, Kyaukse Red Dragon (Kyaukse District Battalion-1), Zero Guerrilla Force (Myingyan District Battalion-7), MMDF (Myin Mu Defence Force), and Shwebo Battalion-15,” it stated.

Currently, the damage is still under investigation.

9. Ko Min Ko Naing’s “Pyi Taw Win” painting has been offered up to 5,000 USD

On June 30, the Padauk Phue social network reported that Ko Min Ko Naing’s “Pyi Taw Win” painting has been offered up to 5,000 USD.

“Ko Min Ko Naing’s “Pyi Taw Win” painting is now being offered for $5,000. It is 15 million Myanmar kyat. It is a painting that will go down in history of the spring revolution, a painting that will be etched in the history of Mandalay. If it is hung in the living room of rich people from Mandalay, it will be a very proud painting. Because it is a digital artwork, please don’t worry that fakes will come out. There will be 5 Certificate of Authentication stamps on the back of the painting,” it stated.

The floor price of the “Pyi Taw Win” painting is set at USD $1988, and on July 3, at 7:30 p.m. (Myanmar time), the painting will be auctioned live along with the closing ceremony of the Pyi Taw Win Campaign.

The auction will close at 9:00 p.m. and the highest bidder in the last seconds before the auction closes will be the winner.

The painting will be stamped with the Pyi Taw Win logo, MDYPDF logo, CRPH-OFP logo, Spring Myanmar Society FR organization’s logo, and Lucky2PDF FR organization’s logo, and these stamps are only one stamp each in the possession of the relevant officials.

  1. If the PDF force is 60,000, the PRF support force is aimed to be 60,000
  2. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) appointed U Aung Kyaw Moe as the Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government
  3. A total of 470 male and female employees, including teachers from the national education sector were arrested by the terrorist junta
  4. Vice President of the Yangon University of Economics Students’ Union – Ywar Thar Gyi, Ko Htet Paing Soe, was unjustly sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with hard labor by the terrorist junta
  5. The Revolutionary Lipstick Raffle Ticket Campaign is getting more and more purchases from local Myanmar people
  6. The Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) announced that 91 enemies were killed and 16 captured alive during the one and a half year of battle
  7. Four grenades were dropped by a drone on the Thandatar gate between Kyaikto Township and Bilin Township
  8. Drone attack carried out on Sadaung Police Station
  9. Ko Min Ko Naing’s “Pyi Taw Win” painting has been offered up to 5,000 USD

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