Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 27

1. The Union Prime Minister said that the administration and defense teams in the controlled areas should provide military and aviation information to the community in time

The Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that the administration and defense teams in the controlled areas should provide military and aviation information to the community in time.

The Union Prime Minister said the following during the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting No. (21/2023) held in May.

“At the current controlled areas, the administration and defense teams must make an effort to maintain constant communication links, as well as to provide timely information to the community, to have information release systems that the people can rely on, and to manage the correct flow of information,” he said.

On April 10, 2023, 9 people, including the family of the CDM school principal, were killed when the military council conducted aerial bombardment on the new town of Weibula in Chin State.

Similarly, on April 11, an aerial bombardment of Pazigyi Village in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Region, killed 174 people.

2. Defense Minister U Yee Mon urged the people’s revolutionary comrades to attack the enemy’s strategic locations effectively, as Nay Pyi Taw is an important military strategic target

The People’s Defense Force (PaKaFa) – Nay Pyi Taw of the NUG Ministry of Defence officially released the news on May 26 that the graduation ceremony of the “Commando-based Batch 1” training was held.

“These are the images of the completion ceremony of the “Commando-based Batch 1” training of the People’s Defense Force (PaKaFa) – Nay Pyi Taw of the NUG Ministry of Defence. Union Minister of Defense U Yee Mon, Amyotha Hluttaw Representative U Kyaw Myint Oo, and People’s Defense Force (PaKaFa) – Nay Pyi Taw’s in-charge Ko Hein sent messages to the graduation ceremony.”

In the message sent to the graduation ceremony, Defence Minister U Yee Mon said, “Comrades, Nay Pyi Taw is an important military strategic target for us. Attack the enemy’s strategic locations effectively. Let’s show that the fascist army could not rule us completely.”

In addition, the Minister of Defence said that the leaders need to understand one main fact that even though they fight and die while waging a righteous war of resistance, it is important not to lose the lives of our comrades.

After that, Bo Tayza, deputy commander-in-charge 2 added in his graduation speech, “Nay Pyi Taw is the heartland of the enemy, so it is important for the revolution. Our comrades should be physically and mentally prepared to the best of their ability to do their best to attack and conquer Nay Pyi Taw as soon as possible.” 

After that, the district and township in-charges attended the graduation ceremony and delivered the certificates of graduation.

3. A total of 437 battles took place in the No. 1 Military Region, and 612 enemy soldiers were killed and 700 were injured

The Ministry of Defence announced the military news on May 26 that there were 437 battles in the No. 1 Military Region, and 612 enemy soldiers were killed and 700 were injured.

“In March 2023, 437 battles took place in No. 1 Military Region, Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Mandalay Region, and Northern Shan State, and 612 enemies were killed and 700 were injured.”

60 revolutionary comrades had to give their lives for the revolution and 94 were injured.

During the battle, a large amount of ammunition, including 27 different weapons, was seized from the enemy, and the battles were fought by the PDF, PaKaFa, and ERO joint forces under the No. 1 Military Command.

4. 6 houses were destroyed and two people were killed when two planes of the military council dropped bombs on Naungkan Village in Banmauk Township

On May 26, the Banmauk Revolution – BR announced that 6 houses were destroyed and two people were killed when two planes of the military council bombed the village of Naungkan in Banmauk Township.

“On May 25, at 9:17 p.m., two junta planes dropped bombs on Naungkan village in Banmauk Township, destroying 6 houses and killing a 66-year-old man and a 33-year-old woman,” it stated.

It is reported that Naungkan Village is away from the current fighting area and was bombed for no reason.

5. Two men from Zigon and Paungde Townships in Bago Region were sentenced to 50 years in prison each by the military junta for allegedly attending PDF training 

Two men from Zigon and Paungde Townships in Bago Region were accused of attending PDF training and sentenced to 50 years in prison each by the military junta.

On May 26, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) informed about the current situation.

“On May 24, Paungde Prison Special Court sentenced Banyar Myo Thant and Zin Myint Tun (aka Pate Gyi) from Zigon and Paungde Townships in Bago Region, to each serve 50 years in prison under Counter-Terrorism Law charges; for allegedly attending PDF training,” it stated.

Similarly, three electricity office workers, Thaw Zin Htet, Ye Naing and Htin Linn Oo, from Zigon Town were each sentenced to serve 10 years in prison, for allegedly being involved in the explosion of an electrical office. 

Since the coup in 2021 until May 26, 2023, a total of (22,726) people were arrested and among them, (18,407) are currently under detention, (6,106) of whom are serving sentences.

6. Thandaung Township police station was hit by heavy weapons, damaging the armory and the cell, and a young man who had been unjustly arrested escaped and 2 policemen were killed

Thandaung Township police station was hit by a heavy weapon, the armory and cell were damaged, a young man who had been arrested unjustly escaped, and 2 policemen were killed.

On May 26, the People Defense Force – Thandaung announced the military news.

“According to further information about the police station mission conducted at 6:50 p.m. on May 24, the armory and the cell were hit and damaged,” it stated.

At 6:50 p.m. on May 24, the People Defense Force – Thandaung opened fire on the Thandaung Township police station with heavy weapons, resulting in the escape of a young man who had been unjustly arrested, as well as the deaths of 2 policemen and injuries to others.

7. Three policemen were killed and 2 were seriously injured in an attack on the China Wanbao Copper Project police outpost in Salingyi Township

On May 25, at 4:15 p.m., the No. (28) Battalion of the Yinmarbin District (Dar Ma Sai Army D.M.S.A), confirmed that a police outpost guarding the China Wanbao Copper Project in Salingyi Township was attacked.

“On May 25, at 4:15 p.m., the police gate guarding the Chinese Wanbao Copper Project in Salingyi Township was ambushed by the Special Attack Force of the No. (28) Battalion of the Yinmarbin District (Dar Ma Sai Army D.M.S.A), in cooperation with Dar Ma Sai Army Squadron 02 and the National Revolution Army. Three policemen were killed and two were seriously injured.”

The attack was carried out by the Special Attack Force of the No. (28) Battalion of the Yinmarbin District (Dar Ma Sai Army D.M.S.A), in cooperation with the Dar Ma Sai Army Squadron 02 and the National Revolution Army.

  1. The Union Prime Minister said that the administration and defense teams in the controlled areas should provide military and aviation information to the community in time
  2. Defense Minister U Yee Mon urged the people’s revolutionary comrades to attack the enemy’s strategic locations effectively, as Nay Pyi Taw is an important military strategic target
  3. A total of 437 battles took place in the No. 1 Military Region, and 612 enemy soldiers were killed and 700 were injured
  4. 6 houses were destroyed and two people were killed when two planes of the military council dropped bombs on Naungkan Village in Banmauk Township
  5. Two men from Zigon and Paungde Townships in Bago Region were sentenced to 50 years in prison each by the military junta for allegedly attending PDF training 
  6. Thandaung Township police station was hit by heavy weapons, damaging the armory and the cell, and a young man who had been unjustly arrested escaped and 2 policemen were killed
  7. Three policemen were killed and 2 were seriously injured in an attack on the China Wanbao Copper Project police outpost in Salingyi Township

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