1. Issues related to special investigation and intelligence and the issue of association certificates were presented at the CRPH’s regular meeting.
On May 20, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) announced that issues related to special investigation and intelligence and the issue of association certificates were presented at the regular meeting of the Committee.
In the CRPH’s regular meeting held on May 19 through video conference, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of National Unity Government explained the conditions of the activities of the relevant departments according to the structure of the ministry, which included the issues related to the connection between the public administration organizations on the ground and various ministries, the issues that have been published in activity guidelines, issues related to special investigation and intelligence, and the issues of association certificates.
After that, the attending committee members discussed and asked what they wanted to know, and Union Minister U Lwin Ko Latt responded with a clear answer.
After that, the meeting continued, and the Financial Affairs Committee, International Relations Committee, NUCC Affairs Committee, Education Committee, Labor Affairs Committee, and Women, Youth and Children Affairs Committee presented their activities and plans and consulted on the recommendations of the attendees.
2. The terrorist military council is committing acts of violence targeting the health sector, turning a blind eye to the Geneva Conventions and UN Security Council resolutions
The NUG Ministry of Health announced that the terrorist military council is committing acts of violence targeting the health sector, ignoring the Geneva Conventions and the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
On May 20, the Ministry of Health of the Government of National Unity issued a statement No. (6/2023).
It is said that the terrorist military council has repeatedly committed acts of violence targeting the health sector, disregarding the Geneva Conventions, UN Security Council resolutions, humanitarian laws, and domestic/foreign laws.
On May 17, at around 4:00 a.m., the terrorist military council launched an aerial bombardment of the village of Sawlon, Bawlakhe Township, Karenni (Kayah) State without any fighting. The bomb fell near a rural clinic in Sawlon village, killing Ma Khin Shwe Win, a 17-year-old girl, and injuring 4 elderly men, including Ma Khin Shwe Win’s father. In addition, the rural dispensary and staff housing, 6 public houses, 1 monastery and the village’s drinking water tank were also damaged and cattle were killed.
According to information received on May 16, the terrorist military council opened fire into the Northern Station Hospital of People’s Healthcare Network (Kalay) in Kalay Township, Sagaing Region on 9-4-2023 and destroyed medicines, medicine storage areas and patient consultation areas. It is said that the health workers and patients were able to escape in time, and more than twenty thousand people from the villages had to leave their homes and flee.
The NUG Ministry of Health also stated that it will continue to work with heroic health workers, local organizations, and the public to carry out public health care activities with its best efforts.
3. Union Minister of Human Rights H.E. Aung Myo Min met with various officials in New Zealand
The Ministry of Human Rights, Union Ministry for Human Rights H.E. Aung Myo Min met with various officials in New Zealand on May 19, according to the press release by NUG Representative Office – Australia.
“In the afternoon of 17-5-2023, the National Unity Government, Union Ministry for Human Rights H.E. Aung Myo Min met with the New Zealand Government Attorney General and in the evening he had dinner with the Minister of Immigration. They had a friendly and open discussion about the Myanmar issue. In the morning of 18-5-2023, the Union Minister also met with the New Zealand High Commissioner for Human Rights and discussed the human rights violations committed by the military in Myanmar.
In the evening, the minister travelled to Auckland, where he was warmly welcomed by Myanmar-born ethnic families upon his arrival at Auckland airport. On 19 May 2023, the Minister attended the scheduled meetings in the morning, and attended a community meeting in the evening organised by the Myanmar families in Auckland. In the meeting, the Union Minister explained the work being done by the National Unity Government and the Ministry of Human Rights, and answered what the audience wanted to know.”
4. U Kyaw Moe Tun, Ambassador to the United Nations, said that a follow-up measure to Resolution 2669 is seriously and urgently needed
U Kyaw Moe Tun, Ambassador to the United Nations, said that a follow-up measure to Resolution 2669 is seriously and urgently needed.
Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, said at the UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on Myanmar, held on 19 May 2023.
“Several massacres have been repeated by the junta’s forces even after adoption of UNSC Resolution 2669 in December 2022. The latest was the military’s April 11 aerial attacks on a civilian gathering in Pazigyi village that killed nearly 200 civilians. Time and time again, the junta has demonstrated its contempt for international humanitarian law as well as the UNSC Resolution. So far with total impunity! It is crystal clear that military won’t stop killing unless there is action from the international community. We are strongly of the view that a follow-up measure to the resolution 2669 is seriously and urgently needed. Accordingly, the Security Council should take meaningful actions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, including instituting a global arms embargo against the military, and referring this inhumane military leadership to the International Criminal Court,” said the ambassador.
5. The terrorist military council arrested nearly 130 elected representatives, and 16 have lost their lives
The terrorist military council arrested nearly 130 elected parliamentarians, and 16 have lost their lives.
On May 20, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) informed.
“From February 1, 2021, when the terrorist military council tried to seize power illegally, until today, nearly 130 elected parliamentarians were arrested, and 16 of them died in prison or while fleeing their homes. 4 of the representatives had their citizenship revoked,” it stated.
It is said that the coup leaders led by Min Aung Hlaing have unlawfully arrested and imprisoned many elected representatives, political activists, monks, civil servants, students, artists and citizens, including President U Win Myint, State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in order to illegally control the state’s power.
Among those who were unlawfully arrested were 41 elected representatives of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and 87 elected representatives of the Region/State Hluttaw. So far, 29 representatives of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and 59 representatives of the Region/State Hluttaw are still in custody.
The arrested Regional Hluttaw Representative U Nyunt Shwe (No. 1, Bago Township) died in prison due to a lack of medical treatment. U Kyaw Myo Min (Bilin Constituency No. 2, Mon State) was brutally killed on the roadside after being arrested by the military council.
As a result of the increasing illegal arrests and imprisonments, 5 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives and 9 Region/State Hluttaw representatives, who had to flee their homes, died due to a lack of adequate medical treatment.
6. 30 special snipers graduated from the Special Operations Force – S.O.F’s Special Sniper Refresher Course after a month of theoretical and practical training
On May 20, Special Operations Force – S.O.F announced that 30 special snipers graduated from the Special Operations Force – S.O.F’s Special Sniper Refresher Course after a month of theoretical and practical training.
“Special Operations Force – S.O.F’s Special Sniper Refresher Course in Southern Military Regional Command of the NUG Ministry of Defence, was successfully completed on May 19 in KNU Brigade 6 area. In the course, sniper comrades were separately recruited from the Special Operations Force – S.O.F, Red Dragon Column, Ye Bilu Force, and MSRF for a month long practice shooting with various types of weapons and styles,” it stated.
It is said that the purpose of the training is to be able to carry out joint operations between the forces and more strategically as a special section of snipers in every operation.
30 special snipers who completed the training will be assigned operational duties in various battalion units and columns in KNU Brigade 6 and Brigade 4 areas.
7. Myaing PaKaFa attacked a junta convoy that came to prepare the power line between Thayetkan (Pyu) camp and Twin Ma (Pyu) camp in Myaing Township with large and small mines
Myaing PaKaFa reportedly attacked a junta convoy that came to prepare the power line between Thayetkan (Pyu) camp and Twin Ma (Pyu) camp in Myaing Township with large and small mines.
On May 20, the military news was confirmed by Myaing PaKaFa.
“On May 19, Myaing PaKaFa attacked the junta convoy coming to prepare the power line that supplies electricity to industrial (2) military compound with large and small mines between the Thayetkan (Pyu) camp and Twin Ma (Pyu) camp. The vehicle was damaged and the support road of the military council was also damaged,” it stated.
Currently, the exact number of casualties is not yet known.
The attack was carried out by joint forces of Squadron-1 and Squadron-2 (Garuda) of Myaing Township People’s Defense Forces Battalion 1, Light Ray Guerrilla Force (Myaing), KMDF (Kamma Defence Force), and Bilone Defense Force.
- Issues related to special investigation and intelligence and the issue of association certificates were presented at the CRPH’s regular meeting.
- The terrorist military council is committing acts of violence targeting the health sector, turning a blind eye to the Geneva Conventions and UN Security Council resolutions
- Union Minister of Human Rights H.E. Aung Myo Min met with various officials in New Zealand
- U Kyaw Moe Tun, Ambassador to the United Nations, said that a follow-up measure to Resolution 2669 is seriously and urgently needed
- The terrorist military council arrested nearly 130 elected representatives, and 16 have lost their lives
- 30 special snipers graduated from the Special Operations Force – S.O.F’s Special Sniper Refresher Course after a month of theoretical and practical training
- Myaing PaKaFa attacked a junta convoy that came to prepare the power line between Thayetkan (Pyu) camp and Twin Ma (Pyu) camp in Myaing Township with large and small mines