MMyanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 11

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that only the National Unity Government can restore peace in the region

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that only the National Unity Government can restore peace in the region.

The Union Prime Minister added this in cabinet meeting no. (18/2023) of the National Unity Government held in May.

“We can hear the voices that our neighboring countries and ASEAN are conducting more frequent activities regarding the politics of Myanmar. We would like to express our special thanks to all the neighboring countries that have given serious consideration to the affairs of our country. We would like to inform you that only our National Unity Government, which has the support of the public and is fighting for justice, is the only government that will be able to restore peace in the region, and is the only government that will be able to return the country to a normal state and allow the people to live in peace,” he said.

Currently, in addition to education and health, people’s administrative bodies are being formed in the areas under the control of the National Unity Government.

2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions

On May 10, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (13/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Dr. Shwe Pon, Ministry of Health, and secretary member of ILACC, and Secretary of the Union Prime Minister’s Office gave opening speeches.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, operations, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

3. NUG Deputy Minister of Education clarified that the participants in the school opening ceremony from Mizoram State, India, were tribal leaders from relevant tribal organizations

NUG Deputy Minister of Education explained that the participants in the opening of the school from Mizoram State of India were tribal leaders from relevant tribal organizations.

On May 10, NUG Deputy Minister of Education, Ja Htoi Pan made a clear statement.

“This picture is from a refugee community in the state of Mizoram, India. Tribal leaders from relevant tribal organizations. Schools in this area are outside the mandate of the NUG-MOE as per policy, so they are not recognized by the ministry. However, it is an area where connections are made to help the children who are studying and CDM teachers.”

At the opening of the school, NUG government officials were criticized for a picture of students holding up umbrellas to welcome those attending the opening ceremony.

4. The junta soldiers raided villages in Tanintharyi Region’s Thayetchaung Township, arrested eight locals, and tortured them during interrogation

It is reported that villages in Tanintharyi Region’s Thayetchaung Township, have been raided and eight locals have been arrested and tortured during interrogation.

AAPP (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners) reported on the current situation after the military coup on May 10 as follows:

“On the morning of May 8, a military column with around 50 junta personnel raided Wae Rit Village, Thayetchaung Township in Tanintharyi Region. The junta troops captured locals Myo Myint Lay and Kam Kam.

On the morning of May 9, the military column proceeded to raid Ya Nge Village again and captured another 6 locals.

The 8 arrested persons have reportedly been beaten, tortured and interrogated by the junta forces at Ka Myaing Village in Thayetchaung Township.”

5. 12 junta lackeys, including police and Pyu Saw Htee members, were killed when the defense forces attacked Zeehpyukone Village in Shwebo Township

It is reported that 12 junta lackeys, including junta soldiers, police and Pyu Saw Htee members, were killed when the defense forces attacked Zeehpyukone Village in Shwebo Township.

On May 10, Yinmarbin District Battalion 21 informed the military news:

“On May 9, at 4:00 a.m., Zeehpyukone (Pyu) Village in Shwebo Township, was raided and attacked by Squadrons 1 and 3 of the Yinmarbin District Battalion 21, Daung Luth Linn People’s Defence Force (LPDF), GALON PDF, Borderless Thunderstorm PDF, Mahar Nyi Naung Phwar PDF, and other allies. The battle lasted for about 1 hour, and 12 junta lackeys, police and Pyu Saw Htee members, were killed (confirmed), and many were injured.” 

In addition, some hand grenades, 4 equipment, a helmet, a police uniform, 1 Uzi cartridge box, 1 small jammer, 40 rounds of 9-mm cartridges, and some related items were seized from the junta side, but they had to retreat because of the reinforcements coming from the sides of Tetheetaw (Pyu) Village, Hnamazayit (Pyu) Village, and Thee Lone (Pyu) Village in large numbers.

4 comrades from the allied forces got minor injuries.

6. Two junta soldiers were killed in an aerial attack on a place on the Natogyi-Myingyan road in Myingyan Town, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region

Two junta soldiers were killed in an aerial attack on a place on the Natogyi-Myingyan road in Myingyan Town, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region.

On May 10, the Myingyan District Drone Strike Team reported military news.

“On May 9, we conducted an aerial attack on a section of the Natogyi-Myingyan road in Myingyan Town, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region, killing 2 junta soldiers, injuring many, and damaging 3 cars,” it stated.

Similarly, on May 8, an aerial attack was carried out on a temporary stationed camp in Yadanarpon Village of Taungtha Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region. 4 junta soldiers were killed and 5 injured, and they were carried by funeral cars from Taungtha.

7. There are extortion letters from the public by junta lackeys disguising PDF revolutionary forces in Madaya Township

It is said that there have been extortion letters from the public by junta lackeys disguising PDF revolutionary forces in Madaya Township.

In May, the Red Dragon Guerilla – Madaya Township informed.

“In Madaya Township, there are letters asking for money from the public by junta lackeys disguising PDF revolutionary forces. This is a deliberate conspiracy by a group of crooks with the intention of dividing blood between the people and the PDF revolutionary forces. The public should not be too afraid and gullible to give money,” it stated.

In addition, it is said that those who misbehaved against the public and the revolutionary forces, PDFs, will be investigated and identified, and severe action will be taken to punish them.

8. 2 junta soldiers, arriving on Khin U-Ye U Road, were shot dead by defense forces and two guns were seized

It is reported 2 junta soldiers, arriving on Khin U-Ye U Road, were shot dead by defense forces and two guns were seized.

On May 10, the People’s Defense Force-Khin U confirmed the military news:

“On May 10, at around 12:40 p.m., while 2 armed members of the military council stationed at Mu Tain Bridge in Khin Oo Township, Sagaing Division, arrived on the Khin U-Ye U Road, the People’s Defense Force-Khin U (Township PaKaFa) and Local Defense Forces (LDF) encountered a skirmish with them and shot them dead.” 

In addition, it is said that the People’s Defense Force was able to seize the items they were carrying (one MA-1 gun, one AK-47, 15 rounds of 5.56 bullets, and 3 ammunition boxes).

The battle lasted for only 3 minutes, and the People’s Defense Forces were able to successfully withdraw without any harm and were said to have successfully engaged in a skirmish, seizing weapons.

9. Over 100,000 fans watched the movie “The Road Not Taken” for free on Ko Pauk’s YouTube channel

The movie “The Road Not Taken” was shown for free on Ko Pauk’s YouTube channel and was watched by more than 100,000 fans.

On May 10, the Film Exhibition Committee informed.

The movie “The Road Not Taken”, which has already been screened internationally, was shown for free on Ko Pauk’s YouTube channel on May 6, so we would like to express our special thanks to each and every person of over 100,000 people who have watched so far.

The movie “The Road Not Taken”, shot with real revolutionaries in the forest, received more than 10,000 lakh kyats of funding, and the funds received have been allocated to the necessary areas in consultation with the Ministry of Defence. 

10. Click2donate’s 100 million kyat campaign started 

It is reported that the 100 million kyat campaign of click2donate has started.

Click2donate has informed that the campaign period is set from May 11 to May 21.

“Click2donate’s 100 million kyats campaign has started. You don’t need to help with money, you need to help with clicks and time. I know that the campaign may fail under the current situation, but I believe in the power of the people and the clickers, so I would like to take the risk,” it stated.

It is reported that they will click and search for 100 million kyats within ten days.

“You must access the websites posted on the page, but you can access the rest of the sites if it’s convenient. The sites posted on the page will be clicked without using VPN. If people from Myanmar are not clicking anymore, it’s not at all. I will report what people from Myanmar will have to click with VPN and what people from abroad will have to click without VPN every day in parts and details.”

Among 1,000 lakh kyats, 500 lakhs will be provided to Sagaing, Chin, and Magway, 200 lakhs to Karenni, 200 lakhs to the south, and 100 lakhs to urban guerillas.

11. PDFs from the Anyar regions expressed their opposition to China’s stance on the side of the military council 

The PDFs from the Ayana regions protested against China’s stance on the side of the terrorist military council.

On May 10, the Eagle Brigade announced the protest.

The PDFs from the Anyar region expressed their protest against China’s position on the side of the terrorist military council.

In the demonstration, they shouted slogans such as “Stop supporting the fascist army immediately.”

It was known that the Eagle Brigade, MVRF, MFDF (Myaing Fighter Defense Force), and YDF (Ywar Thar Aye Defense Force) participated in the protest.

  1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that only the National Unity Government can restore peace in the region
  2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  3. NUG Deputy Minister of Education clarified that the participants in the school opening ceremony from Mizoram State, India, were tribal leaders from relevant tribal organizations
  4. The junta soldiers raided villages in Tanintharyi Region’s Thayetchaung Township, arrested eight locals, and tortured them during interrogation
  5. 12 junta lackeys, including police and Pyu Saw Htee members, were killed when the defense forces attacked Zeehpyukone Village in Shwebo Township
  6. Two junta soldiers were killed in an aerial attack on a place on the Natogyi-Myingyan road in Myingyan Town, Myingyan District, Mandalay Region
  7. There are extortion letters from the public by junta lackeys disguising PDF revolutionary forces in Madaya Township
  8. 2 junta soldiers, arriving on Khin U-Ye U Road, were shot dead by defense forces and two guns were seized
  9. Over 100,000 fans watched the movie “The Road Not Taken” for free on Ko Pauk’s YouTube channel
  10. 10. Click2donate’s 100 million kyat campaign started 
  11. PDFs from the Anyar regions expressed their opposition to China’s stance on the side of the military council 

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