Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 8

1. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions

On May 7, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions (18/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, Ministry of Labour, and member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from each ministry explained the activities of relevant ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, operations and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries, and members of township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions.

2. If the local administration and local judiciary can be built firmly, the judicial work will be successful

Justice Minister U Thein Oo said that if the local administration and local judiciary could be built firmly, the judicial work would be successful.

On May 6, the Minister of Justice said at the meeting with the township law officers (8/2023).

“Ordinary people have to spend their time only for their livelihoods, so they do not know deeply that the law can be used in an effective way. It is a very noble and good work for the law officers to ensure that people’s rights are not lost and suffered. If we can build local administration and local judiciary firmly in their respective regions, the judiciary will become a very successful work,” said the minister.

 After that, the relevant officials responded to the preliminary questions of the law officers and had a general discussion.

Union Minister of Justice U Thein Oo, Permanent Secretary, Director General of Interim Judicial Affairs Department, Director General of Prosecution Department, and Deputy Permanent Secretary attended the ceremony.

3. NUG’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy was able to provide electricity to 10,000 households in controlled areas and repair large transformers in 45 villages

Union Minister U Soe Thura Tun said that NUG’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy was able to provide electricity to 10,000 households in controlled areas and repair large transformers for 45 villages.

On May 7, U Soe Thura Tun, Union Minister of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, said the following:

“We were able to provide electricity to 10,000 households in 16 villages in the control areas. We were able to repair large transformers in 45 villages. We have repaired transformers that were hit and damaged by junta troops’ shooting. Another thing is that when the entrepreneurs installed power meters, they took electricity from the military council, but if it is under the jurisdiction of the township public administration, we allow their installation. But they have to pay a fee of around 10 lakh. This is also used for the needs of the township.” 

On May 6, the Ministry of Electricity and Energy presented a report on the activities of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, including 87 points, to the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH).

“The entrepreneur has to pay for installing the transformer after we verify it. He will be recognized by the National Unity Government. He will be allowed to continue using it legally in the future,” the minister added regarding the right to use electricity.

4. A low pressure area is likely to develop over the southern Bay of Bengal and may reach a stronger storm level on May 10

NUG MOHADM announced that a low pressure area will form in the southern Bay of Bengal and may reach a stronger storm level on May 10.

According to mathematical model calculations, a low pressure area may form in the south of the Bay of Bengal around May 7, 2023, and this low pressure area may reach depression level on May 9 and may continue to move northward.

It is predicted that it will become stronger on May 10 and reach the storm level in the southwest of Cocoa Island.

It is said that on May 11, it may head to the northeast, and around May 12th, it may cross the coast near Chittagong between Myanmar and Bangladesh.

5. A Junta convoy passing by near Kandaw Village in Pakokku Township, with 5 vehicles was attacked with a mine, and at least 8 junta soldiers were seriously injured

It is reported that a junta convoy passing by near Kandaw Village in Pakokku Township, with 5 vehicles was attacked with a mine, and at least 8 junta soldiers were seriously injured.

Myaing PaKaFa confirmed that a mine attack was carried out with a single point mine near Kandaw Village in Pakokku Township, on May 7, at 8:30 a.m. in the morning.

“On May 7, at 8:30 a.m. in the morning, Myaing PaKaFa exploded a 1 point mine when the junta convoy and police were passing by near Kandaw Village of Pakokku Township with 5 vehicles, and many were injured,” it stated.

It was reported that the car that caught fire in the explosion by the mine caught fire at Joepyan ward in Kamma Town, and 8 people were seriously injured.

6. Bogale Township police station was attacked with 40-mm bombs

The operational news of attacking Bogale Township police station in Ayeyarwady Division with 40-mm bombs, was confirmed by the Ayeyarwady Dolphin Defence Force Mawgyun on May 7.

“On May 6, at 7:30 p.m., the police station under the terrorist military, in Bogale Township, Pyapon District, Ayeyarwady Division, was attacked with 79 grenade launchers and 40mm bombs as part of the Ayeyarwady Nan Htike Aung operation successfully. The attack was jointly carried out by the Ayeyarwady Dolphin Defence Force Mawgyun, the Bogalay Dolphin People’s Defense Force and Mawgyun Township People’s Defense Force,” it stated.

Comrades who carried out the operation were able to withdraw successfully without being harmed.

The bomb fell inside the terrorist military’s police station, and the loud explosion was heard almost throughout the city. There were about thirty shots fired back from the police station under the terrorist military.

Details of the internal damage are still unknown.

7. At the entrance to the city of Ye-U Township, Ye-U PaKaFa detonated two sets of landmines against the junta troops

On May 7, the Ye-U People’s Defense Force confirmed the military news that the Ye-U PaKaFa had detonated two sets of landmines at the entrance to the city of Ye-U Township in Sagaing Region.

“On May 7, at 2:00 p.m., the junta troops had arrived at the stationed area. At the entrance to the city, the PaKaFa/PDF welcomed them with two sets of cluster mines, and we received specific information that they grabbed a car near the entrance and picked up the injured soldiers,” it stated.

On May 1, we bombed the military bases with four mines at the entrance of Segyi-Paukthar Road in Ye-U Township.

8. 19 junta soldiers, including the strategic commander, were injured when the defense forces opened fire on the junta column that came out of Kyauk Yit, Myaung Township

19 junta soldiers, including the strategic commander, were injured when the defense forces opened fire on the junta column that came out of Kyauk Yit, Myaung Township, Sagaing Division.

The Myingyan Ranger Defense Force confirmed that on May 6, the junta column that came out of the Kyauk Yit of Myaung Township was fired.

“On May 6, there was a contact with the junta column that came from Kyauk Yit in Myaung. About 19 junta soldiers, including the strategic commander, were injured. The strategic commander is not in good condition. More than 10 wounded junta soldiers are being treated in Yesagyo. The rest of the injured soldiers and the strategic commander are currently being treated at Kyauk Yit. Many of them were injured when we shot with heavy weapons,” it stated.

The operation was carried out by the Myingyan Ranger Defense Force (Myingyan District Battalion 2, Squadron 3) and allied battalions and forces.

  1. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions
  2. If the local administration and local judiciary can be built firmly, the judicial work will be successful
  3. NUG’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy was able to provide electricity to 10,000 households in controlled areas and repair large transformers in 45 villages
  4. A low pressure area is likely to develop over the southern Bay of Bengal and may reach a stronger storm level on May 10
  5. A Junta convoy passing by near Kandaw Village in Pakokku Township, with 5 vehicles was attacked with a mine, and at least 8 junta soldiers were seriously injured
  6. Bogale Township police station was attacked with 40-mm bombs
  7. At the entrance to the city of Ye-U Township, Ye-U PaKaFa detonated two sets of landmines against the junta troops
  8. 19 junta soldiers, including the strategic commander, were injured when the defense forces opened fire on the junta column that came out of Kyauk Yit, Myaung Township

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