Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 3

1. Union Prime Minister told all members of the government to try to end the revolution quickly with minimal damage

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann told all members of the government to try to end the revolution quickly with minimal damage.

Union Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than said at the cabinet meeting No. 17/2023 of the National Unity Government on May 2.

“Now that we have started applying the tax system in the areas under our control, and the collected taxes and fines have been redistributed to the regional defense activities, rehabilitation works and humanitarian aid that are needed in the townships. Therefore, we would like to tell all the members of our government to expand the funds contributed by the people for the revolution beneficially and to try to end the revolution successfully with minimal harm to the people,” said the Union Prime Minister.

In addition, the Prime Minister reiterated that they are always working hard to ensure that the funds donated by the people are put to good use without being wastage.

2. The Ministry of Health presented at the cabinet meeting to provide monthly stipends for the health workforce on the ground

The Ministry of Health presented at the cabinet meeting to provide monthly stipends for the health workforce on the ground.

On May 2, it was presented at the 17th government meeting of the National Unity Government.

At the meeting, the Ministry of Health presented to provide monthly stipends for the health workforce on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Acting President Duwa Lashi La, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

The Union Prime Minister clarified and discussed what was presented at the meeting.

3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the people’s administrative bodies of the Yangon Division

On May 2, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division (9/2023) was held.

At the meeting, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labour and a secretary member of the ILACC, U Kyaw Ni, gave an opening speech.

Following, the members of the township people’s administrative bodies discussed what they wanted to know about policies, guidelines, operations, and difficulties encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Yangon Division.

4. Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win has become the new chair of the Karen National Union (KNU) 

It is reported that Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win has become the new chair of the Karen National Union (KNU).

On the evening of May 2, Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win was elected as the 10th chairman of KNU.

The 17th (KNU) Congress began with a leadership change.

The Karen National Union (KNU) has 14 major departments, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Interior and Religion, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Forestry.

5. Nearly ten thousand local people from 13 villages around Pazigyi Village have fled because of the junta column in the Ma Le Rural Area of Kanbalu Township

It is reported that nearly ten thousand local people from 13 villages around Pazigyi Village have fled because of the junta column in the Ma Le Rural Area of Kanbalu Township.

AAPP informed about the current situation after the coup d’état in the May 2 daily briefing.

“On April 27, a military column composed of personnel from LIB-361 and Division-88 of junta forces attacked near Pa Zi Gyi Village, Ma Le Rural Area, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Region, and arrested at least 10 local civilians from Sa Kyin Village, which was on their path. 

The military columns had been attacking inside Ma Le Rural Area since April 18, and because of that nearly 10,000 locals from 13 villages around Pa Zi Gyi Village had to flee for safety,” it stated.

6. The allied PDF forces attacked Zeepyukone Pyu Village in Pale Township, Yinmarbin District with heavy weapons

The allied PDF forces attacked Zeepyukone Pyu Village in Pale Township, Yinmarbin District with heavy weapons.

Chindwin Toe Na Yar PDF informed that they attacked Pyu Village from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on May 2nd.

“From 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., the defense forces and the allied forces unitedly attacked the village of Zeepyukone Pyu Village in Pale Township, Yinmarbin District, Sagaing Division with 60 mm, 80 mm, and 90 mm heavy weapons and small arms,” it stated.

A total of 22 defense forces attacked, and the damage from the military council’s side is still unknown.

7. Two junta soldiers were killed in a battle between the junta troops and the revolutionary alliances near the village of Tharyoekone, Budalin Township, Sagaing Division

Two junta soldiers were killed in a battle between the junta troops and the revolutionary alliances near the village of Tharyoekone, Budalin Township, Sagaing Division.

On May 2, GON MARN Local Defense Force (GM Local PDF), based in Budalin, reported the military news.

“Two junta soldiers were killed and 5 injured in a battle near the village of Tharyoekone, Budalin Township, in Sagaing Division. The battle was jointly carried out by various local anti-dictatorship resistance alliances in Budalin Township,” it stated.

A comrade of the allied forces was wounded by a bullet in the thigh, which was not serious.

8. A policeman was killed when a Mark-2 car used by the police was destroyed by a drone bomb at the police station in Natogyi Township

A policeman was reportedly killed when a Mark-2 car used by the police was destroyed by a drone bomb at the police station in Natogyi Township.

On May 2, the Natogyi People’s Defence Force, No. 4 Battalion of Myingyan District, announced the military news.

“On the afternoon of May 1, the Natogyi People Defence Force’s No. 4 Battalion in Myingyan District conducted a drone bombardment at the police station in Natogyi, damaging a Mark-2 car, which is always used by the police, and killing a policeman,” it stated.

In addition, four policemen were injured, and the operation of the No. 4 Battalion of Myingyan District was said to have been successful.

9. Two revolutionary comrades who were captured in Pauk Township were able to beat up the junta soldiers and initially took their weapons, but one of the comrades was hit by a bullet and killed on the way

It is reported that two revolutionary soldiers who were captured in Pauk Township, Magway Division, beat up the junta soldiers and initially took their weapons, but one of the comrades was killed by a bullet on the way.

On May 2, Myaing PaKaHpa confirmed that the two comrades were captured by the junta troop’s hideout when they came out to attack the junta column with a drone.

“On May 2, while Myaing PaKaHpa Battlion-01 and Pauk PaKaHpa joint forces were passing through the village of Sulaykone, Pauk Township to attack the junta column with drones, two drone comrades were arrested and made to kneel down by two junta soldiers who were hiding at the entrance of the village. The two comrades beat up the junta soldiers, shot one of them at close range and ran away after taking one MA-1 and one MA-4,” it stated.

At that time, the comrades were chased by more than 38 soldiers who were cooking and eating nearby. One of them was hit by a bullet and one had to drop guns and escape, Myaing PaKaHpa said.

10. Cluster mines detonated at the time when bank guarding junta troops shifted duties between the Moe Private High School and the Commercial Bank in Budalin

It is reported that cluster mines detonated at the time when bank guarding junta troops shifted duties between the Moe Private High School and the Commercial Bank in Budalin.

On May 2, the operation was announced by the Aung San Generation PDF.

“At around 11:45 a.m. on May 2, Monywa District No. 13 Battalion, Aung San’s Generation comrades attacked bank guarding junta troops while they were shifting duties with cluster mines between Moe Private High School and the Commercial Bank in Budalin,” it stated.

There may have been casualties on the side of the military council due to mines, and the exact details are still under investigation.

  1. Union Prime Minister told all members of the government to try to end the revolution quickly with minimal damage
  2. The Ministry of Health presented at the cabinet meeting to provide monthly stipends for the health workforce on the ground
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the people’s administrative bodies of the Yangon Division
  4. Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win has become the new chair of the Karen National Union (KNU)
  5. Nearly ten thousand local people from 13 villages around Pazigyi Village have fled because of the junta column in the Ma Le Rural Area of Kanbalu Township
  6. The allied PDF forces attacked Zeepyukone Pyu Village in Pale Township, Yinmarbin District with heavy weapons
  7. Two junta soldiers were killed in a battle between the junta troops and the revolutionary alliances near the village of Tharyoekone, Budalin Township, Sagaing Division
  8. A policeman was killed when a Mark-2 car used by the police was destroyed by a drone bomb at the police station in Natogyi Township
  9. Two revolutionary comrades who were captured in Pauk Township were able to beat up the junta soldiers and initially took their weapons, but one of the comrades was hit by a bullet and killed on the way
  10. Cluster mines detonated at the time when bank guarding junta troops shifted duties between the Moe Private High School and the Commercial Bank in Budalin

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