Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 April 30

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that he strongly condemns and opposes any act of prolonging the military dictatorship

At the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government (16/2023) held in the last week of April, Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that:

“We will always remember the lives of the people who are being tortured and killed every day, and we will have to make the entire international community understand. I consider international mediation to be positive, but I strongly condemn the actions that are prolonging the life of the military dictatorship.”

Currently, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has visited terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing, and the Thai government has also visited.

2. The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) seized 5,299 teak poles, 1,626.87 tons of teak logs and teak lumber within 2 years

It is reported that the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) seized 5,299 teak poles, 1,626.87 tons of teak logs and teak lumber within 2 years.

On April 29, it was reported in the 2-year summary report of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

“In the arrest and prosecution of illegally smuggled wood, 5,299 teak poles, 1,626.87 tons of teak logs and teak lumber, 479.44 tons of hardwood, 1,110 teak door panels, 42 hardwood door panels, and 3,816 tons of boards were seized,” it stated.

It was said to have received 4576.13 lakh kyat in fines from the management of wood resources administration.

3. Electricity is distributed to more than 100 villages in the areas controlled by the National Unity Government

Union Minister of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, U Soe Thura Tun, officially stated in an interview in April that electricity has been distributed to more than 100 villages in the areas under the control of the National Unity Government.

“We have repaired damaged transformers in the villages that were destroyed by the hands of the enemy, and when the transformer was damaged, we had to refill oil into it and seal it off when the transformer oil left. Next, we had to restore the power lines if they were completely cut off. Currently, there are more than 100 villages where we can distribute electricity,” said the minister.

At present, the military council is unable to provide enough electricity to the cities and townships, and they are starting to use solar systems in their township power plants.

4. Between January and April 2023, CRPH was able to support 1,097 CDMers

According to the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, it was able to support 1,097 CDMers between January and April 2023.

On April 27, during an online discussion with Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representatives and State and Regional Hluttaw representatives from Chin State, Sagaing Region, and Magway Region, Public Affairs Committee Secretary Daw Ei Ei Pyone gave a briefing.

It was clarified that in the current support and service conditions, in 2022, CRPH was able to provide assistance to 3,786 CDMers in accordance with the policies established by the committee, and between January and April 2023, it was able to support 1,097 CDMers.

The MPs who attended continued to discuss the situation on the ground in order to connect and participate in various sectors, to have frequent meetings for MPs, to be able to join hands in public service, to be able to connect with the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) for the innocent people being arrested, as well as to organize assistance for those who lost their lives and limbs in the Spring Revolution, and to discuss the future plans.

5. Madaya Township People’s Police Force as the 7th People’s Police Force, was established by order of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration 

On April 26, the Madaya Township People’s Police Force was established as the 7th People’s Police Force by the order of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration with Statement No. (6/23).

The People’s Police Force under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government, has established major departments, units and township police forces, so on April 26, 2023, it is announced that the Madaya Township People’s Police Force has been established as the 7th Township Police Force by the Statement No. (6/23).

Currently, in addition to the People’s Police Force Headquarters, the People’s Police Chief has been appointed.

6. From November 2022 to April 2023, through the Ministry of Defence (MOD), C2D has donated nearly 4,000 lakh kyats to the battalion forces

From November 2022 to April 2023, C2D through the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has donated nearly 4,000 lakh kyats to the battalion forces, Click2donate informed on April 29.

“From November 2022 to April 2023, through the Ministry of Defence (MOD), the total amount donated by C2D to the battalion forces is USD 145,762.15. It will be between 4,000-4,300 lakh kyats. Later, 25% of it was directly transferred to defense forces and 75% of it was transferred through the MOD. Finally, in February, 100% were sent through the MOD,” it stated.

Click2donate is the flow of income earned by people’s clicks back to the revolutionary forces.

7. The celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the Student Armed Force (SAF) and the graduation ceremony of basic military education were held

On April 29, the Student Armed Force announced that its 2nd year anniversary ceremony and basic military training graduation ceremony were held.

On April 27, the Student Armed Force’s 2nd year anniversary ceremony and the graduation ceremony of basic military education were held at its central headquarters. At the military parade ceremony, we marched and saluted in three lines: the cadets’ column, the Student Armed Forces’ reserve battalion, and the alliance’s joint column.

The ceremony was attended by officers, warrant officers and warriors from various allied forces, as well as members of the central committee of our SAF, officers, warrant officers, warriors and comrades.

8. The terrorist military carried out an air attack on the western side of Demoso Township

It is reported that the terrorist army carried out an air attack on the western side of Demoso Township.

On April 29, local news sources said that the military council’s aircraft fired at them once from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and once in the afternoon.

“There were strages for six times with two aircraft,” said a local.

Two civilians were recently injured and cars were damaged as a result of the airstrikes in the morning and afternoon. The junta troops are constantly firing airstrikes indiscriminately against Karenni State without any fighting.

9. On the Yangon-Mawlamyine Highway, Bilin-Thaton Road Section, the junta soldiers who were guarding the road were shot, killing 4 and injuring many others

On the Yangon-Mawlamyine Highway, Bilin-Thaton Road Section, the junta soldiers who were guarding the road were shot, killing 4 and injuring many others.

On April 29, at 12:00 noon, the HRS drone force fired at about 20 soldiers who were guarding the road near the Shweyaungpya Village of the Bilin-Thaton road section on the Yangon-Mawlamyine Highway.

“On April 29, at 12:00 noon, on the Yangon-Mawlamyine Highway, Bilin-Thaton Road, near Shweyaungpya Village, about 20 forces of the junta soldiers who were guarding the road were attacked by KNLA Squadron 3, the HRS drone force and Thaton PaKaHpa joint forces from the ground, including drones. There was an exchange of fire and the shooting continued until about 2:00 in the afternoon,” it stated.

In the initial drone attack by the joint forces, while the ambulance came to transport the injured junta soldiers, the ground forces attacked again with 40mm and small arms at close range.

Again, the building occupied by them was bombed by a drone, and all the bombs fell into the building and exploded. The junta troops fired back continuously with small arms and 40-mm artillery shells indiscriminately, reinforced by nearby Artillery Unit 314 (Zeewun).

It was initially reported that during this shooting attack, 4 junta soldiers were killed on the spot and many were injured.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that he strongly condemns and opposes any act of prolonging the military dictatorship
  2. The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) seized 5,299 teak poles, 1,626.87 tons of teak logs and teak lumber within 2 years
  3. Electricity is distributed to more than 100 villages in the areas controlled by the National Unity Government
  4. Between January and April 2023, CRPH was able to support 1,097 CDMers
  5. Madaya Township People’s Police Force as the 7th People’s Police Force, was established by order of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration 
  6. From November 2022 to April 2023, through the Ministry of Defence (MOD), C2D has donated nearly 4,000 lakh kyats to the battalion forces
  7. The celebration of the 2nd anniversary of the Student Armed Force (SAF) and the graduation ceremony of basic military education were held
  8. The terrorist military carried out an air attack on the western side of Demoso Township
  9. On the Yangon-Mawlamyine Highway, Bilin-Thaton Road Section, the junta soldiers who were guarding the road were shot, killing 4 and injuring many others

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