Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 March 13

1. CRPH’s Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt meets with people he should meet during his visit to Washington, DC

U Aung Kyi Nyunt, chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, meets with people he should meet during his visit to Washington, USA. 

“U Aung Kyi Nyunt went on a working visit to Washington, DC, from March 7 to 9 to obtain effective support from the US government and international organizations for Myanmar’s democracy movement and to increase bilateral cooperation,” it stated.

During the visit, the chairman met with representatives from international aid organizations, including the Counselor of the United States Department of State, Mr. Derek Chollet, Senator Chris Van Hollen of the United States Senate, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Committee on Appropriations, the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

2. NUG and CRPH representatives attended the IPU146 Conference in Manama, Bahrain  

The National Unity Government and CRPH representatives attended the IPU146 conference as observers, which was held in Manama, Bahrain. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye and members attended the conference as the CRPH and the National Unity Government’s delegations.

Reportedly, it was the first time the Minister had attended in person since the unconstitutional military coup in Myanmar. The IPU146 conference will be held from March 11 to 15 in Manama, Bahrain.

3. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says the revolution has reached a critical turning point

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe stated that the revolution had reached its critical turning point. The Minister added this during a meeting with the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Groups from Bago, Ayeyarwady, and Tanintharyi regions.

“The revolution has reached its critical period. As the revolution accelerated, more and more public services were carried out in the areas where the Interim Local Public Administration was being implemented. In other areas, such as Tartaing village in Sagaing region, the terrorist military council is committing arson, rape, and murder. The National Unity Government, the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee, and Public Administration Groups are responsible for people’s livelihood, law enforcement, and management in these areas. Also, it is critical to have proper ground management in various sectors,” said the Minister. 

On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government declared the start of the people’s resistance war.

4. At least 879 students have enrolled in the Ministry of Education’s EdX MOOC

The first batch of 879 trainees has enrolled in the EdX MOOC, a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the EdX Educational Organization, according to the Ministry of Education on March 12. 

“Many CDM students and teachers have applied to take courses in the EdX MOOC, a collaboration between the NUG’s Ministry of Education and the EdX Educational Organization. The Ministry of Education’s EdX Admission Team has already registered 879 students in the first batch of the EdX MOOC,” it stated. 

Those who are eligible to enroll in EdX courses can access any courses they want by clicking “accept email” at Students can enroll in multiple courses and receive certificates if they complete and attend all of them within the specific time frame.

5. Union Minister Nai Suwunna says the revolutionary spirit is crucial for the Myanmar’s Spring Revolution

Union Minister Nai Suwunna said that spirit is crucial to working hard for the spring revolution. The Minister added this on March 12 at the 10/2023 meeting with the NUG’s Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Groups from Bago, Ayeyarwady, and Tanintharyi regions.

“The revolutionary spirit is essential, and we must work tirelessly with all of our strengths,” the Minister said. After an explanation of the Survival Posters by the Ministry of Women, Youth, and Children Affairs, the township public administration members discussed what they wanted to know about the policies, guidelines, operations, and difficulties on the ground. 

Union Ministers, Deputy Union Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Joint Secretaries, Department officials, and Public Administration members from the Bago, Ayeyarwady, and Tanintharyi regions attended the meeting.

6. Deputy Minister of Education says dictators use a variety of methods to suppress and eliminate revolutionaries 

Daw Ja Htoi Pan, Deputy Minister of Education, said in March that dictators use various methods to suppress and eliminate revolutionaries.

“Dictators use various methods to suppress and eradicate those who oppose them. They make all sorts of laws and use wicked people. By utilizing the power of social media, the military council demolish their opponents using human and bot power in order to spread misinformation. Therefore, It is important to remember that the dictator playbook is also being heavily used in the current revolution,” the Minister said. 

7. Myanmar junta troops massacre civilians including monks in Pinlaung township, Shan State

The mass killing of monks and civilians sheltering in Nam Name Monastery in Pinlaung township is reported to be the largest massacre by the terrorist army in 2023. According to KNDF, the military council troops committed a massacre on March 11 around 4:00 p.m.

“On March 11, around 4:00 p.m., military council forces used fighter jets to attack Nam Name village in Pinlaung township with heavy weapons. After that, they entered the village and brutally killed 30 villagers and three Buddhist monks who were sheltering in the monastery,” it stated.

The KNDF, PDF, and KA saw the military council troops who committed the incident entering the village, but they did not have the opportunity to assist due to the raid with a large force from their side. They were able to enter the village only at noon on March 12 and were able to record the incident, and found the bodies of 28 of the 30-missing people.

8. KNDF B-11 says ammunition and food are needed in a long-term battle between defense forces and junta troops

According to the KNDF B-11, on March 12, the long-term battle between defense forces and terrorist junta troops in the Hsawngpyaung-Pekon area needs ammunition and food.

“For more than 15 days, the KNDF/B-11 and defense forces have been fighting terrorist junta troops in the Hsawngpyaung-Pekon area. As the fighting continues, there is an urgent need for ammunition, food, medicine and fuel for transportation. There are many victories and sacrifices in these kinds of resistance battles,” the KNDF/B-11 said. 

9. 10 junta forces killed when KIA and KPDF joint forces attacked a convoy of 46 military vehicles from Katha 309 

At least ten people were killed when KIA and KPDF joint forces attacked 46 military vehicles from the Katha 309 unit on the Katha-Na Bar Road, near Ten Mile Stone Crusher. The Indaw revolutionary forces confirmed the military news on March 12 as follows: 

“At 8:00 a.m., KIA and KPDF forces attacked 46 military vehicles from the Katha 309 unit near the Katha-Na Bar Road’s Stone Crusher in Indaw township, Katha district, Upper Sagaing Region. The interception damaged two military council vehicles, killed at least ten people, and injured many others.” 

Reportedly, there are currently 44 military vehicles in Indaw city, stationed at Setkone Monastery, Letpankone Monastery, the immigration office, and the Indaw football field.

10. The junta troops entering Khin-U town were attacked with mines, injuring three people

According to Royal Tiger Guerrilla Force, on March 12, junta troops entering Khin-U town were attacked with four landmines, injuring three people.

“The RTGF and Urban UG jointly launched four landmine attacks on the 100-strong junta troops that entered Khin-U town around 8:00 a.m. on March 12,” it stated. 

After the mine attack, three junta soldiers died on the spot, and many others were injured, and the two sides clashed for about 15 minutes.

11. “RAYS OF HOPE” movie will be shown in Malaysia and Germany

The film “RAYS OF HOPE” will reportedly be shown in Malaysia and Germany. On March 12, a full audience of Myanmar people in Malaysia watched the film “RAYS OF HOPE.”

In cooperation with Dawkalu Network Kawthoolei and NLD (OC) International Malaysia, it was shown on March 12 at the Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, according to the “RAYS OF HOPE” film screening committee. 

Similarly, when the movie was shown in Frankfurt, Germany, it was surrounded and encouraged as a revolutionary force by some nearby countries. The film screening is co-organized by the CRPH Working Group, the NUG Support Team (Germany), and the Community in Germany. The film “RAYS OF HOPE,” directed by Ko Pauk, will be screened internationally, and the proceeds from the film will be returned to support the revolution.

  1. CRPH’s Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt meets with people he should meet during his visit to Washington, DC
  2. NUG and CRPH representatives attended the IPU146 Conference in Manama, Bahrain
  3. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says the revolution has reached a critical turning point
  4. At least 879 students have enrolled in the Ministry of Education’s EdX MOOC
  5. Union Minister Nai Suwunna says the revolutionary spirit is crucial for the Myanmar’s Spring Revolution
  6. Deputy Minister of Education says dictators use a variety of methods to suppress and eliminate revolutionaries
  7. Myanmar junta troops massacre civilians including monks in Pinlaung township, Shan State
  8. KNDF B-11 says ammunition and food are needed in a long-term battle between defense forces and junta troops
  9. 10 junta forces killed when KIA and KPDF joint forces attacked a convoy of 46 military vehicles from Katha 309
  10. The junta troops entering Khin-U town were attacked with mines, injuring three people
  11. “RAYS OF HOPE” movie will be shown in Malaysia and Germany


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