Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Feb 01

1. Prime Minister reported to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw that terrorist junta forces had already been defeated on the ground

Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than reported to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw that terrorist junta forces had already been defeated on the ground. Prime Minister stated this on the first day of the 5th session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw held on January 31.

“In the military sector, the terrorist army, established using state funds for many years, can no longer compete with our allies EROs, PDFs, and Local PDFs on the ground, which forces are not yet fully armed and still have less experience,” Prime Minister said. The National Unity Government declared the start of the people’s resistance war on September 7, 2021, and over 20,000 terrorist junta forces were killed during the more than a year-long resistance war.

2. The Union Ministers will attend the Spring Revolution Global Meeting

It has been reported that Union Ministers U Yee Mon, U Tin Tun Naing and U Htin Lin Aung will attend the Spring Revolution Global Meeting, which will be held for four days, one section per day, between February 5 and 26.

Section 1 of the discussion programme, people’s resistance war dialogue, will take place on February 5th at 8:30 a.m., and Section 2 will be held in the 2nd week of February and will cover Federal Affairs, Public Administration, and Transitional Justice. Section 3 will be held in the 3rd week of February on the topic of Public Services and Assistance, while Section 4 will take place in the 4th week of February with the title of Diplomacy, International Relations, and International Cooperation. The meeting was organized by international Spring Revolution forces, and those interested in attending and discussing can visit the Spring Revolution Global Meeting’s website and ask questions.

3. The Minister of Human Rights meets with Norway’s parliamentary groups, including the Norwegian government

On January 31, Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min met with a team led by Norway’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Erling Rimestad, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo, Norway, according to the report.

During that meeting, they openly discussed war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the military in Myanmar, as well as the fake election planned by the terrorist army. Union Minister U Aung Myo Min has requested for the National Unity Government to be recognized as Myanmar’s official government, for terrorist military groups to be penalized, and for Norway to support international assistance offered by ASEAN. Furthermore, the Minister said that Norway should continue to support and protect Myanmar this year, as it did last year at the UN Security Council. It is known that Minister U Aung Myo Min will discuss Myanmar politics at the “Burma two years after the military coup” seminar, which will be held at Litterateurs.

  1. Prime Minister reported to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw that terrorist junta forces had already been defeated on the ground
  2. The Union Ministers will attend the Spring Revolution Global Meeting
  3. The Minister of Human Rights meets with Norway’s parliamentary groups, including the Norwegian government

Credit to #RadioNUG


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