Summary of News

1. Millions of people are still participating in the Spring Revolution

Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun, Deputy Minister of Education, said on January 22 that millions of people are still participating in the Spring Revolution, as follows:

“The education is the sector that is in contact with millions of people. Millions of people are still participating in the Spring Revolution. They are still revolutionising; it’s just that they are doing so in a different way.”

After the military coup on February 1, 2021, the spring revolution emerged alongside the public movements against the military dictatorship.

2. NUG’s Deputy Minister of Labour says that the revolution that started from zero now already has the strength of the people, organized governmental organizations, and the strength of the people’s defence force

U Kyaw Ni, Deputy Minister of Labour said the following at a meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the people’s administrative bodies from Tanintharyi and Ayeyarwady Divisions, which was held on January 22:

“Two years have passed since the revolution began. Considering that the revolution began from zero, it has now improved in terms of the strength of the people, organized NUG governmental bodies, and the defence forces. The revolution has been strengthened until today due to the people’s strength and resistance, so everyone should continue with public unity and political unity.”

Then, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education clarified their ministries’ guidelines, policies, and operations, and had a discussion with the representatives from the people’s administrative bodies who attended.

Deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, officials from relevant departments, and representatives of the people’s administrative bodies from Tanintharyi and Ayeyarwady Divisions attended the meeting.

3. The first conference of the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC) decided to integrate all anti-dictatorship forces in the Mon region

On January 24, the statement of the first conference of the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC), dated January 22, was released.

The political goals of the MSFC, together with a political roadmap, have been approved at the conference, and the conference made decisions for integrating all the anti-dictatorship forces in the Mon region during the interim period.

According to the statement, on January 15, 2023, the Mon State Interim Coordination Committee (MSICC) agreed to transform into the Mon State Federal Council (MSFC). The first conference of the MSFC was held on January 22, 2023, and a total of 86 delegates from various organizations and Mon ethnic people attended the conference.

4. The major in charge of the Yangon Region’s interrogation and a sergeant, who investigated and arrested UG revolutionary comrades, were shot and killed

The commanding officer and a sergeant of the Yangon Region interrogation centre, which is infamous for investigating, arresting, and torturing revolutionary forces and anti-junta activists, were shot dead by local defence forces on the Yangon-Mandalay highway on Sunday.

The Bago Region PDF, the Bago Division Sub-Military Command of the Southern Military Command under the Ministry of Defence, the National Unity Government, released a statement on January 23 regarding the shooting and killing of Maj. Than Htut, who is in charge of the Yangon Region interrogation, and Sergeant Myint Aung, and the confiscation of weapons.

“On January 22, at about 1:45 p.m., near Milepost 161 of the Yangon-Mandalay Expressway, the joint force of Squadron-3 and Squadron-6 of the Taungoo District Battalion-3501 shot and arrested Yangon Region Interrogation Officer Maj. Than Htut (Lt. Col. (Acting)) and Sergeant Myint Aung, who were investigating and arresting revolutionary comrades,” Bago Region PDF said in the statement.

Bago Region PDF said that Maj. Than Htut, the commander of No. 1 Military Security Affairs Auxiliary Force, and his colleague Sergeant Myint Aung investigated the news chain of the UGs and were making arrests under the guise of arm traders.

According to the statement, the defence forces ambushed the vehicle the two were travelling in after receiving information from the Yangon UG Association (YUA). When the comrades of the defence forces stopped the vehicle when they arrived near Milepost 161 and tried to arrest them, the two resisted with weapons they had prepared, and therefore the comrades opened fire to arrest them. As a result, the two died at the place.

The items seized include two 9mm pistols, twelve rounds of ammunition, a vehicle license, and some documents, and the defence forces burned and destroyed the vehicle, the Bago Region PDF said.

When the other two people who accompanied Maj. Than Htut were brought in for investigation, they tried to steal the weapons and escape, so they were said to have been shot and killed by the defence forces.

5. The junta troops that spent the night in Gone Hnying Sho Village in Koe Taung Boet region, Kanbalu Township, burned down Gone Hnying Sho Village this morning

On January 23, the Kawlin Revolution (KR) team reported that the junta troops torched Gone Hnying Sho Village this morning, as follows:

“The military council troops that spent the night in Gone Hnying Sho Village in Koe Taung Boet region, Kanbalu Township, started to burn down Gone Hnying Sho Village at around 6:30 a.m. this morning.”

It is stated that the military column that burned down Gone Hnying Sho Village consisted of about 50 troops. It is also reported that another military column was setting fire to Pein Hne Kone Village in Wuntho Township at about 6:20 a.m. this morning.

6. The junta troops from Khin-U Township were hit by landmines in two locations this morning

On January 23, the Khin-U Dog Killers (KDK) group said that the junta troops that were marching in Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division, were hit by landmines in two locations this morning, as follows:

“At around 7:50 a.m. on January 23, about 30 military council troops who came out of Ywa Thit Kone Village were ambushed near a chicken coop on the south side of the railway line, and they were hit by a landmine. Another squad of the military council troops who came out of Man Kyee Taw Village was also hit by a landmine near Pyi Taw Village.”

The military council is no longer able to control and rule Sagaing Division but is instead burning villages and targeting civilians on a daily basis.

7. The terrorist military deployed columns to the villages of Ye-U, Depayin and Wetlet Townships

According to local residents, the terrorist military deployed columns to the villages of Ye-U, Depayin and Wetlet Townships.

“On January 23, at about 7:00 a.m., the terrorist military column that came out of Ye-U town in three groups is reported to be heading towards Pyi Taw Village, to the south of Ywa Thar Lay Village. The estimated strength of the groups is over 100, but the exact strength is not yet known. The residents of the villages on the east side of Depayin Township and the villages south of Ye-U Township are warned to stay alert since the columns may continue,” the Depayin Refugee Support Group said.

Similarly, at around 7:00 a.m. this morning, the military council troops stationed at Hla Taw Village, Wetlet Township, are heading east with about 60 troops, and the residents of Pin Zin, Man Kyee Ton, and Tike Kone Villages were warned to be on high alert, according to local news sources in Wetlet.

8. WHO Myanmar announced that 10 million people—displaced, stateless, and crisis-affected—are in need of health care assistance

WHO Myanmar released a statement on the crisis-affected people as follows:

“The escalating conflict is impacting physical, mental, and social wellbeing of millions of people across Myanmar. According to the latest Humanitarian Needs Overview 2023, 10 million people displaced, returnees, stateless and crisis-affected are in need of health assistance, with 52% of them women and girls, 32% of children aged under 18 years old.”

The statement also stated that WHO and its health partners will continue to respond to humanitarian emergencies in 2023, including primary health care, emergency care, and mental health and psychological supports, meeting the health needs of the vulnerable people in Myanmar.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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