Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Dec 05

1. Meeting with the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Groups of the Special Administrative Region

On December 4, the Interim Local Administration Central Committee of the National Unity Government and Public Administration Groups of the Special Administrative Region held a meeting (37/2022). U Thein Oo, Minister of Justice for the National Unity Government (NUG) and member of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, gave opening remarks at the meeting.

Following that, departments clarified activities within the special administrative region, such as finance, electricity, communication, tax collection, defense, health, education, and judiciary, as well as natural resources and environmental conservation. In addition, the special administrative region’s Public Administration Groups discussed the challenges they face on the ground and what they want to know. After that, Union Minister of Education Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, a secretary member of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, delivered the meeting’s closing remarks. The meeting was attended by leaders of the special administrative region’s public administration groups, members and union ministers from relevant ministries, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, directors general, and directors.

2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun says all people, including people with disabilities, are suffering from the terrorist military council’s human rights violations

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said that all people, including people with disabilities, are suffering from the terrorist military council’s human rights violations. U Kyaw Moe Tun, representative of Myanmar to the UN, stated this at a disabled ceremony in December.

“The rights of people with disabilities were protected to some extent during Myanmar’s civilian government, but now the entire public, including people with disabilities, is subjected to human rights violations by the terrorist military council,” he said. People with disabilities are currently among the more than 2,000 people killed by the terrorist army.

3. Deputy Minister Maw Tun Aung urged the public to stand in solidarity with those who are imprisoned

Deputy Minister Maw Tun Aung urged the public to stand in solidarity with those who are imprisoned. Deputy Minister Maw Tun Aung stated in December regarding young revolutionaries. “Stand together with those who are imprisoned,” the deputy minister said. From the coup in 2021 to December 2, 2022, a total of 13,040 people were arrested, with 1,680 of them sentenced to prison. The military council forces are still carrying out violent arrests and killings by entering the homes of those they want.

4. The National Unity Government stated that the killing of a young woman from Tamu city accused of spying is unacceptable

U Kyaw Zaw, the spokesperson of the NUG President’s Office, said that the killing of a young woman from Tamu city accused of spying is unacceptable. U Kyaw Zaw said to one news agency in December. “This offence is unacceptable. The Ministry of Defense is investigating immediately. We must investigate whether they are soldiers from the NUG’s 4th P.D.F battalion, as stated in the video. We must take action to preserve those people. We will take legal action,” he said. The video of the young woman being handcuffed, beaten, and shot to death by People Defense Force youths somewhere on Tamu’s main road went viral on social media.

5.  Those who purchased bonds in December will receive a postcard with a thank-you message from the chairman of the Pa’O National Federal Council (PNFC)

According to the report, those who purchased bonds in December will receive a postcard with a thank-you message from the chairman of the Pa’O National Federal Council (PNFC). The United Bond informed the news on December 4. “Those who purchased bonds in December will receive a commemorative postcard signed by the president of the Pa’O National Federal Council (PNFC) on behalf of the Pa-O ethnic groups who are fighting together against the terrorist military council,” the Unite Bond said. The proceeds from the sale of treasury bonds are distributed to the National Unity Government and other ethnic revolutionary forces fighting for independence from the military dictatorship.

6. Revolutionary family members from Berlin sold Burmese traditional food and sought funding for the revolution

At a traditional German Christmas market in Berlin, revolutionary family members from Berlin sold Burmese traditional food and sought funding for the revolution. According to the report, on the weekend of December 3 and 4, from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM, revolutionary families sold Burmese traditional food at a traditional German Christmas market in Berlin and sought funding support for the revolution.

Ma Theingi Lwin said the following about the festival:

The sale of Burmese traditional foods was organized in collaboration with the spring revolution families from Myanmar who arrived in Germany. Furthermore, on December 4, the Frankfort housewives’ program “Eat Much and Donate More” was held at the Bagan Sushi shop.

7. More than 300 Chin ethnic people were killed in the aftermath of the military coup, including two infants

It is reported that more than 300 Chin ethnic people were killed in the aftermath of the military coup, including two infants. According to the Institute of Chin Affairs, 355 Chin ethnic people were killed and over 90,000 people fled the war after the military coup. According to the statement issued on December 2, 167 of the 355 people killed were innocent people, including 19 boys and 5 girls under the age of 18, for a total of 24, and two infants. Among those who died were 186 members of the People’s Defense Forces and four dhamma executive bishops. 

8. There are over 1.4 million displaced people across Myanmar

According to the report, there are over 1.4 million displaced people across Myanmar. The UN OCHA Myanmar informed the news in December. “More than 1.4 million people have been displaced across Myanmar, and tight security and access restrictions, as well as threats to aid workers, continue to obstruct humanitarian aid operations,” they said. Currently, the military council troops are using excessive force in the areas of Sagaing, Magway, Karenni, and Chin State. 

9. Two military council soldiers were killed when a remote-controlled mine detonated near the railway crossing

Two military council soldiers were killed when a remote-controlled mine detonated near the railway crossing at the top of Medek Pagoda Road in Yaytarshey city. On December 4, the local revolutionary forces confirmed the military news. The mission’s equipment and soldiers were organized by the Taungoo district’s 4th division of the 350 (battalion 1), and a soldier from the Daung Prince’s Army also participated

10. The People’s Defense Forces -Demoso (DMO-Local PDF) has launched an “Emergency Bullet Campaign”

The People’s Defense Forces-Demoso (DMO-Local PDF) have started an “Emergency Bullet Campaign” with no deadline. The DMO-Local PDF informed about the campaign on December 4. There have been heavy battles in Demoso township, Karenni State, and the terrorist military council is utilizing massive weapons, including airstrikes. “The DMO-Local PDF will conduct an “Emergency Bullet Campaign” with no deadline because it is unknown how long the battles will last as emergency bullets are also required,” they said.

For those who want to contribute:

16 (1 cartridge) = 3,700 ks

AK (1 cartridge) = 6,500 ks

Sniper 308 (1 cartridge) = 15,000 ks

Sniper 338 (1 cartridge) = 120,000 ks

79 fruit (1 Nos) = 180,000 ks

60 ma (1 Nos) = 300,000 ks

RPG7 (1 Nos) = 700,000 ks

11. Thousands of local residents fled the war after military council troops burned down Namyar and Yinkyin villages

Thousands of local residents fled the war after military council troops burned down Namyar and Yinkyin villages in Tabayin township. The Tabayin revolutionary force confirmed that on December 4. “Thousands of local residents still fled the war after military council troops burned down Namyar and Yinkyin villages in Tabayin township,” said the Tabayin revolutionary forces. Currently, the Tabayin township war evacuee support group has been providing emergency food assistance to the war refugees and they are in need of emergency assistance.

  1. Meeting with the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee and Public Administration Groups of the Special Administrative Region
  2. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun says all people, including people with disabilities, are suffering from the terrorist military council’s human rights violations
  3. Deputy Minister Maw Tun Aung urged the public to stand in solidarity with those who are imprisoned
  4. The National Unity Government stated that the killing of a young woman from Tamu city accused of spying is unacceptable
  5. Those who purchased bonds in December will receive a postcard with a thank-you message from the chairman of the Pa’O National Federal Council (PNFC)
  6. Revolutionary family members from Berlin sold Burmese traditional food and sought funding for the revolution
  7. More than 300 Chin ethnic people were killed in the aftermath of the military coup, including two infants
  8. There are over 1.4 million displaced people across Myanmar
  9. Two military council soldiers were killed when a remote-controlled mine detonated near the railway crossing
  10. The People’s Defense Forces -Demoso (DMO-Local PDF) has launched an “Emergency Bullet Campaign”
  11. Thousands of local residents fled the war after military council troops burned down Namyar and Yinkyin villages

Credit to #RadioNUG


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